twenty-two | "you make me want to cry"

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🎸 # [ ROCKSTAR ]

Everything on the surface looks pretty, but deep down everything is a mess. Jaden had to learn this hard way, many times. He thought it could never happen again, but every time he was proven wrong.

"Colson are you being serious?!" He roared. He and Colson were outside the studio, after a session, fighting.

"I'm sorry, but I have to go see her," he threw his hands up in defense.

Jaden sighed, "Fine go back to you're whore," he spat. He didn't wait for an answer, he couldn't care for anything. He just left for his car. He sped out of the parking lot, leaving a sad Colson behind.

On the drive back he played, "Devil Doesn't Bargain," by Alec Benjamin.

He let all the angry strain go and started crying.

"How could I be so dumb?" He sobbed out loud. He felt so shattered. He was lied to, by someone who of all people would be the last one to do something like this.

It had been three weeks since the ex's shown up and then left. Jaden thought they were doing okay, they had been hanging out and chilling together. He had no clue that Colson was hanging out with Megan again.

And there was a chance she was pregnant this time. That sent him over the edge. Jaden felt stupid for thinking Colson was only his, even though they hadn't made anything official, he thought there was a mutual understanding between them.

His grip on the wheel tightened as he pulled back into the driveway he left earlier. He knew his eyes were red and puffy, and he knew he was going to have to explain to Josh about his eyes. If he was even home.

He parked his car and got out, wiping his eyes one last time. He didn't see Joshes car but Bryce could have borrowed it. He walked in and it was Bryce that was on the couch.

"Hey Jae," he said, not turning around.

"How did you know it was me?" He asked, feeling a little creeped out.

"Well Josh just left so it had to be you, or someone was coming to kill me. But the latter seemed a little too low of a chance," he explained.

Jaden laughed, "Oh."

Bryce finally turned around he saw his little brother's red eyes and the puffiness of them. "What happened?" He asked.

Jaden gulped, "Just got a little sad on the drive back," he leid. There was a reason why he was sad, and Bryce could see that.

"Come sit."

Jaden walked over to him and sat down on the couch. He turned to face Bryce, who gave him a sad smile.

"Tell me what's wrong Jae. I know I'm not Josh, so I'm kinda shitty about this shit, but I can try," he rubbed Jaden's shoulder.

Jaden nodded, "So I was at the studio and I was with Colson. Then he got a call from his ex, Megan, she was saying she was pregnant and that he was the father. I got upset and stormed out," he said.

"Why would you be upset?"

"Because Colson and I have, or like had a thing going on. I have no clue where we stood. And the thing is he said he would stop seeing her, but there could be a possibility that he saw her a few days ago. Because he normally tells me what he's doing but last week he was all secretive about what he was doing. But I saw on the internet pics of them together. So I've been spiraling," he rushed out.

Bryce took all the information in, he was getting a little mad at Colson. "Fuck him," he said, bluntly. "I think she could be bullshitting the baby thing, or it could have happened before they called it off. Either way, I'm not making an excuse for him, but I can kinda see where he's coming from. I mean, he didn't have to tell you where he was. But if there was any time that he saw her, he should have told you. I've made mistakes like that and now it's hard to get dates. What I'm saying is, well I don't really know. Like I said I'm shit at this," he laughed.

Jaden smiled, "I understand what you're saying though. I think I might call Xan and see what they have to say," he got up.

Bryce nodded, "Yeah they might be a better help," he winced. Jaden nodded and went upstairs. He lied, he wasn't going to call Xan, or at least not yet, he needed to express himself.

He got to his room, and changed, then sat at his desk with his notebook. He twirled his pen in his fingers trying to put his emotions into words.

My heart shatters.
Tears spill.
You make me want to cry.
It's the calm before the storm.
It's you before me.
When will I be the priority?

He enjoyed writing poetry since most of it was the basics of songwriting. He loved writing his emotions out on paper and not having them included in his head. As he wrote the last line he felt tears prick the rim of his eyes. He wiped them, but it couldn't stop them from spilling. Tears streamed down his face, he shut his book and flopped into his bed. He clutched a pillow, it was a gift from his friends.

He cried, and cried. He couldn't stop, all his feelings were just spilling out.

"You are making me cry," he mumbled.

🎸 # [ ROCKSTAR ]


the poem is a micro poem written by me!! specifically for this chapter!!

anyways, i trying to update a ton before i leave for my trip where i won't have time to write bc the flights and then i'll be adjusting to time zones. i also am starting to plan a new book. i haven't thought of a plot for it yet but soon!

anyways, i hope you enjoyed the chapter, and i hope it didn't tug on your heart strings too much.  </3

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