Chapter 216: Moving Forward

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I was woken up to the overwhelming smell of citrus and peppermint. Reaching over, I felt nothing but an empty bed until my fingers brushed against a piece of paper. Opening my eyes, I peeked over, grabbing it.

Went to sound check, didn't want to wake you up.
Hopefully the tea is still warm.
Enjoy! I love you.


I couldn't help but smile, feeling my heart beat faster. Looking over, I saw an orange and a cup of tea, steam still floating out from the top placed on my end table. He must not have left too long ago. I took a sip.

Perfect as always.

I couldn't remember the last time I had a minute alone, a minute to just stop and think and.. actually process everything that had happened over the past few months. Sometimes it feels like just yesterday this whole journey began, and other times it feels like I had known him my entire life.

I got up, going over to the mirror where I lifted my shirt, looking at my now very noticeable belly. My smile grew as I gently rubbed my hands over it, holding what I could from underneath.

"Hello, babies." I said softly, unsure of who was still outside. Telling the guys about them hadn't gone.. as well as I had hoped, but I was glad that Jake at least had Josh through all of this. I was so happy he could have someone to be happy for him, because Sam was not making this any easier. I gently rubbed my stomach again, sitting down on the edge of the bed.

"I hope you guys are doing okay in there. I am so excited to meet you. You know, I never thought I would ever be a mommy, but I am so lucky to be yours. You have no idea how badly your daddy and I wanted you. I hope I can do a good job and make you happy. I know your daddy will. He is so excited. You both are so lucky to have someone like him. We all are. I can't wait to see the look on his face when you guys get here. Hopefully one of you is a girl, he wants a daughter so bad, but.. if not, he'll still love you just the same." I giggled.

"You know, your daddy and your uncle are twins, so one day you guys will have so much to talk about. I'll feel a little left out so maybe you guys can let me in on what it's like. I can't wait to see everything you guys are going to teach me. We're.. we're going to learn together and-"

My heart jumped.
I felt them move.

But.. that couldn't be. Was I just imagining it? The pamphlets had said you could start to feel movement around eighteen weeks. I gently rubbed my stomach again, shaking my head at the thought, knowing I would never let Jake know that I would secretly read through them all once he had fallen asleep. He loved being the one who knew the most, and I was willing to let him have that.

And then I felt them again.
I know they said that talking to them helped but-
My heart dropped.
Another first Jake wasn't here for.

"Oh, please move again later so your daddy can feel it too. He wants to be a part of this so bad. It was bad enough you guys decided to show up when he won his award." I laughed. "But I know deep down, he won't care. As long as you're okay. As long as he gets to experience this at all. He'll be happy."

I could feel my heart beating faster, a smile escaping my lips.
"I really can't wait to love the both of you. You're probably going to get sick of me, which I'll understand. It'll break my heart, but I know I did it to my parents. I'm just happy I'll have your daddy here with me when it happens. You two are so lucky to have parents that love each other more than anything in the world. I wasn't so lucky, but your daddy knows how it feels too. I'm so excited for you to meet your grandma, that's daddy's mom. She knows all about having twins, so I'm sure you guys will get along great with her. And your Aunt Ronnie, she's so fun, she's going to spoil you both rotten, I know it."

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