Chapter 217: So Happy

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Later That Night

I was thankful that I was still able to cover my stomach with the oversized shirts we had bought, more so with the sweaters than anything, but now that it was getting warmer out, soon enough they were going to look suspicious. 

The end of this tour couldn't come soon enough.

Despite their fight, Travis and Nick were still here, but security kept everyone apart, which I was thankful for but the idea of Travis still lingering around every corner still hung over me. I was okay for majority of the day, but for those rare moments when Jake was off without me, I was always left.. a little worried.

As they played their last song of the night, I stood just out of sight from the crowd, watching the one I loved more than anything in the world doing what made him the happiest he's ever been. And everything felt right. I couldn't wait for our babies to get to see him do what he loved every single night, and hopefully that would show them that, no matter what they wanted to do in life.. anything was possible. 

He took his bow and ran off stage into the wings, now wrapping his arm around me, pulling me into a passionate kiss. I couldn't help but smile, holding his face in my hands, kissing him back. I had started to miss the way he'd pick me up and spin me around, but it was for the best, for the three of us.

"You were amazing." I sighed, flashing him a wide grin. He pulled me into another kiss.
"It never gets old." He said, slipping his hand into mine, leading me through backstage. 

"So.." He started, guiding me into his dressing room, shutting the door behind him. "I called my mom, and her and Ronnie won't be able to come out again for a bit, but we do have a small gap in shows if you wanted to make a quick trip back home? And I was thinking.. maybe.. we could start getting settled into the apartment while we're there."
"I'd like that." I said, sitting down on the couch as he quickly got changed.
"And then we can do more shopping for the babies." He subtly added, smirking back at me. 

I loved how excited he was.

"I guess it really isn't playing house anymore, huh?" I giggled to myself. He bit down on his lip, shaking his head.
"Nope. Now it's getting real." He laughed. "You're not.. getting cold feet, are you?"
"I think it's a little late for that." I said, shaking my head, gently rubbing my stomach. His smile grew as he sat down next to me, placing his hands over mine. I slid them away so he could get a better feel, secretly hoping they would move for him. But he didn't say anything.

"I can't wait to spoil you guys." He said softly. I felt my heart beat faster, a smile escaping my lips.
"Don't get too crazy." I laughed. He rolled his eyes.
"Don't listen to her." He whispered. "She's no fun. You guys can have whatever you want." I playfully shoved him away. 

But deep down I knew, once they were born, I would probably be even worse than him.

"You're really not gonna let me spoil them?" He asked, wrapping one arm around me. "They're our little miracles.. how can you not want to give them the world?"
"You know I won't stop you." I said softly, brushing the hair out of his face. He stared back at me with dazed eyes, placing his hand on my stomach again.

"So when would we leave?" I asked. His smile grew.
"Tonight." He giggled.

I admit, I had completely lost track of the schedule at this point. I basically just made sure to be on the bus and went where they told me to go, and pregnancy brain did not help.

"What, you got somewhere else to be?" He asked. I sighed, shaking my head.
"Tonight is fine. I just.. won't you be tired?" He shrugged.
"I'll be fine. You know how wired I am after a show. You can sleep though."
"I just.. want to make sure you're okay." 
"I'll be fine, Jess." He said simply, pulling me in, kissing my forehead. "We'll head back to the bus, you can pack a few things and we'll head out to the airport."
"This feels like it's happening.. fast." I laughed. He shrugged.
"Yeah, well, welcome to life on the road."

When we got to the bus, I noticed the rest of the guys still weren't back yet.
"Don't worry, I told Josh." Jake said, making his way into the back room, grabbing my backpack from behind the door. I watched as he started packing for me, throwing in more of the shirts we had bought, and a few more of his. I smirked, feeling my cheeks burn.
"You know those don't fit." I said. He peeked back at me, his smile growing.
"They show off your belly and I love to see it." He said happily.

I waited in the doorway as he finished packing, going over and grabbing the lion from his side of the bed, gently tucking it away in the bag.
"You're bringing that?" I giggled. He smirked back at me, his cheeks burning.
"Of course I'm bringing it, you got it for me. I.. I never sleep without it." 

I felt my face get hot, a huge grin escaping my lips as I watched him do one more look around the room, checking to see if he missed anything. Finally, he looked back up at me, flashing me a toothy grin when he caught me staring.
"What?" He giggled to himself, tossing my backpack over his shoulder and shoving his hands into his pockets.
"I'm.. I'm just.. so happy." I sighed. He held his stare on me, his cheeks burning.
"I'm happy too. Now come on. We have a plane to catch." He laughed, motioning towards the door. I nodded, taking his hand, following him through the bus.

The night was a blur as he guided me from the car, into the airport and onto the plane where he led me into our row of seats towards the window. I leaned my head on his shoulder as he reached out, gently holding my hand, intertwining our fingers. And within minutes I was asleep.
It felt as though I had only closed my eyes for a second when I felt him gently shaking me awake.
"We're.. we're there already?" I asked. He nodded, giggling to himself.
"Come on." He whispered. "You can sleep in the car for the rest of the way." I grabbed his hand again, following him closely as he guided us through the airport like he had done this a million times. I couldn't imagine living like this, though I'm sure by now they had gotten used to it. And if I was going to be married to him.. I guess I would just have to get used to it too.

Before we reached the exit, I noticed a gift shop with baby toys in the window. I stopped, pulling Jake towards the door. He looked over, a smile escaping his lips as he closely followed me inside.
"We should get something for your mom.. for when we tell her. Ronnie too." He nodded, looking through the shelves with me now.
"How about this one?" He asked, holding up a onesie that said "Grandma's favorite." I smirked back at him.
"You know we'd had to get one for the both of them, right? We're not starting with favorites already. You know how that feels." His cheeks burned red as he scrunched up his face. 
"I'll keep looking." He muttered, flipping through another pile.

"What about these?" I giggled. He looked over, flashing me a wide grin.
"That's funny." He said. "I think those are the ones." I nodded, and we quickly made our way over to the register.
"And if you could gift wrap those, that would be great." He added.

Then I was being lead into a car that was parked just outside the airport. I slid across the seat, Jake following me close behind, placing the gift box on my lap. He reached over, grabbing my leg, pulling me closer to him. I smirked up at him, leaning my head on his shoulder again.
"Are we going back to your house?" I asked. He nodded, giggling to himself.
"Yeah, unfortunately the apartment still doesn't have any furniture so.. unless you want to sleep on the floor.." I sighed, shaking my head.
"Your bed back home is just fine." I laughed.
"I promise, we won't be there much longer." I shrugged, peeking back up at him.
"I don't mind it. I have.. good memories there." He smirked back down at me, his cheeks burning red.
"Don't think about that time, we redid that remember? That's how we got into this mess. This beautiful mess." He laughed. I shook my head, my smile growing.
"Yeah, but.. I still always think about it." He rolled his eyes, leaning down, kissing the top of my head.
"Oh, I love you." He sighed, gently rubbing my stomach.

And then he jumped, quickly pulling his hand away.
"W-what? What's wrong?" I asked. He stared down at me wide-eyed, reluctantly placing his hand back on my stomach again. He gently felt around until until he jumped again, his smile growing, tears coming to his eyes.

"I felt them."

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