Chapter 219: Convince Me

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"I still think we'd be better back at my house." Jake joked, peeking over at me. "I just want to make sure you're okay. And that includes getting enough sleep. And water. Here." He said, handing me his water bottle. "I haven't seen you drink any all day." I smirked back at him, shaking my head, taking the bottle from his hands.

"Just because you're not watching me every second of every day doesn't mean I'm not taking care of myself, Jake." I laughed, taking a sip. "You really think I wouldn't be thinking about them?" I placed my hands on my stomach, feeling around for any sense of movement.

They must be sleeping.

"N-no.." He sighed. "I know you are, I just.. I wanna make sure I'm doing everything I can for them too. And you. Especially you. I don't want you losing sight of yourself in all of this. Your health is the most important right now. I love them so much but.. you always come first to me."
"I love you." I sighed, reaching over, gently running my fingers through his hair. He smirked back over at me, his eyes moving down to my stomach.

"You know, I was right." He giggled, turning back to face the road.
"About what?"
"About you looking cute pregnant."
"I think you're a little biased." I said, feeling my cheeks burn, doing my best to contain my smile.
"Maybe." He shrugged, giggling to himself. He reached over, grabbing my hand, intertwining our fingers.
"Do you still hope our kids look like me?" He asked. I nodded.
"Every single day."

He pulled into the apartment complex, parking as close as possible.
"Just let me grab our stuff, and I'll be right around."
"Jake, I can-"
"No, I got it." He laughed, hopping out of the driver's side. I sighed, watching him as he quickly made his way to the backseat, throwing the blankets over his shoulder and tucking the pillows under his arm. I waited as he finally opened my door, flashing me a wide grin.
"You can let me do things, Jake." He shook his head, leaning in, stealing a quick kiss.
"You're making our babies. You're doing enough." He said simply, holding his hand out. I took it, holding on tight as he lead us inside.

I could feel my heart beating faster as we made our way up.

1, 2, 3, 4, 5.

"Home sweet home." He said, opening the door and leading us inside. Even practically empty, it already did feel like home. It was ours. The first thing we ever had together.

Well, the third thing.

"You want me to go make the bed?" He joked, motioning down the hall. I followed him close as he lead us into the master bedroom, lying the blankets out onto the floor. I looked around, eventually venturing back out into the hallway, making my way into the other bedroom. I could already picture where we'd put the two cribs, wondering if the walls would be a light pink or blue. Or both.

"I figured you'd find your way back here." He laughed, leaning in the doorway. "You know, it would be easier to know what we were having.. so we could start getting everything ready." I looked back at him, shaking my head.
"No." I laughed. He sighed, rolling his eyes.
"Alright, alright, I'm just trying to make it easier."
"You just want to go shopping again." I laughed. He smirked back at me, shrugging his shoulders as he made his way in, looking around.

"We can still start to get ready for them without knowing what they're gonna be." I said, gently rubbing my stomach. He came over, wrapping his arms around me, leaning his head on my shoulder.
"If you want, we can go tomorrow.." He said. "And maybe we can get ourselves a bed while we're at it." I nodded, giggling to myself.
"A bed would be nice."

He took my hand, leading my down the hallway and into the living room.
"And here's where you'll keep them busy while I make us all dinner." He laughed, going into the kitchen, leaning up against the counter. "And hopefully you'll be singing them more songs you'll eventually write for me." My heart jumped.
"Last I checked you're the songwriter." He smile grew.
"And I'll write you as many songs as you want too." He said softly.

How did I get so lucky?

I held my stare on him, feeling my heart beat faster.
"What are you thinking?" He asked, making his way over. I wrapped my arms around his neck, pulling him closer, slowly swaying back and forth.
"Remember when.. we thought the spare bedroom was going to be more storage space?" I giggled. His smile grew as he held me closer, slowly swaying along.
"Yeah, I knew that wasn't gonna last long." He laughed. I leaned my head on his shoulder as I felt him reach into his pocket, pulling out his phone.

"What are you doing?" I asked, peeking down at it. He scrolled through, pressing play and placed his phone down on the counter top, twirling me around.

I couldn't help but smile, staring up at him with dazed eyes, trying to pull him closer. He smirked down at my stomach.
"It kinda feels like there's something between us." He giggled, twirling me around again, pulling me back into a gentle kiss.

When a man loves a woman
Can't keep his mind on nothin' else
He'd trade the world
For the good thing he's found.

"Do you remember that day on the bus?" He asked. "Laying together in my bunk, listening to this song?" I nodded, reaching up, gently running my fingers through his hair, pulling him into another kiss.
"Of course I do." I sighed. I remembered every moment with him, from the moment I met him.

I give you everything I've got
Trying to hold on to your precious love
And baby baby please don't treat me bad
When a man loves a woman
Deep down in his soul

"Every time I hear it, I think of you.." He said softly, gently intertwining our fingers. "And that day I was kinda just.. feeling it out.. to see how you felt about it.. cause unless you had any other ideas.." He trailed off.
"What is it?" I asked, peeking back up at him.
"Well, I was thinking.. it could be our song, the song we dance to at our wedding." My heart jumped, a smile escaping my lips. The idea of going from dancing in our empty living room to dancing at our wedding, and then our babies would be there with us..

"I love it." I sighed, pulling him into a gentle kiss. He reached up, tenderly caressing my face.
"I am so excited to marry you." He said softly, leaning his forehead against mine.
"You know, I have a feeling you're not gonna be able to wait to have our summer wedding." I laughed. He flashed me a toothy grin.
"Jess, you know that every day I wish we were already married.."
"But you want your summer wedding." He shrugged.
"I want anything that lets me end the day as your husband, but.. who's to say.. we can't have both?" I felt my heart beat faster. Both?

"What do you mean?" I asked.
"I mean, of course we are going to have a big, beautiful wedding with everyone and it's going to be.. amazing. And we'll have these little guys and they'll be all dressed up and probably the cutest thing I've ever seen, so much so that I won't even be able to concentrate." He laughed. "But.. I also would love to just.. marry you. And have that moment with just.. us. So I'm saying.. why can't we.. have both."
"You're saying.. get married now." He shrugged, his smile growing.
"I'm saying.. it can be something that's just.. ours. No one else even has to know. As far as they're concerned.. we're getting married next summer, but.. I just want to be yours. Forever. Now."

"It's late, and we've had a long day, I know.." He started, holding his stare on me. "Why don't we sleep on it. I don't want you to do anything you don't want to do. I just need you to know.. in the end, I don't care how it happens. Just as long as we do. But if you need some more convincing.." He giggled, pulling me into another kiss. I tangled my fingers into his hair, kissing him back harder, pulling him closer.

Honestly, as this point, it felt like we already were married. What was a piece of paper and two more rings?

His lips traveled down to my neck as I gripped his shirt, feeling my heart racing. I grabbed is hand, pulling him back down the hallway towards the bedroom.

"Where are we going?" He laughed. I peeked over, smirking back at him.
"You're gonna convince me."

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