Chapter 213: Incredible

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I could see Jake staring over towards the door from the moment we walked out. I made a point to move further away from Sam as we made our way over to the van. When we got closer, he got out, quickly coming over to the passenger's side door.

"So, what was the damage?" He asked, opening the door for me, pulling me into a quick kiss. I could tell this time was less about me and more about reminding Sam of his place. I shrugged, hopping into my seat.
"It's okay. I got it." I said softly. He shook his head, shutting the door behind me, quickly going around and getting back in.

"What do you mean you got it? I gave you my card?" He asked, glancing back at Sam who got into the back seat. I kept my eyes forward, trying my best not to remember the night we were locked back there together.
"It's okay, you shouldn't have to pay for that." I said, giving him a gentle smile.
"Well, neither should you." He sighed, looking back at Sam.
"You're gonna pay her back." He said. Sam nodded, looking over at me.
"I know. I told her I would."
"Today." He snapped, turning back around.

"It's okay, Jake." I whispered. He shook his head, keeping his eyes forward.
"No, he can pay you today." He said simply.

The drive back to the bus was silent.
As I suspected it would be.

Sam hopped out of the van before it was even in park, quickly making his way onto the bus. Jake stayed put, so I waited with him.

"You know, this is what we're gonna have to deal with once the kids grow up." I giggled, peeking over at him. A smile finally escaped his lips as he looked over.
"Our kids are not going to get arrested." He laughed, reaching over, gently placing his hand over my stomach. "They are going to be perfect."
"Jake, you cannot put that pressure on them." He playfully rolled his eyes, leaning his head against the headrest, staring back at me. I placed my hand on top of his, staring back at him.

"I love you." He whispered. My heart jumped, my smile growing as I leaned in, gently kissing him on the lips. He reached up, gently caressing my face, kissing me back. I felt my heart beat faster as one hand slowly traveled into my hair, tangling itself within, while the other grabbed onto my shirt, pulling me towards him. I couldn't help but smile, crawling over to his seat and into his lap, kissing him harder. He quickly reached down, adjusting the seat back, his hands then slowly making their way up my body.

"You're still gonna wanna make out with me when we've got babies crawling around, right?" He giggled, leaning his forehead against mine. He tucked my hair behind my ear, his dazed eyes staying locked on mine as he gently ran his fingers down my cheek.
"I will always want to make out with you." I laughed, pulling him into another kiss. I felt his lips curl into a smile.

"I never want this part to go away. I love being like this with you."
"Me too." I sighed.
"Remember when you didn't even want to hold my hand?" He giggled, caressing my face again. I rolled my eyes.
"Mhm.." I nodded.
"And now you're having my babies." He beamed, pulling me into another kiss. I felt like my heart was going to beat out of my chest. I tangled my fingers in his hair, pulling him closer, kissing him harder. All I wanted to do was pull him into the backseat and-

"We should head in though." He said. "I got us an appointment today so we can make sure everything is okay with them." I took a deep breath, nodding, leaning my forehead against his.
He held his stare on me for a moment, pulling me into one more kiss before opening the door and helping me out of the van. I leaned up, whispering into his ear.
"But you're mine later." He bit down on his lip, his cheeks burning red and his eyes getting wide.
"I'm yours.. whenever you want me." He giggled, grabbing my hand, leading us toward the bus.
"Well.. how about now?" I asked, feeling my face get hot. He shook his head, his smile growing.
"Except right now." He laughed. "We have to get ready to go. But.. considering, it seems like they're fine."

He lead us up the steps, and through the main area of the bus where the rest of the guys were sitting at the table. I could feel Sam's eyes on me but I couldn't look away from Jake as he pulled me towards the back room, shutting the door behind us.

I sat down on the bed, watching as he went over to his bag, getting changed out of his sweats. He pulled his t-shirt over his head, tossing it onto the ground. Before he could grab a clean one from his bag, I reached out for his hand, pulling him closer.
"Jess.." He smirked, shaking his head. I bit down on my lip, smiling back up at him.
"What?" I laughed.
"You know what.." I rolled my eyes, lifting my arms up.
"Fine." I sighed. "Then can you help me?"

He lifted my shirt over my head, tossing it over into the pile we had forming in the corner. When he turned back to me, his eyes got wide, his smile growing.
"Oh my gosh.." He whispered, sitting down next to me. "Look at you."

I looked down as he gently placed his hand on my stomach, his eyes getting wide.
"Look at your little belly!" I stood up, going over and looking at myself in the mirror.
"Oh my god.." I sighed, gently rubbing it. "Look at them." Through the reflection I could see Jake still staring from behind me, beaming from ear to ear. I felt tears come to my eyes. He crawled over to me, grabbing my hand, pulling me onto his lap.

"It.. it feels.. so real now." He said. I nodded, wiping my eyes. I looked over at my reflection again, feeling my heart start to beat faster. If I was showing this much already, I could only imagine just how big I would eventually get. He wrapped his arms around me, staring back at me through the reflection. I felt more tears come to my eyes.

"What are those kids doing to you?" He giggled, gently wiping my eyes. I sighed, staring back at my stomach.
"Jake.." I managed, turning to face him. His face dropped as he reached up, gently holding my face in his hand.
"What's wrong? You feeling okay?" I nodded, biting down on my lip.
"I just.. I'm.. I'm gonna be.. huge." I said softly, now avoiding his eyes. He giggled to himself, shaking his head, tilting my head back up to face him.
"I know, and it's gonna be adorable." I sighed, smirking back up at him.
"But.. you're.. you're not gonna want me when I'm huge."
"Jess.." He sighed, pulling me closer. "You.. are so beautiful. Every single day, you only get more beautiful to me. You're.. growing our babies inside of you, and that.. that's the most beautiful thing in the world. Don't you see just.. how incredible you are? I am the luckiest guy in the world."

More tears came to my eyes as a smile finally escaped my lips.
"I can't wait to see you as a mom, I think I'm even more excited about that then getting to meet them, and.. I cannot wait to meet them." He giggled, gently wiping my eyes, pulling me into a gentle kiss. "And then, forget it. You're not gonna be able to keep me away from you." I couldn't help but laugh, wrapping my arms around him.

"But.. we've got an appointment to get to." He said, leaning over, grabbing a clean shirt from his bag and pulling it over my head.
"One of yours?" He shrugged, flashing me a smile.
"I wanna be able to see your belly." He giggled. "Now come on, let's go see them."

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