*twenty four | a second chance

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🎸 # [ ROCKSTAR ]

Jaden sighed, he opened his mouth and Colson's stomach dropped.

"Look, I get that you have a public image to hold up. And I may not know how crazy Megan truly is, but I don't think she would have ever outed you like that. I'm not happy you made the choice you did, without even considering my feelings. I don't even know if they matter to you anymore, or even if they ever did. I'm not going to belittle you for wanting to be a good father, I will never do that, but I am going to fault you for being a fucking asshole. You just let me leave and didn't even try to explain shit beforehand. I admit I was wrong for leaving and not giving you time, but you could've sent a text, or called. I'm sure you had time to. I spent hours crying, and thinking I was wrong, and that I did something to make you choose that option. I'm sorry, but you're the fucking dick here," he pushed himself away from Colson.

Colson felt like shit, he was and still is the asshole. He knew he was wrong for not even attempting anything to keep Jaden. He felt bad that he caused his baby so much pain, he hated that he wasn't his baby.

"I know I am, and I'm going to change. I promise," he whispered.

Jaden looked at him, hope in his eyes, "Promise?" He asked like he didn't believe what Colson was saying.

"I promise baby, I promise," he whispered, letting a few tears spill. Jaden smiled and pulled him into a hug.

"You can start by taking me out on a formal date soon," Jaden teased.

Colson looked up at him, "So I'm getting a second chance?"

Jaden nodded, "Yes that's what I'm saying," he smiled. he felt Colson snake his arms around him and squeezed him tighter.

"Thank you," he said. Jaden patted his head and laughed a little. As the silence fell upon them the door opened and Bryce walked out.

"Look I'm leaving, probably won't be back till tomorrow. Josh said he won't be back tomorrow as well," he shut the door.

Jaden nodded, "Okay. Kells and I are going to chill here then," he stated.

"Be safe," Bryce said with a wink. Colson didn't see him wink but he knew he did.

"I always am," Colson mumbled. Bryce snorted and bid them both goodbye.

Colson peeled his head up from Jaden's neck and looked him in the eye, "How about we order food, find a movie and stay in your room?" He offered.

"Sounds great, but you pay for the food," Jaden pointed.

Colson chuckled, "Sure thing pumpkin," he placed a chaste kiss on Jaden's lips. They got up from the steps and walked inside the cooler house. It was a bit hot outside since it was the middle of spring about to be summer.

Jaden went upstairs to situate his room while Colson sat at the breakfast table ordering something Jaden would like.

"Food has been ordered," Colson told Jaden as he walked into the kitchen.

"You are an..."

"Amazing person?

"No, I was going to say an asshole, but a good one," Jaden laughed.

Colson threw his hands up in defense while laughing, "That's... deserved," he agreed. He and Jaden went back and forth with small banter, it was just pointless small talk shit.

The food came, and Colson was forced to go to the door and grab it, and they went upstairs. Jaden had changed his LEDS to blue, he had the ac on full blast, it was a nice setup.

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