Chapter 222: Let's Go Get Married

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"Are you feeling okay?" He laughed, gently pushing the hair out of my face. I nodded, holding my stare on him. I had never felt better.

"I mean it." I sighed. "You're right. We can have our wedding with everyone later but.. I want that moment.. with just you." I wrapped my arms around his neck, pulling him into a gentle kiss. My heart jumped as his hand slowly moved up my neck, tangling his fingers in my hair, kissing me back harder.

"You're.. you're serious." He sighed, leaning his forehead against mine. I nodded, kissing him again.
"I'm serious. That's what I want." He bit down on his lip, his smile growing.
"Okay, so.. you wanna go down to the courthouse today?" I nodded, feeling my heart beat faster.
"Alright then, but.. we gotta get you something to wear. Because I'm not doing it unless you're in white."

He didn't hesitate to bring us downstairs, helping me into the car. As we pulled out of the apartment complex, he reached over for my hand, intertwining our fingers.
"So, we've never really.. talked about this.." He said, trailing off, keeping his eyes forward.
"Were you planning on.. well, did you want to.. I mean.. I know it's super traditional, and.. times are different now but.."
"What is it Jake?" I laughed. He peeked over at me.
"Are you taking my name?" I couldn't help but smile, feeling my heart beat faster.
"Yes." I said. He nodded, his smile growing as he looked back out the window.
"You don't wanna think about-"
"No. The three of us are gonna have your name."
"Okay." He said happily, kissing my hand.

He pulled into a shopping center, stopping the car. I looked over at him, realizing he wasn't getting out.
"Are you coming?" I asked. He shook his head.
"No, I.. I don't wanna see it until you get changed later." He smirked. "I.. want to keep it.. somewhat traditional. Here.." He said, handing me his card again.
"Okay." I said, smirking back at him, stealing a quick kiss before getting out, shutting the door behind me. Before going in, I looked back to see him still watching me, flashing me a toothy grin and giving me a subtle wave. He was so cute.

It only took me a few minutes to realize how limited their white dress selection was, but that was okay. It didn't really matter to me. This was more so for him. I knew I would have my chance to pick out my perfect dress when we had our big wedding, and by then, I'd hopefully be smaller around the middle again. But deep down, I didn't care what I was wearing. Just as long as I was with him. And eventually, I would be spending much more time worrying about what the twins would be wearing.

My attention was better spent on them anyway.

I placed one hand over my stomach as I began flipping through the racks, realizing that the chances of finding something here that was going to fit me now was pretty unlikely. At this point, anything would do. As long as it was white, he would be happy.

"Hi! Is there anything I can help you with?" I heard from behind me. I turned around, shaking my head and flashing her a smile.
"Oh, um.. no that's okay, thank you. I think I got it." I said. I saw her eyes move down to my stomach, her smile growing.
"Oh! Is this for your baby shower!" She exclaimed. "We have so many cute maternity dresses over here if you'd like." I felt my cheeks burn.
"Um.. y-yeah. I just.. I was hoping for something white though." She nodded, leading me to another section.
"White is a little limited, usually reserved for bridal, but.. we do have this one!" She said, pulling one off of the rack. I could already tell it was super tight and form fitting. I shook my head, feeling my face get hot.
"Um.. n-no, that's okay. I was hoping for something.. maybe a little more.. loose and.. flowy." She nodded, flipping through the racks again.
"No problem, I'm sure there's something."

I hated to be rude, but I really just wanted to pick something and get out of here.

"How about this!" She finally said, pulling out a white, floor length dress with lacy sleeves, covered in embroidered flowers.
"Oh wow, that's.. perfect." I said, taking it from her. "Thank you."
"Of course! Loose enough where you can still feel pretty." She laughed. But it wasn't about my bump not making me feel pretty. My babies made me feel.. beautiful. It was a miracle I was even able to have them. They were the most beautiful thing about me.

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