Chapter 203: Berry

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"Well, if babies are gonna be happening, we better get a move on the wedding planning." Mom said. I knew it wouldn't take any time at all to get used to calling her that. I had always felt like that towards her, so it was so nice that she insisted I call her that too. I was so excited for life with my new family, and to finally start one of my own.

"Jess and I have been talking about it.." Jake said, peeking over at me. "And.. I think.. we decided on a summer wedding, out in the yard. But that was also.. before we found out we would be bringing a plus one." He laughed. I couldn't help but smile, looking back at him. He placed his hand on my leg, gently rubbing it with this thumb.

"I was thinking.. well, since I'd rather not be pregnant on my wedding day, if we pushed it to December. I've also loved the idea of a winter wedding. And then they could be a part of it too. But.. if you really wanted summer, then.. we could wait until next summer. I don't mind. I know that's what you dreamt of."
"Whatever you want to do." He said softly, leaning over, gently kissing my cheek.

I wanted whatever he wanted; all I would ever want would be whatever would make him the happiest.

"I want you to have your summer wedding." I finally said, leaning my head on his shoulder. He nodded.
"Then summer it is." He said cheerfully, turning to them.
"Oh, I'm so excited." Ronnie squealed, pulling her laptop out of her bag. Jake laughed, rolling his eyes.
"Why'd you bring that? You knew we were gonna do this?" She shrugged, giggling to herself.
"I really hoped we would."

"Well, you are a pro at this. So, what do you recommend?" He asked, now wrapping his arm around me, pulling me closer.
"What I really want to do is take Jess dress shopping, but you can't be involved in that. You have to be surprised." I hadn't even imagined what my dream wedding dress would look like, but I couldn't help but smile at the thought of him seeing me for the first time.

"Do you know what your color scheme would be?" Ronnie asked, peeking up at us from over her screen. Jake shrugged, looking over at me.
"I've always liked a dark green." I said softly. Ronnie nodded, typing away.
"Oh! With a berry color, that would be beautiful!" Jake laughed, giving her a questioning look.
"A berry color? What does that even mean?" She rolled her eyes, continuing to type away.
"You know, berry, you've seen berries, Jake. Like deep reds and purples."
"Well, can't you just say deep reds and purples?" She sighed, now looking over at me.
"He has so much to learn."

"What do you mean?" He laughed, now looking over at me. "Everyone just knows what 'berry' means?"
"Just let me handle this, Jake." She sighed, giving me a subtle smirk.
"So, have you thought about your bridal party?" She asked. My stomach dropped.
"Um.." I started, peeking back up at him.
"Well, of course Josh is my best man." He said simply. Ronnie nodded.
"Of course." He looked back over at me.

"I.. I was kinda hoping.. you would be." I said, looking over at Ronnie. She peeked back at me from over her screen, her eyes getting wide.
"Me?!" She yelled, her smile growing into a wide grin. "Really?!"
"Of course." I said. "You're.. like a sister to me."
"Oh my goodness!" She yelled. "I get to be a bridesmaid! Okay, then absolutely berry, I look so good in that color."

This was one of those moments I had always dreamed about, but never thought it would ever become a reality. I had always wanted a sister.

"Oh! Can we go look for dresses today?" She asked. "I can look to see if there are any shops around here." Jake laughed, shaking his head.
"You know she still works for us, Ronnie. We have a show tonight. You came all the way out here and you're not even gonna watch us play?" Her smile grew.
"I've seen you play thousands of times. Are you gonna do anything new? If not, I don't think either of us will be missing anything. Besides, this is the mother of your child we're talking about." He bit down on his lip, his cheeks burning red.

"Is that something you want to do?" He asked, leaning in close.
"As fun as that would be.." I laughed. "I'd.. really love to get everything done back home. Our home. If we're not getting married until next summer then.. we don't have to rush." I could sense Ronnie's disappointment.
"Ugh.." She sighed. "Actually, how about a winter wedding? I don't think I can wait that long." She laughed, continuing to type away.

