Heart to Heart | Bonus Chapter.

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[August- New Jersey- Office of Cameron Woods; Brian Campbell + Cami Campbell & Mario Brooks pictured above.]

"Oh absolutely fucking not," Huffing and puffing under his breath, Cameron grabbed the mask left on his desk while he stepped out to grab a drink- while managing to rip off the mask that was already on his face at the same time with much attitude. "I'm not wearing both of these, Natalie!"

A confused 'brow in the air, Natalie appeared at the door, her thumbs clicking away at her phone keyboard. "Why are you screaming at me, Cam Bam?"

"Stop calling me that," The man uttered out with a frustrated groan, plopping down in his desk chair. "I'm not wearing a mask over my eyes and over my nose and mouth too, Natalie. Also, can you tell me why Eileen's chart is in this pile?"

"Excuse me," Natalie pushed out a dramatic breath, stepping forward to snatch the masks out of his hands and shake them angrily like he had been. "Your wife told me to leave that mask there. And said to check to make sure you're wearing that N95 too. So, talk to her."

Clicking his tongue against his cheek, Cameron mentally rolled his eyes at the realization that Natalie was right. Ever since the bomb that was Covid-19 dropped, his wife Devin- now a part time stay at home with their kids Javon (17), Cassie (9) and their twin sons Cameron Jr & Cevin (6)- she did not play about wearing masks. She always claimed she saw what it could do to people due to the business of her Private Sales in Investment Banking position going completely downhill in the last 2 years and for that, she always said the pandemic was something serious.

And Cameron, not one to argue with his wife- didn't disagree with the cautionary steps enforced to care for yourself and those around you. He washed his hands, kept his distance in public and enjoyed being incognito already before the pandemic took over, but when his wife started telling him to wear both his surgical mask with his masquerade one at the same time- one could see why he had his attitude.

Now that the mandate was lifted in New Jersey, the man just wanted to breathe and get back to his normal, but Devin insisted they all continue wearing their masks. Typically, he would take the mask and jam it in the drawer of his desk without a fight and her knowledge, but forgot to do so with her daily supply this morning as he had left it at home right on the table. Therefore, the reason behind Natalie being on his case and working his nerves fresh from his 15 minute break. Taking a breath to release his stress, Natalie kept the commentary coming and fueled him with her opinion.

"Which I see you haven't done already. I know how Devin hates when you dress yourself," Natalie shrugged her shoulders before crossing them, following with her glance falling down towards Cameron's feet and a giggle ensuing from her lips as the lightbulb went off inside her head. Before the man could even process, he felt the insult sting his heart but knowing she was right again. Devin always chose her husband's attire for the day, but today was already out and about running a million errands when Cameron got ready for work himself. He pouted then, hearing Nat stop laughing while wiping her face of any escaped tears. "You look a mess."

"I do not," Cameron barked back with that same attitude, pulling his vibrating cell phone from his pocket. "I thought you guys liked the sunglasses."

"I'm talking about that shirt and those shoes. And the hat? Cameron my goodness, who cares about the damn sunglasses when that is the outfit?"

"What?" Cameron's face fell. "What's wrong with this outfit?"

Shaking her head, Natalie pointed at the iPhone in his hands and chose to change the subject. "Who is that?"

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