Chapter 214: I Am Always Yours

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I anxiously waited in my seat as Jake began to pace around the room while we waited for the doctor to come in.

"I'm sure everything's fine. You've been feeling okay, right?" He asked, peeking over at me. I nodded, keeping my eyes on my hands as I nervously picked at my nails.
"Can you sit down please?" I asked, reaching out for him. He stopped, smirking over at me as he made his way over, sitting down close. He grabbed my hand, intertwining our fingers.
"Sorry." He said, gently kissing my cheek. I leaned my head on his shoulder, gently rubbing my thumb over his.

My heart jumped as the door finally opened.
"Good morning!" She said cheerfully. "I'm Dr. Conall, and what are we here for today?" She asked, scanning through my chart.
"We just.. want to make sure everything is okay." Jake said, his grip getting tighter around my hand. "You know.. running smoothly." She nodded, flashing him as smile.
"Okay, no problem with that. Hopefully we can give you some peace of mind." She said, motioning over to the table. I got up, but Jake hesitated before letting go of my hand. I peeked back at him, giving him a gentle smile before he finally let go.

"First time parents, I assume?" She giggled, squirting the gel onto my stomach. By now I had gotten used to the cold, it was almost refreshing.
"Yeah." Jake said, making his way over next to me, grabbing my hand again. I bit down on my lip, containing my smile. "We're.. we're really excited and we just wanna make sure we're doing everything right."
"Well, you guys are very sweet." She said, moving the machine around my stomach. "Now do we want to know the genders?" She asked. I shook my head.

"Oh, no. We.. we want to be surprised the day of." I said. She nodded, her smile growing.
"How traditional. I love it." She said. "Alright then, I'll move carefully."
"Well, if you want to tell us.." Jake chimed in. I shot him a look, smirking back at him. He giggled to himself.
"I guess not. The Mrs. said no." He said softly, kissing my hand. My heart jumped. The Mrs.

"Well, everything is looking perfect." She said. "There's one baby.. and.. there's the other. And it looks like they're really getting along in there." She laughed. I sighed, peeking up at Jake who's eyes were in a daze, glued to the screen. It was the only time I was happy to share that same gaze with anyone else.

"Good." He sighed, leaning over, kissing the top of my head. Dr. Conall cleaned me up, pulling my shirt back over my now showing stomach.
"And you've popped!" She said. "How are you getting used to it? You been feeling okay?" I nodded.
"Yeah." I said, my smile growing, holding my stomach. "Still nauseous in the morning but.. it's never too bad."

"She craves fruit a lot, is that normal?" Jake asked. She giggled, shrugging her shoulders.
"Well, everyone is different. Though that does seem to be a consistent when pregnant with twins." Jake nodded.
"Yeah, my mom said she craved it too when she was pregnant with me and my brother." Her eyes perked up.
"Oh! Are you a twin too?" She asked. Jake nodded, flashing her a wide grin.
"That's fun! Is she excited?"
"Well, we.. we haven't told anyone about them yet." He said. She nodded, her smile growing.
"If she was pregnant with twins, I can guarantee you.. she probably already knows." She giggled to herself. I peeked up at Jake who's eyes got wide.

"I wish you guys the best of luck, please don't hesitate to call if you have any questions. We'll print you out a picture of the ultrasound before you head out." She said, getting up.
"Thank you."

Jake took it eagerly, holding it up close, inspecting in carefully.
"You know you're not gonna be able to tell." I laughed, shaking my head. "We told her it was going to be a surprise, she's gonna make sure we can't tell." His smile grew as he peeked over at me.
"Well, maybe.."
"No, Jake." I laughed. He sighed, rolling his eyes.
"Why do you want to torture me?" He giggled.
"You really want to know?" I asked. He bit down on his lip, holding his stare on me.

"No." He sighed. "I.. I can wait."
"Okay, but.. I think we should tell everyone.." I said. His eyes got wide. "About.. the twins."
"You want to?" He asked. I nodded.
"I think.. we should at least tell your mom. I'd.. I'd like to be able to talk to her about it, I feel like.. she could make me feel better about everything."

"What do you mean.. feel better?" He asked, his face dropping. I shook my head, smiling back at him.
"I just.. I don't know.. I'm nervous." I said softly. "And.. she's done it. She can tell me everything she knows. And it's just.. it's nice to have her to talk to. I.. I don't even know if my mom knows."
"Your dad wouldn't have told her?" I shook my head.
"They haven't been talking." He stayed quiet, eventually leaning in, gently kissing my cheek and sliding his hand back into mine, intertwining our fingers.

"Come on.. let's head back. We'll talk about it on the way back." I nodded, taking the photo from him, inspecting in closely, secretly wondering if I could tell what they were too.

He opened my door, helping me inside, carefully shutting it behind me.
"So.. do you want me to invite them back out?" He asked, peeking over at me. I shrugged.
"If you want to, we can tell the guys first." He looked back at the road, his face dropping.
"Do you.. not want to tell them?" I asked, smirking back at him.
"I just don't want.. anyone.. intruding." He said simply. I assumed he meant Sam.

But I had been wrong before.

"Well, I just.. would love to have your mom to talk to. I've never had that, so.." He nodded, reaching over for my hand again.
"Then I'll call her. I know she's going to be thrilled." He smiled, playfully rolling his eyes. "And I could only imagine how Ronnie is going to react. She was crazy when it was just one baby."
"She's going to be such a great aunt." I sighed, looking back down at the photo.
"Yeah, we're gonna have to pry them away from her." He laughed.
"Well, we may want a break eventually." He shook his head.
"I'm never gonna want a break." He sighed, a subtle smile spreading across his lips.

As excited as I was to meet them, I was most excited about seeing him become a dad, though as far as he was concerned, he already was. And it made me love him that much more.

I slowly moved my fingers up and down his arm. He bit down on his lip, his cheeks burning red as his smile grew.
"Oh no, is it happening again?" He giggled, peeking back over at me. I licked my lips, leaning closer.
"What are you talking about?" I asked. He held his stare on me.
"You know what I'm talking about. Don't think I forgot what you said before." I reached up, gently turning his face forward again.
"Watch the road." I said. He sighed.

"It's hard to focus on anything but you." He said softly. "Especially when you touch me like.. that." I felt my heart beat faster as I reached over, moving my hand up his leg. He peeked back at me, his smile growing.
"Jess.." He giggled, stopping my hand.
"What?" I asked. He shook his head.
"You know what." He insisted, finally pulling back in, parking at the far edge of the lot. He didn't hesitate to reach over, holding my face in his hands, pulling me into a passionate kiss. My heart jumped as I reached over, tightly grabbing onto his shirt, kissing him back harder.

"I told you you were mine later." I said softly, feeling his lips curl into a smile.
"I am always yours." He sighed, his kisses moving to my neck as he sat up, pulling me into the backseat of the van.

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