Chapter 226: Everything Worked Out

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Josh's P.O.V

I had barely opened my eyes when I began to hear voices from the back room.
I guess they were back.

I thought it was weird how they had just left for a few days but I really couldn't say I blamed Jess for wanting a break. I'm sure she was tired, especially in her condition. I know there were plenty of days where I wanted to pack up and go home too.

"I love you." I heard her say. My body went cold.
It never got easier.
And deep down.. I knew that it never would.
"I can't believe you're my wife. I am so lucky." Jake said. My heart dropped.

They had gotten married.
They went home to get married.

"Shh!" She laughed. "The walls are thin, remember?"
"Everyone's asleep, it's fine." Jake said.

I felt like I was going to be sick. They were engaged, they were having kids, so I knew this was bound to happen, but.. it just felt different. Not at all how I thought it would when the time finally came. Maybe if I actually had the time to prepare myself..

We had spent our whole lives as best friends. We did everything together and now.. Jake was married. He was going off and starting his own family.

Now Jess was his best friend.
He was going to be a father.

We both knew this was bound to happen as we got older, but I just couldn't help but feel like I was being left behind.

I finally got up, loudly stepping out of my bunk to give Jake a signal that someone was awake, and if they wanted anything else to be kept between the two of them, they should probably be quieter. I heard Sam grunt above me, the curtain of his bunk sliding open.

I really hoped him out of anyone hadn't heard anything. If he knew they were married, it would send him over the edge. We just had to make it to the end of the tour, because the last thing we needed was him going on another one of his benders.

"What's going on?" He mumbled. I went over to the counter, turning on the coffee maker, hoping to make that much more noise to drown out anything else Jake and Jess might be talking about back there.
"They're back." I said softly, motioning towards the bedroom. His face dropped, peeking over.
"Oh.." He sighed. I felt bad. He had been doing better these past few days, making me believe that once they were actually out of sight, Sam would finally be okay again.

As much as it killed me, I was still his big brother. And despite how I was feeling, I always wanted to make sure that he was okay. I would be fine, but I worried about him.

"You want coffee?" I called out. He swung his legs over the side of his bed, rubbing his eyes, nodding nonchalantly.
"Sure." He muttered. I made our coffee in silence, thinking about how I was going to go about the rest of this tour like I had no idea. Jake and I shared everything, so the fact that he was now hiding one of the biggest things in his life..

It almost hurt that he wouldn't tell me.

A Few Hours Later

Jess' P.O.V

"I'll see you later tonight, okay?" Jake said, leaning down, kissing my forehead. I nodded, flashing him a smile.

The bigger I got, the longer we waited for me to actually go inside, wearing clothes that were slightly bigger as the shows went on, hiding what we could of my belly, hoping no one would notice. It wouldn't be unheard of to gain a few pounds on tour. It wasn't like we were exactly healthy out here. And as for what was happening online, as far as we know, Lily still hadn't said anything. I don't think she would ever understand how thankful I was for her discretion. Just based off of the way everyone reacted when Jake announced that we were engaged, the last thing I wanted was everyone losing their mind over the fact that he was now going to be having, not one, but two babies.

That was no one's business but ours.

I went out into the main area of the bus, stopping as I saw Josh sitting on the couch.
"Oh.. hey." I said cheerfully. He smiled up at me, putting down his phone. "What are you still doing here?" He shrugged.
"Jake sound checks later so.. I figured it would be easier for you to have someone here to bring you inside." I couldn't help but smile, feeling my cheeks burn. He was always so sweet.

"You would think I was the one in the band." I laughed, going over, sitting down next to him. He nodded, giggling to himself. I felt my heart start to beat faster as his eyes shot down to my hands, moving from the left and stopping on the right, lingering for a moment on the gold band on my ring finger.

"Are you excited for the end of the tour?" I asked, trying to break his stare. He finally looked back up at me, giving me a gentle smile.
"Yeah." He said simply. "I always miss home."
"Me too." I sighed.
"Well, I'm sure your visit was nice." He muttered. I nodded, biting down on my lip.
"It was, but.. it was almost a tease." I laughed, now placing my hands over my stomach. His eyes moved back down.

"Do you.. want to feel?" I asked. He peeked back up at me, hesitating before finally nodding. I grabbed is hand, gently placing it on my stomach, moving it lower where the most movement tend to happen. He kept his eyes on me, his same kind smile pressed on his lips.
"Feel anything?" I asked. He shook his head, moving his hand around.
"They move all the time for Jake." I laughed. "Sometimes.. I get jealous. I feel like.. they're gonna love him more than me." Josh shook his head, reaching his hand up, gently touching my cheek.

"You're their mom. There's no way. You will always be their favorite." I couldn't help but smile, feeling my face get hot, tears coming to my eyes.
"Oh, I'm sorry." He giggled. "I.. I feel like I'm always making you cry." I nodded, wiping my eyes.
"Yeah but.. it's always for good reasons."

"My mom is my favorite person in the whole world. So if they're anything like me and Jake.. you're not gonna be able to shake at least one of them." He laughed. I nodded.
"That's what Jake said. He told me how you guys would always sneak into your parent's bed."
"Oh, yeah." He laughed. "We were such babies. I know I still am."

I peeked up at him as he moved his hand around my stomach again, keeping his eyes down.
"Josh, if either of them are anything like you, I would be so lucky." I sighed. He looked back up at me, his eyes getting wide.
"Y-you really mean that?"
"Of course I do. You are.. one of the sweetest guys I've met." He held his stare on me, a smile escaping his lips as his cheeks burned red. I could feel my heart beating faster the longer he stared.

"Oh!" He finally said, his eyes getting wide. "I.. I felt them!" I quickly moved my hand over near his, hoping to feel something. I was lucky if I had just a moment with them when Jake wasn't around anymore.
"Wow.." He sighed. "Those are your babies." I nodded, peeking back up at him. It was so easy to just feel.. at peace around him. I couldn't wait to see how he was with them. He was going to be the best uncle. I was so lucky to be able to give them such a good family.

Then I felt a quick jolt of pain in my side. I leaned over with a sharp gasp, holding onto my stomach. He quickly backed away.
"Jess, are.. are you okay? W-what's.. what's wrong?"
"Nothing.." I sighed. "It's fine.. it just.. it happens sometimes."
"Are.. are you sure? Is that normal?" I nodded, wincing again.
"Yeah, just.. something that comes along with these little ones." I sighed, forcing a smile. He nodded, holding his stare on me again.

"Well, if you ever need anything, you know that.." He stopped himself, his cheeks burning red. "You know that I.. I can help.. whatever you need. Please.. never hesitate to ask. I.. I'm always here." I nodded, trying to contain my smile.
"I know." I said softly, avoiding his eyes. "You were there for me before.. anyone." He nodded, reaching out for my hand. I felt my face get hot, looking down at them.
"I guess I was.." He giggled to himself.
"I.. really appreciated that. I was.. terrified and you made it seem like.. no matter what happened, it was going to be okay." He nodded.
"See? And isn't it? Everything.. worked out." He muttered. I bit down on my lip, nodding.

He stared back at me, his eyes moving down to my lips but then quickly meeting my gaze again.

"Hey, um.. while you were gone, I.. I got you something." He said, getting up and going over to his bunk. I watched him, confused as he brought me back a little gift bag. I hesitated before opening it, pulling out a small bottle of SunnyD and a pack of orange tictacs. I couldn't help but smile, my chest feeling tight as my heart jumped.
"You.. you know, like from-" I cut him off, pulling him into a tight hug.
"I know."

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