Chapter 228: Delivery

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I could barely focus as I felt another jolt of pain.
"Right now?!" Jake yelled, frozen in the doorway. "But she's-"
"Yes! Right now! Go!" His mom snapped, waving him off. He hesitated for a moment, holding his stare on me as the color drained from his face.
"Jake!" She yelled again. He quickly snapped out of it, rushing down the hallway.

"But.. it's too early, they can't-"
"It's gonna be okay, don't worry, twins come early all the time. They're gonna be just fine. We're gonna make sure everything is okay." She assured me, giving me a subtle smile. I could tell she was freaking out too but trying her best to keep calm for me. It wasn't working.

I peeked over as I heard someone else in the doorway.
"What's going on?" Sam laughed. "Why is Jake freaking out?"
"Jess is in labor." His face dropped. He stayed silent for a moment before finally coming into the room.

"Are you okay? How are you feeling?" He asked. I shook my head, holding my back. He nodded, taking my hand as he lead me down the hall and into the living room, peeking out the window.
"You're gonna be okay." He assured me. "I'll take care of you. Everything is going to be fine, okay?" I nodded, peeking up at him. He flashed me a smile, gently touching my cheek.
"You are incredible, and you're gonna be fine. I promise. I'll make sure of it." I nodded, tightly squeezing his hand as I was hit with another sharp pain.

I don't know what was coming over him, but I felt a little better knowing he could be so calm at a time like this. Someone had to be, and I could already tell it wasn't going to be Jake.

"Alright, come on. I'll help you out." He said softly. I held on tight to his arm as he carefully lead me out the front door.
"What's going on?!" I heard from behind me but couldn't bring myself to turn around. My head was spinning and I was borderline blinded by the pain at this point.
"Jess is having the babies." Sam called out, brining me out to the car. I could hear more footsteps making their way down the steps, and eventually the front door slamming. Jake rolled down the car window, sticking his head out.

"You're all coming?!" He yelled. Sam opened the door to the backseat, carefully helping me in. Josh quickly jumped into the front seat and their mom hopped into the back next to Sam, quickly shutting the door behind her.

I couldn't believe what was happening. We hadn't even gotten their room ready back at the apartment because we assumed we had weeks after the tour to get everything together. Now we probably would have to say at his house for the time being. 

I could see Jake looking back at me through the rearview mirror as we stopped at the stoplight.
"How are you doing?" He asked. I shook my head, unable to answer as the pain kept getting worse.
"The sooner we can get there, the better." Sam snapped. He slid his hand into mine, intertwining our fingers, leaning in close.
"You can squeeze as hard as you want." He said softly. "Whatever helps, it's okay. You won't hurt me." I smiled up at him, squeezing tightly as another pain hit. I felt him wince, but he stayed quiet.

I reached out, hitting Jake's seat as I felt him driving much faster than usual. The last thing we needed was to get into an accident on the way there, and he wasn't exactly in his right mind right now.
"Slow down." Sam called out. "You're making her nervous."
"Well, we have to get there!" He snapped.
"We want to make it there." Sam called out. I'm sure he still felt the same way as I did when it came to cars now. I know I hadn't been the same since the accident, and if that meant having the babies in the car, then so be it.

"Are we there yet?" I managed, squeezing his hand tighter again.
"Almost. Don't worry, it's gonna be okay." He said softly. I started breathing heavier, doing whatever I could to distract myself from everything I was feeling. How women managed to do this every day, I had no idea.

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