Chapter 231: Baby Girl

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"I think we can finally let them in now." I said softly, cradling baby Josh in my arms. Jake leaned over, gently rubbing the top of his head.
"Just a few more minutes." He giggled, not taking his eyes off of him.
"What do you think they're gonna say?"

"Oh, my mom is gonna cry, which will make Ronnie cry, Josh will try his best not to, and Sam will wonder why the baby wasn't named after him." I nodded, biting down on my lip.
"I.. I've.. been wanting to talk to you about that." I said. He stared back up at me.
"What about it?" He asked, his tone instantly changing
"I was just thinking-"

We both looked over as we heard a quiet knock on the door, Sara making her way in.
"How is everyone?" She asked. I sighed, still unable to look away.
"We're.. great." I finally said, keeping the same smile that hadn't gone away since the moment he was placed into my arms.

"They're ready to break down the door out there." She laughed, motioning out into the hall. Jake sighed, peeking over at me.
"Alright.." He said. "We can let them in." She flashed us a wide grin.
"I'll go get them." She said cheerfully, quickly making her way out into the hallway. I looked over to see Jake already smirking back at me.
"Now the fun begins." He laughed. "He's not ours anymore."
"The more the merrier."

His mom was the first one in the room, her eyes instantly shooting over to us as she speedily made her way over. I could tell by her face she was confused by the fact that there was only one, but she didn't ask. Her eyes instantly filled with tears.

"Oh my goodness.." She whispered, smiling from ear to ear. "He is so beautiful."
"How do you know it's a boy?" Jake joked.
"Because.. I know that face anywhere." She said. "Oh, honey. Look at him. He's perfect." Jake nodded, getting up as she made her way around the bed, pulling him into a tight hug. They both stood back together, admiring him.

"The other is in the NICU." Jake finally said, filling the silence that I'm sure was killing her. She sighed, nodding.
"The other.." She said, her smile growing. "Are you keeping it a secret?" Jake peeked over at me, I nodded.
"It's a girl." He said. Her face instantly lit up, pulling him back into another long hug.
"Oh my god, one of each, oh.. this is.. amazing. Oh, I'm a grandma!"
"Yeah, we haven't been able to see her yet, but they said soon."

"What is his name?" She asked. "Have you named them yet?"
"Her not yet.." He said, his voice trailing off. She turned back to him.
"But.. him?" Jake bit down on his lip, trying to contain his smile.
"You're not gonna tell me?"
"Where's everyone else?" Jake asked, trying to change the subject.
"They're out in the hall, can they come in too?" Jake nodded, motioning towards the door.

"Guys! Come on in!" She called out, and everyone else instantly poured in, quickly making their way over to my bed. It was almost overwhelming.
"Oh my god!" Ronnie loudly whispered, her eyes instantly filling with tears. Jake knew them so well. "Oh, look at the little baby! But.. where's the other-" She stopped herself, looking over at their mom.
"The other one's in the NICU." Jake said, his face dropping, shoving his hands into his pockets. I could tell he wanted nothing more than to get to hold his little girl.
"Are they okay?! Oh, wait.. what is it? What did you have!?" She asked again, leaning in close. Jake's smile grew, peeking back over at me.

"It's a boy." I said happily, turning him towards them as much as I could, still not ready to hand him off to anyone just yet.
"A boy!" Ronnie squealed, her smile growing. "Oh my god.. and.. the other one?" I couldn't help but smile.
"A girl."
"A girl?!" She yelled. "Oh my god.. Jake!" She went over, hugging him tight. "I can't believe you have two little babies. You're a dad, oh my god!" Jake laughed, hugging her back.
"I know, I know.. it's still sinking in."

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