eleven | "feelings are hard"

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Jaden left Noen's and Chase's house, thinking about the words that were changed. Noen was right, he had to talk to someone. He didn't want to talk to Colson just yet because... Well, they haven't talked since the exchange.

He didn't know if that was going to be a one-time thing, or something more. He couldn't bring it up to Bryce or Josh, because they wouldn't understand. Nessa and Cooper would understand but he would tell them after.

He found a pizza place, he wanted pasta. He got taken out and drove back to the apartment. Going inside quickly and grabbing a drink, Jaden jogged up the steps and walked to his room. He sat down at his desk and opened his computer.

He went over to the face time icon and pulled the call log. He clicked on their name and it rang.

And rang.

On the third ring, the person picked up.

"Hey Xan," Jaden smiled, seeing their face.

They smiled back, "Long time no call bud," they joked.

"I know, I think we both have been busy."

They nodded, "Yeah true."

Jaden bit his lip, "So—I have a question," he spat quickly.

"Go ahead."

Jaden took a deep breath and thought his words out, "So I met this guy, on set for my music video. And he and I sorta hooked up. By that I mean we sucked each other off," he blushed, from embarrassment.

Xan's eyes widen, "You're gay?" They stated, very shocked.

Jaden shook his head," No? Maybe, I'm not sure."

Xan nodded, "Okay, that's alright to not know. Not to sound rude, but why did you call?" They asked.

"Thy leads me to my second thing. I talked with my other friend, Noen, and he said I should talk about this with someone. Just so I don't keep it all bottled up," Jaden explained.

Xan nodded, "Yeah I get that," they looked around the room, "I can give you my input if you want," they offered.


"Alright, so if you two are just strictly hooking up, I would cut that off. It's not good to have something like that going on, especially when you are trying to figure yourself out. That was one of my biggest mistakes, it really hurt me. And second, I assume you are trying to figure out labels and all, don't worry about that. There are many labels, and for someone like you, it can be very overwhelming. Just start with the basic labels, like Bi, Pan, and Gay. If any of those don't feel right to you. Please look them up first. Look for more. In my personal experience, I used to say I was Bi. But then when my gender came into play I didn't like that. But that's another story. The more I thought about it, the more I didn't like the label. So I started looking for others to see if anything fit. Eventually, I found the label that I liked and have used that. It's a lot of trial and error," they went on to explain.

Jaden nodded, soaking all the information in like a sponge, "Got it, Noen told me the same thing sorta. He said there were many labels and I had to find one that I liked," Xan nodded in agreement to Noen's words that Jaden was paraphrasing.

"Aye, Xan—oh shit sorry," Jaden heard a male voice say.

"Nah Nah it's cool, it's just my friend. Jaden this is Ryder. Ryder this is Jaden," Xan introduced the two.

"Is he your..."

"Boyfriend?" Xan finished the sentence.

Jaden nodded sheepishly.

Xan smiled looking at Ryder, "Yeah."

Jaden's face lit up, "Since when?" He asked.

Xan looked at Ryder, "Since a month ago," they smiled.

"I'm happy for you," Jaden responded sweetly.

Xan nodded, "Thanks Jae," Ryder nodded as well. Jaden looked at him, he was good-looking. He wasn't Colson but Jaden would suck him off—

Wait—he would what now? Jaden tried to get the thoughts out of his head, becoming a blushing mess.

"Alright, Jae I gotta go. Call again soon?" They raised their brow.

"Yeah, definitely. Nessa and Cooper miss you," he said.

"I miss them too," they smiled, remembering the two chaotic friends. They hung up and Jaden looked at his food sitting on the desk. He grabbed it and turned his tv on, turning on something to watch while eating.

"You can do this," he mumbled to himself taking a bite.



this was low-key shitty. but i needed something out.

anyways, i have a new book in the works?!??&? will be dropping soon.

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