twenty-three | she means nothing to me

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🎸 # [ ROCKSTAR ]

Colson sighed, he knew he was wrong, but he wouldn't admit that to himself. He put his phone back in his pocket and walked to his car. He shouldn't have answered the call, nor had he should've accepted the invite to the doctor. He wasn't sure it was hit, but he knew there was a possibility.

He put the address into the GPS and left the studio parking lot. The only thing that clouded his mind was Jaden. He could see the face of hurt and sadness flash through his mind. He bit back the tears that were forming, but let a little of them slip.

He loosened his grip on the wheel and turned the corner. He saw the doctor's office and Megan's car. He let out one last sigh and parked next to hers.

"Shit," he mumbled, getting out of the car. He looked at his phone as he walked in, but nothing. He wasn't even sure what he wanted to see.

As he was about to open the door he was stopped by the paparazzi.

"Hey, MGK," the person spoke.

"Hey man," Colson looked up.

"So there's a rumor that Megan is pregnant and you're the father, is that true?"

Colson shrugged, "Might be true, might not be mine though. We haven't been together recently," he said.

"Oh damn, do you think it's yours?"

"Probably not, but like I guess I'll find out," he said, and then walked in, ending the conversation.

He saw Megan sitting in a chair reading a book, he walked over and sat next to her.

"You showed up," he heard. Neither one made eye contact with the other; didn't even try.

"Told you I would, but once we find out if it's not mine, I'm dipping," he explained.

"And what if it is yours?" She finally turned to him.

"Then I will raise it, we can share the kid or I can just take them. Whatever works for you," he still hadn't looked at her.

"I want us to raise it together, and I want you to cut ties with that Jaden kid," the last words made his blood boil.

He finally looked at her, "You'd be crazy to think I would ever raise the kid with you, I will co-parent. Like I do with Casie, but I will not be with you just to raise the kid. As for Jaden, that is my thing to handle, you will shut up about him," he gritted.


"Megan Fox?" A nurse called out.

Megan stopped talking and stood up, motioning for Colson to follow. As they approached the nurse she stopped Colson, "Are you the father?" She asked.

"I hope not," he said. The nurse cocked her brow, she was aware of who they were, she's seen them here before, with different people. That wasn't her business to tell.

The appointment went by agonizingly slow, Colson was just about to walk out. There would be a few more weeks till they could have a test done, to see if he was the father.

"Wanna go get food?" She asked as soon as they left.

He shook his head, "No, I have something to take care of," he said.

"If it's about Jaden, don't," she placed her hand on his tricep.

He pulled away, "I am a grown man, I can make my own choices, and right now he is a better choice than you. He always has been, and you don't get to think for a second that you can determine who is good for me and who isn't. So please Megan, drop the problem you have with him," he said, harshly.

Megan looked distraught, "Col-"

"You don't mean anything to me, Megan, not anymore. So let's just leave it here, once you take the test to see if the kid is mine, then we can talk but till then, just leave me alone," he walked away not letting her get another word in.

He felt satisfied, but he would have felt better if Jaden was there to hear it. He cared for him, and he wanted him, more than anything. But he just didn't know how to communicate it, it made him scared.

He never wanted to hurt Jaden, but if the kid is his, he wants to be there for the kid. He needed to talk to Jaden, but he was well aware that Jaden would not and probably never want to talk to Colson again.

Colson got into his car and sat in there. he tried to think of what he could do, and the only thing he could think of was going to see him.

He decided to make the long drive to Jaden's place, very aware that he won't be welcomed there.

He gets there within an hour and a half, and for cigarettes later. He taps on the wheel and whispers a small "Dear God," before going to the door.

He shakes his hands and knocks on the door, nervousness racking through his body.

The door opens and the 6'4 blonde looks up from the ground, "Bryce?" He saw an unfamiliar person standing there, he's seen Josh before and of course, he knows what Jaden looks like.

"Yeah, and you're that asshole that made my little brother cry arent you?" Bryce laughed, but you could tell he was serious.

Colson winced, "So he's told you?" He asked.

Bryce nodded, "Yeah, but he spoke so nicely of you, so I'm not being a total dick. So what are you doing here?"

"I came to ta--apologies to Jaden, and then to talk," he played with his fingers.

"You want to come in?" Bryce asked.

Colson shook his head, "I'd rather talk to him out here," he said.

Bryce nodded, "I'll get him." He shut the door and Colson let out a breath, he felt refreshed. That went a little more satisfactory than he thought it would.

A few minutes went by and the door opened, "Hey," he looked back and saw Jaden. He looked worse than Colson would like to admit ti.

"Hey," Colson gave a tight-lipped smile. He sat down on the steps and patted the spot next to him, "We have a lot to talk about," Jaden took the spot next to him.

"You do, I don't. So get talking," Jaden said harshly.

Colson hated the way he sounded, but it was well deserved.

"Yeah I do," he sighed, "I'm sorry, let's start there. I shouldn't have left the way I did. I don't even know if the kid is mine, but if it is just know I'm going to take care of them. I know I pissed you off, and you have every right to be. But you need to see this from my perspective if word gets out this kid is mine and I don't take care of it, people are going to hate me more than they already do. I don't think there's much I can say here, because I don't know what to say. But know I'm trying, I'm really trying. I feel bad that I hurt you, and I wish I had never taken that call. I miss you Jaden, and I want us to be back together or whatever we were before," he looked at him in the eyes.

Jaden sighed, he opened his mouth and Colson's stomach dropped...

🎸 # [ ROCKSTAR ]


hahaha gave Y'all a cliffhanger, but you'll probably get the chapter tomorrow, probably or like later today.

(i wrote this last night)

anyways, I hope you liked this chapter, i actually did. also, i need to say i don't hate Megan i just needed a villain in this.

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