Chapter 229: Purpose

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"Can I push yet?" I groaned. Sara shook her head.
"Not quite yet, we've still got a little time. But once you're ready, it'll probably be pretty quick." She said. I looked over at Jake, who already appeared to have zoned out. I squeezed his hand.

"Are you okay?" I laughed. He snapped out of it, smiling back at me.
"I'm the least of your worries. Don't worry about me. I'm gonna be fine." He finally said.
"It's kind of hard not to worry about you with that look on your face." His cheeks burned as he leaned in, kissing my forehead.

"If.. if we have a while, can.. can you call my dad?" I asked. He nodded, instantly getting up.
"I'm not gonna miss anything right?" He asked. Sara flashed him a smile, shaking her head.
"Don't worry, you've got time." She said cheerfully. He nodded, looking back at me before going out into the hall. Sara waited a minute before turning back to me.

"So.. no one else knows you're married?" She said softly. I shook my head.
"We're.. we're gonna have an actual wedding next year but.. we just wanted.. one for us." She nodded.
"That's nice. I'm gonna be invited right?"
"Of course."

I groaned again, feeling another jolt of pain.
"Ugh.. are you sure not yet?"
"Oh, we're so close, any minute now. I'll go and get him." She said, heading for the door. Jake then rushed back in, sitting down next to me, grabbing my hand again.
"He said he's going to get here as soon as he can. Are you okay? Is it time?" I shook my head, squeezing tighter.
"I just want them to be here already." I sighed. Jake nodded, giggling to himself.
"I know, me too. But soon. We've only got a few more minutes of it just being us."

I couldn't help but smile. He was right. By the end of today, there was going to be two more of us, and I couldn't be more excited.

"Okay! It's time!" Sara called out, sitting back down in front of me. "Are you ready?" I was as ready as I was ever going to be. I nodded, squeezing Jake's hand as hard as I could.
"You're gonna be okay." He said. "I'm going to be right here the whole time."

Then I pushed.
And pushed, and pushed, and pushed for what felt like hours but I had lost all concept of time. It wasn't until I heard a very faint cry..
"There he is!" Sara called out. "A little boy!"

A boy.
I had a boy.
I wondered if I was right, and perhaps he was my little dancer.

"Wh-where is he going?" I asked as the doctors quickly wrapped him up and carried him out of the room. I turned to Jake, pulling on his arm, motioning towards them.
"Where are they taking him?" He snapped.
"They're very small so they're both going to need to go into the NICU." I felt my heart drop.
"W-what? Is.. is he okay? Why-"
"Okay, you're gonna have to push again."

This was all happening so fast. I had only gotten a quick glimpse of him before he was whisked away. Jake grabbed my hand, leaning in close.
"He's.. he's okay. He's gonna be fine. It's okay." He said, but I could tell he was still unsure.
"Alright, push!" I heard again.

This time was much easier because now my mind was elsewhere. Was he going to be okay? What if something happened? What if something happened before I even got to hold him? When could I see him?

"A beautiful baby girl!" She called out. I sighed, finally leaning back as I looked over at Jake who held his stare on her as they quickly wrapped her up, carrying her out of the room.

A baby girl.
She stayed quiet, my precious little mystery.
We had both gotten what we wanted.

"Jess, she's beautiful." He said softly, sitting back down next to me. "They're both perfect." I couldn't help but smile, reaching over and running my fingers through his hair.
"Really?" I asked. He nodded, wiping the tears from his eyes.
"You were amazing." He said, pulling me into a kiss.

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