I looked up at Jake who was already looking back at me, a gentle smile spread across his lips, and that same dazed look in his eyes that I fell in love with every time they got lost in mine. You hear about everyone else around you going through things like this, getting engaged, planning their wedding, even finding out they're pregnant, and you always assume when it's finally your turn, that you'll know how it feels. But that wasn't true at all. I had never experienced happiness like this before. Like finally, everything was falling into place. A little faster than I had ever imagined, but.. all the while, perfect. And there was no one else I'd rather have with me during all of it.

A Few Weeks Later

Jake pulled into the parking lot of the doctor's office, turning off the van.
"Ready?" He asked, motioning inside. I bit down on my lip, feeling my heart beating faster. I nodded.
"Y-yeah, I just.. get nervous." He reached over, grabbing my hand.
"I'm sure everything is fine. You've been feeling okay, right?" I nodded.
"Then I'm sure it'll just be a quick appointment and then we get another cute photo." He laughed, squeezing my hand tighter. I nodded, a smile escaping my lips.
"You're right." I sighed, getting out of the van.

He met me around front, grabbing my hand and guiding us in the waiting room. I sat down as he signed us in, watching the mother across the room from us, holding her baby as he sat quietly on her lap. When Jake sat down, the baby's eyes quickly shot over to him, flashing him a huge smile.
"Hey!" Jake said, giving him a gentle wave. The mother looked up, smiling over at us as he started laughing, attempting to wave back.

"Jess?" I heard as the door opened. Jake hopped up first, taking my hand and leading us down the hallway.
"Third room on the right." They said cheerfully. He flashed them a smile, guiding me inside.
"We've done this before." I sighed. "It's no big deal." He nodded, sitting down next to me.

"No pamphlets this time?" I asked, giggling to myself. He smirked back at me, shaking his head.
"No.. you always make fun of me. But when you have questions, don't come crawling to me for answers because I'm the one who read them all." I sighed, leaning my head on his shoulder.
"You're so cute."

It wasn't long before the door opened again.
"Hello! Jess?" She asked. I nodded, sitting back up. "Nice to meet you, I'm Dr. Kembar."
"Nice to meet you." She flashed me a wide grin, motioning over to the table.
"Alright, you know the drill." She laughed as she flipped through my chart. "Must be annoying to have to hop around offices like this, but it says here you're on tour?" Jake nodded.
"Yeah, I'm in a band, and she's our photographer."
"Ah, a band guy." She laughed. Jake's cheeks burned red. "Don't worry, I kid. Anything I might've heard of?" Jake shrugged, shaking his head.
"Probably not." He laughed. She flashed him a gentle smile as she gently lifted my shirt.

"Sorry about the cold." She said. "I don't know why they haven't come up with anything better yet." The cold gel was the least of my concerns whenever I came here. She maneuvered around my stomach, until she finally stopped, her smile growing.

"And there's baby!" She said. "So it appears you are about 11 weeks now. How are you feeling?"
"A little nauseous in the mornings, but other than that, not too bad."
"Any cravings?"
"We've had to keep the bus stocked with fruit. It smells like an orange in there." Jake laughed. I felt my cheeks burn, peeking over at him with a smile.
"Could be worse." I sighed. I couldn't help but smile, seeing the silhouette of its head and tiny little nose. I hoped it would have Jake's nose. She moved the machine around again.

"Now.. hold on.." She said. I felt my body get cold. Hold on?
"W-what is it? Is.. is something wrong? Are they okay?" I asked. She nodded, giggling to herself.
"They is a good word." She said, smirking back at me. Jake leaned forward, looking closer at the screen.
"W-what do you mean?" He asked, now worried.
"Well.." She said, sliding the machine towards the lower part of my stomach. "So.. there's baby number one.. and.. there's baby.. number two!" She rolled back over, pointing to the screen again, flashing us a huge, toothy grin.

Baby number two?
There were two?

Jake was silent, holding his stare on the screen.
"T-two?" He finally managed, the color draining from his face. She nodded.

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