Chapter 232: Purest Love

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The next few weeks were hell.

Every day it got harder and harder to stay positive with Hazel showing no signs of getting better. It seemed as though the only thing we had to look forward to every night was getting to see baby Josh when we got back home. Home still meaning his house, for the time being, since there was still no time to get anything ready back at the apartment. But as hard as it was to have to leave her every day, I still had a son to take care of who was healthy and happy and needed me.

Jake didn't say much about it, but I could tell it was killing him. He hadn't really been himself since I was checked out of the hospital. Of course they were both our children, and he loved them just the same, but that was his little girl, the little girl he dreamed about, and I understood.

But I missed him.

That first night back was so conflicting, carrying only one baby inside. I brought him into the nursery, carefully placing him down into the crib with the stuffed elephant.
"She's going to come home soon." I said softly as Jake hung in the doorway. "I know it."
"How do you know?" He asked. I shrugged, giving him a gentle smile.
"Mother's intuition." He nodded, smiling for what felt like the first time in days.

I went over to him, wrapping my arms around his neck, pulling him closer.
"I know it's been hard, but.. I still need you here. I just feel like.. you haven't really.. come back. Not having her here is awful but.. not having you.. is the worst." He bit down on his lip, nodding.
"I know." He sighed. "And I'm sorry. I just.."
"I know. But.. she's gonna be okay. I know it." He leaned in, kissing my forehead.
"I hope you're right."

And by some miracle.. I was.

The night we had been dreaming about for almost two months had finally arrived.
"Well look at that! Little Hazel has finally reached four pounds!" One of the nurses said, turning to me. My heart jumped.
"So that means.."
"That means she finally gets to go home." She said, flashing us a big smile. I felt Jake squeeze my hand, so tight I thought it might snap. I couldn't help but smile, feeling tears come to my eyes.

"Can I hold her?" He finally asked. She nodded, and began the process of getting her out on the incubator. I couldn't take my eyes off of her, still in shock that it was finally happening. I would never admit it to Jake, but there came a point where I had truly started to give up hope. There were no signs of her getting better, but I never had the heart to admit that to him. I knew that if anything happened to her, I would have lost my Jake forever.

And then they placed her in his arms, and it was like falling in love all over again. I know that the mother was typically always the first to hold the baby but.. I didn't mind giving him this moment.
"You're a natural." I whispered, leaning my head on his shoulder, looking down to admire her. She was.. perfect. And looked just like him. Who knew he had such strong genes. I was thankful.

That was all I ever wanted.

"You think so?" He asked, peeking over at me. I could see tears forming in his eyes as he held her closer. I was so lucky. And so was she, to have a dad that loved her so much. I nodded, leaning up, gently kissing his cheek.

"Now, I suggest leaving the hat on for as long as you can, just as a precaution to keep her as warm as possible." Jake nodded, holding her closer, gently rocking her.
"Is the carseat prepared?" She asked. I nodded. We typically left Josh at home with his mom to give her the chance to babysit, so thankfully, we had the free carseat tonight.

Now we'd finally be able to break out the second one.

"Now, typically the fathers-" She started. I shook my head, giggling to myself.
"I can pull the car around. He's been waiting forever for this moment." He looked over at me, his smile growing. I was just so happy to have him back.

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