Chapter 230: Jake's P.O.V

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Jake's P.O.V

I was so happy to be home. As much as I loved touring, it felt like this one was harder than most. Maybe because I had gotten a taste of what home life could be like, and now that's all I really wanted.

With Jess.
With the twins.
And I would kill for a good night's sleep in a real bed.

"Mom, what did you do?" I asked, now following her down the hallway and into the guest bedroom. Then Jess stopped in the doorway. I couldn't believe it. She had turned it into a nursery for us.

"I.. I just.. wanted you to know you always have a place here." She said, standing back and admiring her work. I almost felt like a weight had been lifted from my shoulders. As excited as I was for Jess and I to start as a family in our apartment, I was so glad I'd still be able to have a place here. As much as I hated to admit it, I had no idea what I was doing, and I knew that I'd want my mom to help me as much as she could.

Deep down, I was terrified. But I didn't want Jess to know. Someone had to be the calm one out of the two of us, and I just wanted to be the best dad I could be. Thankfully we still had time.

"Whether you wanted to stay here or.. even let them stay for a sleepover. You know I can't wait to babysit so.. they'll have their own room now." I was so lucky. I didn't know many people who's parents were eager to babysit. I'd take as much help as I could. Though, I'd still want to be there with them too.

I didn't want to miss a second.

I followed Jess around the room as she looked through everything. Considering we hadn't found out the genders, I could tell my mom tried her best to make it as gender neutral as possible. In one crib, a baby lion, the other a baby elephant.

Peeking over at Jess, I could now see tears filling her eyes. I squeezed her hand, gently pulling her closer.
"Do.. do you like it?" Mom asked, biting down on her lip.
"We love it, Mom. This is.. amazing. Thank you." I said. Jess nodded, wiping her eyes. Mom leaned in close, whispering into my ear.
"Does she like it?"

"I.. I do. I'm sorry, I.. this is beautiful. Thank you.. so much, I love it." Jess managed through her tears, going over and hugging her. Mom held on tight, gently rubbing her back. She then shot me a look, motioning towards the door. I nodded. I had to grab our things from the bus anyway.

I was happy that Jess had wanted to stay here tonight. One of my favorite parts of coming home after tour was the first night back. On my way down the hall, I peeked into Josh's room where I saw he was already unpacking. His head perked up when he heard me.

"Mom really went all out, huh." He said, giving me a subtle smile. I nodded, leaning in the doorway.
"Yeah.." I sighed, shoving my hands into my pockets. "Did you know she was doing that?" He shook his head, giggling to himself.
"You know she loves doing things like this." He sighed, sitting down in his bed. I nodded.

Despite how much better things had gotten, there was still this awkwardness that lingered over us. I could hope, but I had no idea if it was ever going to go away completely.

"So.." He said, trying filling the silence. "Are you excited? You're gonna be a dad." He laughed.
"Yeah." I sighed, smiling back at him. "I.. I don't think it's really sunk in yet. But.. we've still got a little more time."
"Did you come up with any names yet?" He asked.
"We've.. talked about a few." I said, smirking back at him. His smile grew, giving me a questioning face.
"But.. you're not gonna tell me." He laughed. I shook my head, backing out of the doorway and making my way back down the hall.

"Jake!" Mom called out from the nursery. "Start the car!" And then my heart dropped, the worst case scenario always the first thing to run through my mind.
"The car? W-why? What's going on? Is.. is she okay?" I asked, my eyes instantly shooting down to the soaking wet carpet.
"We have to get to the hospital. Her water just broke."

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