Chapter 218: Defining Home

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"Really?" I asked, sitting up, placing my hands over his. His smile grew as he leaned in closer. He nodded, flashing me a wide grin.
"Yeah.. wow." He sighed. I gently ran my fingers through his hair, pulling him in close.
"I was really hoping you would. I felt them for the first time this morning."
"And you've been keeping it from me all day?" He laughed, peeking back up at me. I nodded, giggling to myself.
"I just.. I wanted you to experience it on your own the first time." He smiled up at me, staring back with his usual dazed eyes.
"Thank you."

"Are they still gonna be up by the time we get home? It's probably.. w-what time even is it?" I asked, looking over. He shook his head, sitting back up, wrapping his arm around me.
"No, we'll see them in the morning. It's just you and me tonight." He said softly, pulling me closer, kissing my forehead. I reached over, grabbing his hand, intertwining our fingers.

"Then what if we.. stayed at our place tonight?" I asked, peeking up at him.
"But we don't have any-"
"We can bring some things from your house. I just.. I really wanna see it again." He smirked back down at me, holding his stare on me.
"You really wanna go? Even if it means.. sleeping on the floor?" He laughed. I nodded.

I didn't care.
I just wanted to be home.

By the time we pulled up the driveway, the lights were still on in the kitchen. Jake grabbed our bags, tossing them over his shoulder as he hopped out of the car, quickly making his way around to my side, opening the door.

"Looks like they are still awake." He giggled, taking my hand and leading us to the house.
"Can we give her the gift now then?" I whispered. He nodded, his smile growing. He barely had to knock before the door opened, his mom greeting us at the door.

"What are you still doing up?" He laughed as she pulled him into a hug.
"You know I can't sleep when I know you're traveling." She said, her eyes getting wide as she instantly looked down at my stomach.
"Oh my goodness, look at you!" She exclaimed, hugging me next. I wrapped my arms around her, holding her close. "You're already so big! And.. so soon!" I felt my cheeks burn, my heart start to beat faster.

She let us in, leading us into the kitchen where I saw three cups of tea already made out on the counter.
"Are these for us?" Jake asked, sitting down. I sat down next to him, feeling him pull the chair closer. "What, no more coffee?"
"Jess can't have coffee, so we're all having tea." She said, smirking over at me.
"Thank you. This is.. so nice. But you didn't have to wait up."
"I can never sleep when I know they're out. It's a mom thing. You'll feel the same way soon." She said, taking a sip.

I couldn't wait.

Jake then took the gift box and placed it onto the counter, sliding it over in front of her. She stared down at it wide-eyed before looking back up at us.
"What's this? Is.. is this for me?" She laughed. "Jake, you know it's not my birthday yet." He shook his head, rolling his eyes.
"Can't we just do something nice?" He joked, leaning back in his chair, subtly grabbing my leg. I bit down on my lip, feeling my heart beat faster.

"You can, but you never have before." She giggled, shaking it close to her ear.
"Oh, you're never gonna guess." He said. "You might as well just open it." I peeked up at him, a smile escaping my lips.
"Alright, alright.." She said, slowly unwrapping it.
"Oh my gosh, you're just as bad as she is." Jake laughed, motioning towards me. I playfully shoved him, rolling my eyes.
"Because we like to enjoy things, Jake."

She finally lifted the top off the box, pulling out the first onesie that read "I was planned."
"Oh my gosh.." She said. "Jacob, the baby was planned?! You guys-"
"There's more, Mom." He laughed, pointing back to the box. She stopped, her eyes still wide, quickly bouncing back and forth between the two of us, eventually looking back down at the box as she pulled out the other pieces of tissue paper.
"I don't know what else there could be.. I.. I can't believe-" She stopped, her jaw dropping as she looked back up at Jake.

"No.." She whispered. Jake bit down on his lip, containing his smile. "Are.. are you serious?" She lifted out the other onesie that read "I was a surprise."

"Are you guys having twins?! You're having twins!" She yelled, tears coming to her eyes. He nodded, flashing her a wide grin.
"We're having twins." He laughed. He reached over for my hand, squeezing it tightly. I couldn't help but feel my eyes well up with tears too.

It was so nice to actually have people be happy for us.

"Oh my god!" She yelled, quickly getting up and pulling him into a tight hug. "Honey, I am.. so happy for you. This is so exciting." She didn't hesitate to lean over, hugging me tight.
"I can't believe.. you two.. you were trying!?" She said, shooting Jake a look. His cheeks burned red.
"We're getting married, Mom." He laughed.
"Yeah, but you couldn't have waited?" He shrugged, peeking over at me. I felt my face get hot, avoiding her eyes.
"The onesies we're just supposed to be funny, Mom." He laughed. She sighed, shaking her head.
"Well.. they are." She giggled.

"What are you guys doing?" Ronnie asked, making her way down the hall, rubbing her eyes as she stood in the doorway of the kitchen. "What are you doing home?"
"You didn't tell her?" Jake asked.
"What's that?" She asked, making her way over to the counter. She picked up the "I was a surprise" onesie, giggling to herself.

"Surprise is right." She giggled. "Oh my god, it's so small. Jake, I can't believe you guys are going to have a tiny little baby." She sighed. Jake smirked, motioning back down at the box. She stared at him confused before looking down, her eyes instantly going wide.
"What?!" She screamed. "Two?! There are two! You're.. having twins?!" She squealed. I bit down on my lip, feeling more tears come to my eyes. Ronnie ran over to me, wrapping me in a tight hug.
"Oh my god!" She yelled. "Two babies! Jess!!" I felt my face get hot, my heart racing, hugging her tight.

With family like them, I no longer felt like I was missing out with the rest of my family not knowing anything about us.

"So, surprise. Twins in October." Jake laughed. "You can keep those onesies here for when you babysit, Mom. But.. I know Jess is exhausted, and so am I, and we're actually going to spend the night in our apartment." He said, stretching his arms above his head.
"You're going to the apartment? You're not staying here?" His mom asked.
"Mom.." He said. She sighed, brushing the hair out of his face.
"Alright. But.. I'm gonna make breakfast if you guys decide to come back in the morning."
"I'll let you know." He said, taking my hand. "Goodnight, Mom. I love you."
"I love you, honey."

Jake lead me down the hallway to his room, quickly gathering some blankets from his closet and grabbing the pillows from his bed.
"It's really not going to be comfortable, you know." He laughed, peeking back at me. "You're gonna wish you were back here in my bed once you get a feel of how hard that floor is." I shrugged, flashing him a smile.

It wasn't about being comfortable. It was about finally being ready. Ready to start our lives, just him and I, our family. Ready to finally have our own space, and I didn't care if we started out with nothing, because anywhere I was with him, I was happy, and I was so excited to build a home with him, no matter what that meant; we'd define it ourselves.

"I'm just excited to finally get started in our home."

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