Chapter 221: Ours

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"Don't you think you should read the directions?" I asked, rummaging through the box as Jake began putting together the bed frame. He shook his head.
"How hard can it be? It's a bed. I know what a bed looks like." He laughed, picking up one of the pieces. I giggled to myself, shaking my head.
"I really don't want to be on that thing when it collapses in the middle of the night." I said, crawling over. He smirked back at me, shaking his head.
"No, no.. I'm doing this." He said. I sighed, leaning back against the wall, flipping through the directions.

"You know I'd never let anything happen to you." He said, finally getting two pieces together. I nodded, peeking back up at him.
"I just think-"
"I got it, I got it.." He assured me.
"We'll see."
"You know, your lack of faith in me is a little discouraging." He grunted, getting two more pieces together. I couldn't help but laugh, subtly sliding him the directions anyway.
"I can't wait to see how you do with the cribs."

It didn't take him too long to finally cave, peeking at the directions when he thought I wasn't looking as I made us both tea.
"I told you I'd get it." He said, struggling to lift our new mattress up and onto the frame, plopping down with an exhausted sigh. I nodded, handing him his cup of tea.
"You're right." I said softly, playing along, sitting down next to him. "You've very impressive." He flashed me a satisfied grin, his cheeks burning.

"You're really not gonna let me help with anything?" I asked. He shook his head.
"I just.. I don't want anything to happen. You're plenty help just being here with me." He said, taking a sip. "And.. making me tea."
"Well, I can do that." I said, going over and grabbing one of the packs of sheets. "You're gonna have to get up though." He sighed, rolling off the bed and grabbing the other end of the sheet, pulling it over to the other side of the bed.

It was moments like these with him that I loved so much; things that I would imagine ordinary couples wouldn't even think twice about, I was so happy to finally get to have with him. When you've spent how many months living out of a tour bus, nothing felt more intimate than finally getting to build your first actual bed together.

If I was getting emotional over this, I could only imagine how I would feel when we put the cribs together. I could feel tears coming to my eyes just thinking about it. I quickly shook the thought.

He grabbed the opposite corner of the sheet, tightly tucking it underneath the mattress, and then quickly made his way back around to my side of the bed, wrapping his arms around me. My heart started beating faster as I felt his lips gently grazing the side of my neck, slowly curving into a smile.

"Jake.." I laughed as he grabbed the sheet from my hand, quickly tucking it under and wrapping his arms around me.
"Mhm?" He smirked, gently tangling his fingers in my hair. I moved my hands up his chest, pulling him onto our now freshly made bed. He crawled over, lying down next to me.

I looked up at him, getting lost in his eyes like I had so many times before. His smile grew as he leaned in, gently caressing my face, pulling me into a gentle kiss. I grabbed onto his shirt, pulling him in closer, kissing him back harder as I felt his lips curve into a smile. I sighed, leaning my forehead against his as he gently ran his fingers down my cheek.
"I am so happy." I said softly, kissing him again. His smile grew.
"So am I." He said, gently placing his hand on my stomach.

I instantly felt them move again.

"It seems like.. they only move for you." I muttered, placing my hand next to his, hoping to feel something from the outside.
"What if they don't like me?" I asked, peeking up at him. He shook his head, leaning over and kissing my cheek.
"We have plenty of time for them to not like us when they're older. Don't you worry about that now. You're their mom, of course they love you." He said, gently gliding his fingers across my stomach, now moving up and down my arm. I felt my heart start to beat faster, smirking back up at him.

I was never much of a worrier before this, but he made it easier. Life was just easier with him.

"Have you.. thought about your vows at all?" I asked. He peeked back down at me, biting down on his lip.
"Have you?" I shrugged, my smile growing.
"Well, I'm always thinking about it.. but I haven't written anything down yet."
"So you want us to write our own, huh?" He sighed, rolling over and propping his head up onto his hand to face me. I stared back at him, my eyes moving down to his lips.

"I'd love to hear what you would write." I said softly. "Your proposal was the most.. beautiful thing I've ever heard, so.. I'm not sure if you could top that." He nodded.
"Yeah.. but that was just for you. You.. you want me to say stuff like that.. in front of everyone?"
"You play your own songs in front of thousands of people every single night." I laughed. He shrugged, his cheeks burning.
"That's.. different." He muttered.
"How is it different?" I asked. He held his stare on me for a moment, his eyes in a daze, flashing me a shy smile.

"Because.. when I write songs.. when we write those songs.. it's for them, for the audience. But our love is.. ours. And I love that. I know how much I pushed you in the beginning, but.. as time goes on, I appreciate the fact that for the most part, no one knows our business. Sure, we became "public," and I slipped up about our engagement, but.. for the most part.. this has always been ours. And.. I hope when these little guys are born.. we keep them private too. I don't want to have to worry about them, or you, I just.. I will tell you every single day, how much you mean to me.. how much I love you, and how I am going to love you for the rest of my life. And.. I would just really love for that to stay with us. I know we've done this.. a few times now, but this time.. I feel so good about this time. I feel like.. we finally got it right." He said, reaching up, gently caressing my cheek.

"Look, I'll do whatever you want me to do. If you want me to write my own vows, then.. I'll spill my heart out in front of everyone." He giggled, his cheeks burning red. "I'd just really love it if.. we could have that moment.. just be ours."

I moved closer, gently running my fingers through his hair. All of this felt.. surreal. How many months ago did I first lay eyes on him, and now we were lying together in our own apartment, in our own bed, discussing our wedding, our children..

From the moment he proposed, I had always imagined us writing our own vows because I knew nothing else could ever compare to anything he could manage to write for me; nothing could ever come close to how I felt every time he told me how much he loved me, in his own way, in his own words, so I knew when the moment came.. nothing else would ever compare.

But he was right.
Our love.. was ours.
The less we shared, the more it grew.
Now I wanted nothing more than to just have that moment with him.
And only him.

He sighed, pulling me into a gentle kiss, flashing me a smile as he backed away.
"Alright, I'm going to take your silence as-"
"I love you." I sighed. He stopped, flashing me a toothy grin, his cheeks burning red.
"And I love you." He said, gently rubbing his nose against mine. "So, I will do whatever-"

"You're right." I sighed. "I love you, and I love us, and.. you're right. This is ours. And.. it should stay ours. When we get married, I want.. you. And if that means it's just us.. then it's just us. You know, when I think of our wedding, I don't see flowers or guests or.. anything else.. but you. I see you."

He stared back at me with wide eyes, moving closer, leaning his forehead against mine.
"Jess.. what are you saying?" He asked. I bit down on my lip, feeling my heart beat faster. I don't know what happened, but suddenly.. I was sure.

"I'm saying that.. you convinced me. I don't want to wait until next year. I want to get married.. with just us. Just you. I want to marry you.. now."

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