Chapter 205: Have a Good Life

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When we got back to the bus, Jake parked the van, looking over at me before getting out.
"What if we don't tell them.." He said with a smirk. "What if.. we kept it a surprise?" I couldn't help but smile, shaking my head.

"If.. that's what you want to do.. I'll give you that.. since we're not finding out the gender." He bit down on his lip, trying to contain his smile.
"Okay.. I'll think about it." He laughed, opening his door, and making his way over to my side.

"Don't think I forgot about you." He said, opening my door and leaning in for a quick kiss. "I was just.. a little preoccupied before." I reached up, gently touching his cheek.
"I'll let it slide this time." I joked. "But.. now I'm carrying two babies so.. I may need some more help." He playfully rolled is eyes, taking my hand, and helping me out of the van.
"Just because you know I'd do anything for you.. doesn't mean you have to milk it." He laughed, wrapping his arm around me, leading me to the bus.

"We may have to be careful when you start showing though." He said quietly. "You're gonna be twice as big now, so they may notice."
"You really think they're gonna pay that much attention? You're the only one reading those pamphlets.. no one else knows as much as you." I laughed. He scrunched up his face, smirking back at me.

"Well, because of them I know that we only have about 5 more weeks until you do start showing so.. maybe start wearing some looser clothes now.. so they don't notice."
"You overthink things. No one's gonna know."
"My mom is definitely gonna know." He said. I nodded.
"Yeah, she will. But.. it'll be nice to have her to talk to. She went through it, and she can tell me all about you as a baby." He rolled his eyes, his cheeks burning red.

I reached over for his hand, intertwining our fingers.
"You were so cute." I said, looking up at him.
"Were?" He giggled.
"You will always be the cutest boy I've ever seen." I sighed. His smile grew into a wide grin as he leaned over, kissing my cheek, before reaching out for the bus door, guiding us up the stairs.

Sam instantly looked over from the table as we made our way in.
"How'd everything go?" He asked, looking at me specifically. I felt my cheeks burn.
"Everything's good." I said cheerfully, looking over to see a freshly stocked bowl of oranges on the counter. I couldn't help but smile, knowing he must've went out to get more.
"Good." He said softly, bringing his attention back to his phone. Jake held on tight to my hand as he lead us to the back room, shutting the door behind us.

I plopped down on the bed, staring back up at him as he went over to his end table, picking up the onesies.
"Well.. I guess we're gonna wind up using both of these." He laughed, gently folding them up, and placing them into the drawer.
"Hey, where have you been putting the ultrasounds?" I asked, moving closer to him. He smiled, reaching back into the drawer, pulling out a tiny photo album.

"So, I started this.." He said, handing it to me.
"You.. started an album?" I asked, opening it. My heart jumped.

An album.. of us.

"Jake.." I sighed, flipping through. Our first photo together, pieces of confetti, ticket stubs from specific shows, confetti, a piece of ribbon.. he saved everything.

"I love this picture of us." I said softly, looking at it closer. He nodded, sitting down next to me.
"Me too."
"And.. ticket stubs?"
"Yeah, so.. this one.. this one's from the first night of the first tour. The first time you watched me play, and this one's from the first night we kissed, and his one's from the night you told me you loved me." He said softly, his cheeks burning.

"What's this from?" I asked, pointing to the confetti.
"That's from New Year's Eve."

"And.. this?" I asked, pointing to the ribbon.
"This is from the Christmas gift you gave me, the necklace." I shook my head, a huge grin escaping my lips.

"I love you." I said, pulling him into a kiss. He reached up, gently holding my face in his hands, kissing me back.
"I love you more." He sighed. "All three of you." He then leaned down, gently kissing my stomach. I giggled to myself, brushing my fingers through his hair. He looked back up at me, pulling me into another passionate kiss. I reached up, wrapping my arms around his neck, kissing him back harder as he crawled over me.

"You know, you promised me another night alone with you.." I said, pulling him into another kiss. He leaned his forehead against mine, smiling back at me.
"I did, didn't I?" He smirked, his kisses moving from my lips to my cheek, down to my neck. I nodded, moving my hands down his chest, tugging on his shirt.
"How about this.." He sighed. "Tonight's the last night before we start the second leg. I promise, I'll do something special for you. You've been more than patient with me through all those interviews.. and I wanna do something for you." I bit down on my lip, feeling my heart beat faster. I nodded, pulling him into another kiss.

"So, who's opening for the second leg?" I asked, sitting back up. He shrugged.
"They haven't told us yet. But I think Josh said they'd be calling us tonight once they made up their mind. They were between two bands, so I guess it all comes down to their availability with our dates."
"Do you know which two?" He shook his head.
"No, they don' tell us. They don't want it to be biased."
"Well, I feel like you should at least have a say who's on your tour." He nodded.
"You'd think, right? But.. we'll see." He sighed, his smile growing. "At least what's her name will finally be out of here." He laughed. I nodded. I had spent most of the tour doing my best to avoid Charlotte, to the point where it was like she wasn't even here. It's been nice.

"Hey, what are you doing here?" We heard outside the door. Jake looked over at me confused, before getting up and going over, pressing his ear against it.
"Will you knock it off?" I whispered, tossing one of the pillows at him. "Stop being nosy." He shook his head, giggling to himself, placing his finger over his lips. I rolled my eyes, but eventually got up and went over, listening in closely.

"So just like that? That's it?" Someone said. It sounded like a girl.
"Sadie, I don't know what to tell you, the tour is over, you knew what this was. I never made this out to be anything that it wasn't." My stomach dropped. Sam.
"Yeah, but we-"
"Yeah, and it was fun but.. now.. it's over." He said simply. There was silence.
"Are you.. am I.. ever gonna hear from you again?" She asked. I could hear the tears forming as her voice began to crack. I peeked back up at Jake, now feeling guilty for listening in. His face dropped as he looked back over at me, and yet neither of us moved away from the door.

The silence should have told her everything she needed to know.

"Sadie.." He sighed.
"Whatever, Sam." She snapped. "I don't know what you think is going to happen between you two, but you can't keep screwing your feelings away. She's never going to want you. She's engaged! When are you gonna give it up, and see that there are people who.. care about you.. right in front of you.. but instead you just.. chase this girl who doesn't even give a shit!"

My heart dropped. Jake looked back at me, his eyes sad. He understood.

"Get out!" Sam yelled. "I'm sick and tired of people making me out to be a bad guy when I'm not. I never lied to you. I've always been upfront with you. You made up your own mind. You can't blame me for this. You don't know her like I know her. You're obsessed with her, but you don't know her. I love her, Sadie. And I am always going to love her. I'm sorry. We are what we are, but.. she's different. And I don't care what it takes. I.. I would do anything-"

"Well, I hope for your sake, you're not wasting your time." She finally said. "Goodbye, Sam. Have a good show, and.. have a good life. I hope you get what you want."

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