Chapter 207: Handled

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His jet black hair now bleached a blinding platinum blonde, but still greasy as ever. I couldn't bring myself to speak, every worrisome word getting caught in my throat as his taunting eyes lingered on me.

"What are you doing here?" Jake finally asked. His grip on me getting tighter as he subtly pulled me behind him. Travis' smile grew.
"Didn't you hear? We're on the same label now. You know, I figured, someone as mediocre as you, must not be too hard. So I called 'em up and invited them out to a show and they offered to sign us. And now.. here we are."
"Yeah, you'd know everything about mediocre." Jake muttered. Travis laughed to himself, shaking his head.

"Oh Jess.. he's cute and all but.. can you just tell your little boyfriend to calm down?"
"Fiancé." Jake said. I could feel my heart beating faster as Travis' eyes got wide, but still maintained that same smug grin.
"Oh! Jess is finally getting married, huh?" He said, turning back to Jake. "Somehow managed to tie this one down?" I hid further behind Jake as Travis moved closer.

"Don't worry, kid." He laughed. "I'm not gonna do anything to her. I'd never do anything to her."
"Yeah, you've done enough." Jake snapped. "If we have to tour together, fine. But that doesn't mean we have to interact with each other. And you're not coming near her." He began pulling me towards the bus when I felt Travis' hand tightly grab onto my wrist, yanking me towards him.

"Don't touch her." Sam snapped, shoving Travis away. He backed up, glaring back at Sam until his angry scowl turned back into a complacent grin.
"So.. she's got an entourage now huh? Good for her. Just like her mom." My heart dropped.
"You don't know anything about her." Sam said. Travis moved in closer, now looking down at him.
"I know plenty." He said tauntingly. "I'm sure way more than you do."
"I doubt it."

Travis was silent, holding his stare on Sam until he finally turned away.
"That's fine. I'm sure I'll see her later. She can only go so long." He said, looking back over at me. "But congrats! Can't wait for the wedding." He called out before making his way over to his bus with the rest of his band. Sam held his glare on him until he was out of sight, and then made his way over to me.

"Don't worry. He's not gonna touch you." He said, giving me a gentle smile. I felt my cheeks burn, my heart beating faster as I nodded.
"T-thank you, Sam." I said softly, looking up at him. He held his stare on me, reaching out.
"I had it handled." Jake snapped, pushing his hand away. Sam shrugged, shaking his head.
"Well, not good enough. She was still uncomfortable. So.. I handled it." He said simply, making his way onto the bus, slamming the door behind him.

I could feel my heart pounding in my chest as my eyes stayed glued on the bus door. I couldn't go every day with the idea of Travis hovering over my shoulder, that at any minute he could show up. I had left that life behind, and that included him.

Especially him.

"Are you okay?" Jake asked, turning to me. I bit down on my lip, hesitating before nodding.
"Y-yeah." I said simply.
"I.. you know I.. I'll always protect you, right?" He asked, his eyes moving down to my stomach. My cheeks burned.
"Mhm.." I said, looking back at the bus.
"Jess.." He said softly. I turned back to him.
"I know." I said, giving him a gentle smile. He nodded, pulling me in close, gently kissing my cheek before taking my hand and leading my back to the bus.

As he quickly pulled me through, I peeked over at Sam who was lying in his bunk, looking over at me with a gentle smile as we passed by. My heart jumped.

I had never seen him like that before.

I sat down on the bed as Jake shut the door behind us.
"Jess, you.. you knew I was handling it, right?" He asked again, leaning back against the door. I bit down on my lip, nodding, keeping my eyes down.
"Because.. the way you're acting right now.. it.. it doesn't really seem like you're too sure." I looked back up at him.
"I.. I know." I finally said. "S-sorry I'm just-"
"You're gonna be fine. Everything's gonna be fine. I promise."

"I don't want him knowing." I finally said. He nodded, sitting down next to me on the bed.
"Neither do I." He assured me, gently running my fingers through my hair.
"So you're.. you're gonna have to.. stop with the baby comments." He bit down on his lip, nodding.
"I.. I can do that." He said softly, his face dropping. I sighed, now feeling guilty. I knew he was excited about everything but.. I couldn't risk Travis knowing more than he already did. Jake stayed quiet for a moment, gently running his fingers up and down my back.

"You know that.. I would never do anything to hurt them right? When he said.. 'she can only go so long' that's.. that's not me anymore, I would never-" He cut me off, pulling me into a kiss.
"I know, Jess. You don't have to-.. I know." He sighed, giving me a gentle smile.
"I haven't done anything, and I would never-"
"Jess, I know." He said, pulling me back in, gently kissing my forehead.
"I would do anything for them, Jake. But.. just him being around.. I just don't want to risk it. I know all of them are still on it, so.. it's gonna be around and.. I can't be around it. I can't see it. I don't want to go back-"

"You won't, Jess. You've stayed clean all on your own, and I'm so proud of you. You did that. And someone like him isn't going to change that. I'll make sure of it. But.. I also don't ever want you thinking that you have to look to Sam in order to feel safe. I will always keep you.. and them.. safe. From anything. And anyone."

I bit down on my lip, feeling my heart beat faster as tears started to come to my eyes. He held his stare on me, his face dropping.
"Jake, I'm.. I'm scared I'm not gonna be good enough for them." I finally said. "I.. I don't know.. I've never seen-"
"Hey, hey.." He sighed, pulling me closer. "You are going to be an amazing mom, okay? Because.. you've seen first hand how it feels, so you know how to be better for them. I have no doubt that.. when the day comes.. you are gonna blow me away." He said softly, a gentle smile across his lips. I felt more tears come to my eyes as I wrapped my arms around his neck, pulling him into a tight hug.

"I'm the one that's terrified." He said, holding me tighter. I shook my head, giggling to myself.
"You?" I asked, backing away. "You.. everything comes so easy to you. How.. how are you terrified?" His smile grew as he reached out, gently running his fingers across my cheek.
"Jess.. do you know how hard I try to make it seem like things come easy to me?" I shook my head, holding my stare on him. He nodded, pulling me into a kiss.

"I'd.. feel a lot better if you'd tell me when you were scared too." I said. He nodded again, gently wiping my eyes.
"Anything for you."

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