Chapter 233: The End

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A Few Months Later
Wedding Day

I spun around in the mirror, admiring the brilliant white lace dress that so gracefully drifted to the floor, the front plunging down to the golden ribbon that was strategically tied around my waist, emphasizing the flare of the tulle. The sheer mesh sleeves left my arms glowing in the sunlight that streamed through the window of the twin's nursery, engulfing the room in the warm embrace of a romantic summer evening.

I turned around once I heard a knock on the door.
"Are you ready?" Ronnie asked, flashing me an excited smile. I sighed, nodding, taking one last look in the mirror. I was so happy that Jake and I had already done this alone, or else I knew I would be a mess right now.

Instead, I felt nothing but peace.

She lead me out into the living room where Hazel was trying her best to crawl around. Her head perked up as we made our way in, giving me a huge gummy grin and a loud screech. I couldn't help but smile, going over as quickly as my billowing dress would allow. She sat up, eagerly reaching her arms up for me.

"Ma!" She yelled. I scooped her up, holding her close as I spun us around. Her laughter echoed throughout the room as she tightly clung to my sleeve.
"Oh, look at you in your little dress, you are so beautiful!" She rested her head on my chest as I gently rubbed her back. "Your daddy is going to lose it when he sees you."
"I think he's gonna lose it when he sees you." Ronnie chimed in. "You are gorgeous." I felt my cheeks burn.
"Thank you." I said, peeking out the kitchen window.

The backyard was gorgeous, like right out of a fairytale. The twinkle lights warm glow illuminated the empty dance floor that would soon be filled with family and friends. Wooden dinner tables covered in daises and red roses and empty wine glasses that would eventually be overflowing with the sweetest reds and whites and the finest champagnes.

Looking over, I saw the seats begin to fill up in front of the handmade alter Jake and I had constructed a week prior while the twins sat on the side, laughing amongst themselves and picking grass from the ground. It was a little lopsided and poorly painted, but it was made with our own two hands, so in my eyes, it was perfect.

"Do you want me to take her?" Ronnie asked, reaching her arms out. I hesitated, eventually shaking my head.
"No, that's okay." I said. "I can carry her down the aisle."
"What about your bouquet?"
"You can carry that if you want." I laughed, handing it off to her. She nodded, smirking back at me.

I followed her over towards the backdoor where the rest of the bridal party had begun making their way down the aisle. My heart jumped when I saw Jake standing at the end, talking to Josh who was holding baby Josh in his arms. Sometimes it felt like he had him more than Jake.

He was right.
He was the best uncle.

"Are my girls ready to go?" My dad said, holding his arm out. I nodded, moving Hazel over to my other side, wrapping my other arm around his. She tightly clung to my dress, leaning her head on my shoulder.
"Mhm.." I managed, trying my hardest not to cry. He nodded, keeping his eyes down, I'm sure trying to do the same.
"Well then.. let's go."

As he opened the backdoors of their house, everyone went quiet, instantly standing, turning to look at us. Suddenly all eyes were on me, but all I could focus on were Jake's, who's lingered just like they did the first time he saw me. He always managed to make me feel like the only girl in the world, and isn't that what we all dream of? Somehow, I was lucky enough to find him in this lifetime, and I swore I would find him in every single one after.

As we got closer, I could see his eyes glistening as they welled with tears. He flashed Hazel an enthusiastic smile, giving her a playful wave. She screeched again, reaching her arms out.

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