Chapter 212: Never Stop Caring

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I woke up the next morning with few seconds of peace before the memories of last night came rushing back. Reaching over, I gently rubbed my fingers along Jake's bare back as it slowly moved up and down with every breath he took. I leaned over, gently kissing his shoulder before carefully rolling out of bed, throwing on my robe, and going out into the main area of the bus.

Josh was sitting at the table with Danny, already on the phone.
"So we can come get him now?" He said. I assumed it was on the phone with the station. I went over to the counter, making my tea as I listened in.
"Alright.. how much?" He yelled. My stomach dropped. I could only imagine.
"No, it's.. it's fine, yeah, we'll be there with it today. Yeah. Okay, thank you." And he hung up.

"How is he?" I asked, turning around to face them. Danny shot me a look. I quickly looked to Josh, trying to avoid his eyes.
"He's fine." Josh sighed, giving me a gentle smile. "I'm gonna go down there and get him soon."
"I.. I was actually thinking that.. maybe.. I should be the one to get him." I said. "I mean, it is.. kind of my fault." Josh held his stare on me, his face dropping.
"You.. really want to go?" He asked. I nodded.
"I just.. I don't think Jake will like-"
"What won't Jake like?" I heard from behind us. I turned around to see him leaning in the doorframe, his hair a mess, in nothing but his sweatpants. He rubbed his eyes as he made his way over, gently grabbing my robe and pulling me towards him, kissing the top of my head. I couldn't help but smile, feeling my heart beat faster.

"Jess wants to go to bail Sam out." Josh said, looking up at him. Jake shook his head, going over to the counter.
"No." He said plainly, pouring himself a cup of coffee.
"No?" I asked, turning to him. "Just.. no? It's my fault, the least I could do-"
"It's not your fault. He made his decision, and I don't want you going."
"You.. just get to decide what I do now?" I asked. He peeked over at me as he took a sip.
"Yeah." He said simply. "After last night, I think I should be making the decisions now." He held his stare on me, unwilling to budge.

"What if.. you went with me." I finally said. He was quiet for a moment until his face finally relaxed.
"Fine." He said, pulling me closer, kissing my forehead before going back into the bedroom. I bit down on my lip, trying to contain my smile. Josh smirked up at me from the table.
"What?" I asked, feeling my cheeks burn. He shook his head, his smile growing.
"Nothing." He giggled. "You just.. you really get to him. He's never been like this. It's actually.. kinda nice to see him care so much." I felt my face get hot as I turned away, trying to hide my grin. I went back into the bedroom, shutting the door behind me.

He peeked up at me, giving me a gentle smile. I sighed, staring back at him as I leaned up against the door. He leaned over, reaching out for me, pulling me over towards the bed. I giggled to myself, placing my mug down on the end table before crawling over him.
"You know it's just because I love you, right?" He said softly, gently running his fingers across my cheek, tangling them into my hair, pulling me closer. I nodded, leaning further down into a kiss.
"I know." I sighed. "And I love you." He pulled me back in, kissing me harder as his hands slowly moved down, untying my robe and sliding it off.
"I love you so much." He whispered, staring back up at me with dazed eyes. "I just.. I wanna marry you." I felt my heart jump, shaking my head as my smile grew into a wide grin.
"We should probably get your brother out of jail first." I laughed. He nodded, giggling to himself.
"Fine." He groaned, playfully rolling his eyes, pulling me into a series of kisses.

He was quiet for most of the drive, occasionally peeking over at me, giving me gentle smiles as our fingers intertwined, pulling my hand up to his lips. I felt his grip get tighter as we pulled into the station.
"Jake, I.. I think I should just go in alone." I said, feeling my heart beat faster. His face dropped as he turned to me.
"Jess, you know how I feel about-"
"I know, but Jake-
"Jess, those are my kids in there too, I should have some say in what happens.."
"You're right, but nothings going to happen. I just think I should talk to him." He held his stare on me, biting down on his lip. He finally rolled his eyes, going into his pocket, pulling out his wallet and handing it over to me.
"Whatever it is just.. put it on the card." He said begrudgingly. I leaned over, pulling him into a quick kiss before getting out and making my way inside.

I went up to the counter, unsure of how any of this worked. Despite everything Travis had gotten himself into over the years, never once did I have to bail him out of jail.
"Um.. I'm.. I'm here for.. Samuel Kiszka?" I asked. They nodded, typing away on their computer, motioning me over towards the seats on the other side of the room. I didn't have to wait long for him to finally walk out from the back, flashing me a big smile when his eyes met mine. My cheeks burned, a smile escaping my lips as I quickly got up, running over to greet him. He wrapped me in a tight hug, holding me close.

"I didn't know you were gonna be here." He said softly, his cheeks burning.
"Well.." I shrugged, rolling my eyes. He shook his head, his smile growing as he held is stare on me.
"How will you be paying?" I heard from behind the counter. I went over, reaching for Jake's wallet, but pulled mine out instead.
"It comes to $1000 even." I sighed, feeling my stomach drop. There went a thousand dollars that could've gone to towards the wedding. I glared up at Sam as I handed over my card. He flashed me a sympathetic, toothy grin, reaching out, gently touching my cheek. I shook my head, pulling away. He bit down on his lip, holding in his smile, now gently touching my arm.

"I'm gonna pay you back." He whispered. "I promise."
"Mhm.." I managed. "You did look good in your mugshot though." I laughed. "Even after getting into a fight and being arrested, you're still photogenic." I saw his eyes light up, his cheeks burning red.
"You think I.. look good?" He asked, his smile growing. I shook my head, looking away as they handed me back my card.

"Sam, we.. we need to talk about this." I said, turning to him. His face dropped.
"I figured." He sighed.
"I'll deny I ever said this but.. thank you." I leaned up, quickly kissing him on the cheek. "I appreciate what you did for me. But.. you can't keep doing this."
"Jess, I told you I would do anything for you.. and I meant it. I will always protect you." He said. My heart jumped.
"I know.." I said softly, now avoiding his eyes as I felt my cheeks burn red. "But I don't want you getting yourself in trouble like this, not over me. You're lucky he's not pressing charges."
"Because he knows he'd get dropped from our tour." He laughed. I shook my head, holding in my smile.
"Sam.." I peeked up at him, feeling my heart beat faster. He stared back at me with that same gaze from the night in this bunk. I quickly looked away, but he reached out, tilting my chin up to face him again.

"I'm never going to stop caring about you." He said. His eyes lingered on mine for a moment before moving down to my lips. I backed away.
"Sam.." I sighed. "We.. we should head back to the bus. Jake's waiting out front." His face dropped, and he eventually nodded, following me as I lead us both back out to the van.

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