Chapter 201: Glowing

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"Okay, so I only have two interviews today. Are you gonna be okay here, or-"
"Jake, I'll be fine." I laughed. "I can be by myself." He smirked back, his cheeks getting red.
"I know you can be, I just.. I'd rather you.. weren't." He shrugged. I leaned in, gently kissing his cheek.
"I'll be fine. I'm.. kind of tired anyway. I'll probably just take a nap before the show so.. I'll barely even know you're gone." He nodded, his smile growing.

"Alright.." He sighed, holding his stare on me. "But.. if you need anything, please just-"
"Jake, I'll be fine." I laughed, rolling my eyes, pulling him into another kiss.
"I just need you to know that.. I'm always here. Whenever you need me."
"And I know that. But you have things to do, and that's fine."
"Okay, but-"
"Jake, I love you, but go." I giggled, kissing him again. His smile grew into a wide grin. He hesitated for a moment before reaching over for the onesies in my hand, holding them up in front of him.

"I can't wait until we get to use these." He beamed. He was so adorable. Before the day we anxiously awaited the results of that first pregnancy test, never in a million years would I ever have imagined him being like this, and I couldn't be happier.

"Me too." I sighed, wrapping my arms around him, leaning my head against his chest. He leaned down, kissing the top of my head before placing the onesies on the couch and making his way off the bus. I watched him from the window as he quickly passed by the fans, heading into the venue.

I picked up the blue onesie, realizing just how tiny it really was. It was incredible that something could even be so small. I couldn't help but smile, imagining what it would be like to hold such a tiny baby. And it would be all mine. All Ours.

I jumped at the sound of the door opening, quickly placing it back down on the couch. As I looked over, I was met with Sam, who's eyes instantly shot over to the onesies.

"Hey.." I managed. "Where have you been?" He shrugged.
"Here and there.." He said nonchalantly. I nodded, deciding not to push it.
"You.. you wanted.. to talk before?" I asked. He bit down on his lip, his cheeks burning.
"Yeah.." He sighed, holding his stare on me. "So.. you're pregnant." He finally said. My stomach dropped.

"Yeah." I said softly, giving him a gentle smile. "I'm.. I'm really sorry that was how you found out. That's.. that's not what I wanted." He nodded, staying quiet. I felt my heart beating faster the longer he stared.
"How are you feeling?" He finally asked. I sighed, my smile growing.
"I'm okay today. Usually tired but.. today's been alright." He nodded, peeking back over at the onesies again.
"Already shopping?" I nodded, feeling my face get hot.
"Pink.. and blue?" He asked. I shrugged.
"Jake wants a girl, but.. I want a boy." I said, trying to contain my smile. He nodded.

"Do you.. I mean, I.. I was gonna.. are you hungry?" He asked, finally giving me a subtle smile.
"I.. I could eat." I laughed, holding my stare on him. Maybe this wouldn't be so bad. Because after everything, all I really wanted was for us to at least be friends again. Deep down I knew there was no going back to how things were, but.. maybe they could still be okay.

"What are you in the mood for?" He asked, going into the cabinets. "My options are pretty limited, but.. I can get creative." He giggled to himself. I went over to look but he shook his head.
"No, no. You go sit. I got it." He said sweetly, flashing me a wide grin. My cheeks burned as I went over, sitting down at the table.

"So.." He said, continuing to rummage. "We have.. mac and cheese or.. instant mashed potatoes." He laughed, peeking back at me. "Can you have either of those?" I stopped for a minute, still not entirely sure of what I could have.
"I.. I think mac and cheeses is fine." I said. He nodded, pouring a box into a small pot. It was so funny seeing anyone attempt to cook in this kitchen setup. It was barely a kitchen, so I'd be impressed if he could even make mac and cheese.

When he finished cooking, he carried the two bowls over to the table, sliding into the seat across from me.
"If it's bad, just lie to me." He laughed, staring back at me with an excited smile. I nodded.
"I'll be sure to." I said, taking a bite. It was delicious.
"Well.. I am impressed." I sighed. He peeked up at me, his cheeks burning.
"It is pretty good." He laughed. "I wasn't expecting that."
"So.. is there anything else you're craving? I can make sure we have it if you w-"
"I'm okay, and.. if anything, I'm sure Jake could just.." I stopped, seeing his face drop. "Well, now that you mention it.." He peeked back up at me.

"What do you want?" He asked, his smile growing.
"I've been.. really craving oranges these past few days." I said. He gave me a questioning look.
"Oranges? That's different." I shrugged, nodding.
"And.. well, living on a bus we.. don't exactly have a lot of fruit here."
"Yeah.. yeah I can get you oranges." He laughed. I looked over at his phone on the table, seeing it ring. He quickly peeked over, ignoring it, flipping it upside down.

"Do you wanna go now?" He asked. "I think there's a grocery store not too far down the road. We can be back in time for the show. And.. we can pick up anything else you might want for the time being." I felt my cheeks burn. He was being.. so nice. What was going on? As badly as I wanted to question it.. I liked us finally being able to be civil with each other.

"Um.. y-yeah. We can go." I said. His smile grew as he motioned outside.
"Okay, um.. let me just.." I grabbed the onesies, quickly bringing them into the back room and followed him outside, stopping before we got to the van, instantly remembering what happened the last time we were in there together. I felt sick, my face now getting hot. He stopped before getting into the driver's seat, looking back at me.
"Hey, you okay?" He asked. I bit down on my lip, feeling my heart beat faster.

I wasn't sure if I was.

"You know, um.. I.. I'm actually.. I'm not feeling well. Maybe I should.. go lay down." His face dropped, holding his stare on me.
"Oh, y-yeah. Okay. I.. I could still run up and grab you a few things if you want?" He asked. I nodded.
"Y-yeah. Thank you." He gave me a subtle smile, hesitating before hopping into the van, shutting the door behind him. I watched as he drove off, pulling out of the parking lot. As I made my way back towards the bus, I noticed another car pulling up. I waited outside the door as they parked close to the bus, my heart jumping as the passenger door opened.

"Ronnie?!" I called out. She flashed me a wide grin as she ran over, wrapping me in a tight hug.
"Hey!" She yelled, spinning me around.
"What are you doing here?!" She finally put me down, peeking back at the car as her mom got out of the driver's side. They were both here?

"Jake called us and invited us out." She said. "Usually we just wait for the hometown shows but.. he insisted. Apparently he has some big news. We assumed just another award, and he's being dramatic. Do you know what it is?"

Then their mom came over, pulling me into another hug, looking me up and down when she backed away. I felt my heart start to beat faster, my cheeks burn bright red.

"Oh, we're so happy to see you!" She exclaimed, hesitating for a moment. "You are.. glowing."

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