Chapter 225: Interrupted

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Life felt different now.

So having to get back on that tour bus like that past twenty-four hours didn't just happen felt like I was being forced to move backwards, when all I wanted was to start our new life together. I had gotten a taste, and now the last thing I wanted to do was drag myself into that back room again, as much as I loved every memory that came along with it.

When we got back to the bus, I grabbed Jake's hand, motioning down towards his finger. He smirked back up at me, hesitating.

"I hate taking it off." He sighed, sliding it onto his necklace and tucking it underneath his shirt.
"Me too." I said, switching my ring to my right hand. "But.. it's better if this stays between us. For now." He nodded, leaning over and pulling me into a kiss before getting out of the car and making his way over to my side.

I hoped he never stopped doing things like this.

He opened my door, pulling me into another quick kiss. I reached up, gently holding his face in my hands, staring back at him as he leaned his forehead against mine. He waited, staring back with his usual gaze.

"Before we go back in.." I started, already feeling my heart beating faster. "Can.. I talk to you about something?" I saw his face drop a bit.
"W-what's wrong? Are you okay?" I nodded, grabbing his hand.
"I'm fine, I just.. I've been thinking.. about how when they're born, I.. I'm just not sure if I.. want to raise them on a tour bus. I just.. I don't know if I can keep doing this." He backed away, his face now uneasy.

"W-what do you mean? We.. but we talked about-"
"I know what we talked about but.. now that we've been home, I just-"
"Jess, we.." He stopped, pulling me into a long kiss. "We don't have to decide anything right now. We've got months, okay? And.. I promise, we can have a long discussion about this but.. please don't count it out just yet, okay? I.. I can't not do this." I shook my head, gently touching his cheek.
"I would never ask you to stop doing this." I said, giving him a gentle smile. "I just.. maybe we'd just have to come out and visit you."

"But.. I don't want to be out here without you. Or them." I bit down on my lip, hesitating before pulling him into another kiss.
"We.. we don't have to decide anything just yet. You're right, we.. we can talk about it another time. When things get closer." He nodded, holding his stare on me as he forced a smile, his eyes still apprehensive.

"You know.. if you didn't come with us.. that would mean.. having to hire a new photographer." He said. I nodded, giggling to myself.
"As much as I don't want to risk you falling for the next girl-" He shook his head, giggling to himself as he pulled me into another long kiss.
"You don't really worry about that, do you?" He asked.
"Of course not." I sighed, smirking back at him. He nodded, taking my hand and helping me out of the car.
"Okay.." He said, intertwining our fingers. "We'll talk about it another time."

As we made our way back onto the bus, it was silent. Everyone else was still sleeping.
"You know, I really lucked out with you." He whispered, leaning in close. I felt my cheeks burn, smiling up back at him.
"And whys that?" I asked. His smile grew.
"Because.. you let me sleep in the back with you, or else I would've been stuck in these awful bunks like the rest of these guys." I shook my head, playfully shoving him as he lead us into the back, gently shutting the door behind him.

I plopped down on the bed, leaning back against the pillows as he made his way around, crawling over and curling up next to me. He laid one leg over mine, gently placing his hand on my stomach, as if just by habit now.

"Do you remember that first day?" I asked. "When you gave me this room?" His eyes were already closed but his lips curled into a cunning smile.
"Of course I do." He said softly. I could tell he was already starting to drift off to sleep.
"I heard you guys talking while I was unpacking." He peeked one eye opened, looking up at me.
"You did?" I nodded. He held his stare on me, his cheeks burning red.
"What did you hear?"

"I heard you guys talking about the fact that I was single." I laughed. He rolled over, scrunching up his face and hiding it in my neck. My heart jumped when I felt his soft kisses make their way up.
"Well.. that's embarrassing." He giggled. "So, you already knew I was interested." I shrugged, placing my hand on top of his as he gently glided it around, no doubt searching for any sign of movement from the twins. Knowing them, he wouldn't have to wait too long. They loved the sound of his voice, almost as much as I did.

"I had a feeling, but.. you weren't as forward as I wanted you to be."
"What do you mean?" He asked, looking back up at me again. I shrugged, gently gliding my fingers up his arm.
"I mean.. things probably would've moved a little.. faster.. if you had been the one sitting next to me that night."
"Oh, don't tell me that." He laughed, reaching up and pulling me into a kiss. I didn't hesitate to grab onto his arm, pulling him closer, kissing him back harder.

"So.. it might've gone like this?" He giggled, now crawling over me. His lips moved down to my neck, his kisses getting harder. My heart was already pounding, just wanting that much more.
"Probably not." I laughed, staring back up at him, his eyes now moving down to my lips. "I was.. nervous around you."
"So was I." He said softly, kissing me again. "I.. still am, sometimes. But.. in a good way."

I moved my hands down his chest, grabbing the bottom of his shirt and pulling it over his head.
"You're really gonna get like this now?" He giggled, pulling me into a series of kisses, lifting my shirt over my head and tossing it onto the floor. "After we had our place to ourselves?" I wrapped my arms around his neck, pulling him in closer, kissing him back harder.
"Do you want me to stop?" I asked. He shook his head, tangling his fingers in my hair, pulling me back into another passionate kiss.

"You know I will never ask you to stop." He laughed as my hands moved down to his pants. He immediately kicked them off, pushing them onto the floor. "Just as long as you're okay with it." I nodded, kissing him again, my lips slowly moving up to his neck as I felt his grip on me get tighter. My cheeks burned as his hands grazed over my stomach, swiftly unbuttoning my pants and pulling them off, throwing them onto the floor amongst the many other pieces of clothing we had discarded throughout the entire tour.

"You are so beautiful." He sighed. "I love you so much." I couldn't help but smile, feeling my heart beat faster. I loved how much he reassured me, especially at times like this, especially now. It was hard to feel like myself when I was far from it, but he always managed to know the perfect thing to say to bring me back down to Earth when my mind started to drift.

"I love you." I managed as he pulled me back into another passionate kiss.
"I can't believe you're my wife. I am so lucky."
"Shh!" I giggled, kissing him harder. "The walls are thin, remember?" He shook his head, smirking back at me.
"Everyone's asleep, it's fine." He exhaled, his eager hands slowing moving up my body, caressing every curve that his hungry lips longed to grace with tender yet amorous kisses.

Then I felt him stop, picking up his head and letting out a long groan as he glared over at the door. I had heard it too. They were awake.

"I guess we should just get used to being interrupted at this point, huh?" He laughed. I sighed, forcing a smile, but still frustrated at the fact that I was married and still haven't been able to be with my own husband.
"Yeah.." I breathed as he plopped down next to me, gently combing his fingers through my hair.

"I know these little beans are gonna be trying to climb into bed with us every night." He laughed, placing his hand over my stomach again.
"What makes you say that?" I asked. He shrugged, his smile growing.
"Because Josh and I never left our parents alone. They hated it." I couldn't help but smile at the thought of Jake, once so young, waking up in a nervous sweat from a nightmare and crawling into bed with his parents, hoping for that sense of safety once again.

We would always be there to give that to them.
And I hoped ours would never leave us alone too.

I peeked over at him to see his eyelids getting heavier, giving me a gentle smile. I leaned over, pushing the hair out of his face, kissing his forehead. He nuzzled his face into my neck, holding me close.

"Can.. we still cuddle?" He asked quietly. I couldn't help but smile.
"Of course."

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