Chapter 215: Ethereal

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It was moments like these with him where I had never felt more beautiful; where it was as if time had stood still. Every kiss, every touch making me melt, dripping right through his fingers. My whole life, I had never felt wanted in the way he wanted me, loved in the way he loved me, showering me in such tender affection that I never realized I craved so deeply until he was the one giving it to me. I had never felt safer with him, and for that I never felt more like me. Our love, ethereal and divine, I never felt more alive and I knew, if there was ever a day I'd have to be without it, I would never survive.

He stared back at me with his same loving gaze, his face flushed with affection as he caught his breath, gently brushing the hair out of my face, pulling me back into a passionate kiss.
"I love you." He sighed, kissing me over and over and over..
"I love you more." His smile grew as he reached over, grabbing my shirt that had been tossed into the front seat. He gently pulled it over my head, pulling my hair out from underneath the collar along with his crystal necklace.

"I.. I don't like this." He giggled, reaching over for his shirt. I felt my cheeks burn, smirking back at him as I grabbed my pants, sliding them back on.
"Don't like what?" I asked. His cheeks burned as he bit down on his lip, holding his stare on me.
"It feels.." He shrugged. "Casual. And.. I don't want anything to be casual with you." I pulled him into another kiss.

"I promise, once we get home, nothing will ever be casual." I laughed. "But right now, we kinda have to take whatever alone time we can get." He nodded, holding his stare on me.
"Yeah, I just.. can we go in?" He asked, motioning towards the bus. "I just.. I wanna.."
"You wanna.. what?" He stayed quiet, holding his stare on me, a flustered smile spreading across his lips.

"You wanna cuddle?" I asked, smirking back at him, feeling my heart beat faster. Sometimes I forgot just how sweet he really was. He hesitated for a moment before eventually nodding.
"Yeah." He whispered. "I just.. I like that.. after." I pulled him into another kiss before taking his hand, intertwining our fingers and leading us out of the van and back over to the bus.

Of all times, I was so thankful that there weren't any fans gathered outside.

He opened the door, guiding me inside where we were met with everyone sitting together in the main area.
"How'd everything go?" Josh asked, looking over at me, giving me a gentle smile.
"Everything went well. Th-.. well.." I peeked up at Jake, wondering if it would just be best to tell them all now. He stared back at me with wide eyes. I nodded, motioning back towards them.

"Well.." He sighed. "We.. um.. we have some more news." I saw Sam's eyes get wide.
"More news?" Josh asked, his eyes jumping from Jake's to mine again. Jake nodded, wrapping his arm around me.
"So.." He said, going into his pocket and pulling out the photo from the ultrasound, placing it down in front of them on the table. I saw all of their eyes shoot down.

"We're.. having twins." He finally said. I gripped his hand tighter, pulling him closer to me. Sam looked up, now staring at me wide-eyed, his face dropping. Josh instantly turned to Jake, his eyes lighting up, flashing him a huge grin.
"Twins!" He yelled. "Oh my god!" I peeked up at Jake to see a huge smile escaping from his lips.
"Yep, there they are." He giggled, pointing to the photo. "One and two."

"Oh, is that their names?" Josh laughed. Jake rolled his eyes.
"No, but.. we have some ideas." He said, peeking back at me. I felt my heart jump.
"Do you know what they are yet?" Josh asked, picking up the photo, looking at it closer.
"You're not gonna be able to tell, he already checked." I laughed, leaning my head on Jake's shoulder.
"But, no." Jake added. "We're waiting to be surprised."

I peeked over at Sam who still hadn't said a word but held his star on me. I quickly looked away.
"Does mom know?" Josh asked. Jake shook his head.
"Not yet.. you're the first one's we're telling. But.. I was gonna call her tonight."
"This is so funny." He laughed. "Of course you would be having twins. You, Mr. 'I'm Never Having Kids' is having two kids." Jake rolled his eyes again, playfully shoving him away.
"Oh my god, Ronnie is gonna lose her mind."
"I know, so that's gonna be interesting."

I peeked back over at Sam.
Still silent, staring back at me.

"Well, this is awesome. I'm.. so happy for you." Josh said, looking over at me, flashing me a smile. I felt my cheeks burn.
"Thank you." I said softly, feeling tears start to come to my eyes. I quickly wiped them away.

Not again.

"Oh, no. I'm sorry." He laughed, getting up. "Did I say something?" Jake shook his head, leaning over, gently wiping my eyes.
"No, no.." He sighed. "This just happens now." I rolled my eyes, playfully shoving him away.
"Shut up." I laughed, feeling my cheeks burn. He wrapped his arms around me, pulling me back up against him. I could feel my heart beating faster, my body getting hot, suddenly remembering why we were in such a rush to get back onto the bus in the first place.

I saw Josh subtly kick Sam under the table, motioning towards me. His cheeks burned red, quickly glaring back at Josh before finally turning to me.
"Congratulations." He finally said, avoiding my eyes. I nodded, feeling my stomach drop. I grabbed onto Jake's shirt, pulling him towards the back room. I heard him giggle to himself.
"Seems like momma is tired." He laughed, smirking down at me. I shook my head, my smile growing. Jake turned back to them.

"Well, we're gonna be in the back until-"
"Yeah, we don't need the details." Sam said. My heart dropped. I felt Jake's grip on me get tighter as he glared over at Sam, finally pulling me back into the bedroom, shutting and locking the door behind us.

I sat down on the bed, peeking up at him. He came over, sitting down close.
"Don't think about any of that. It's exciting, and we can be excited, and.. there are people who are so excited for us so.. don't get hung up on.. those who.. might not be. I love you, and I love them, and everything is going.. great." I sighed, nodding, smiling back at him.

It was amazing how easy it was for him to make me feel better now.

And I knew there was no use getting hung up on anyone who wasn't happy for me anymore. I was getting married, I was having two babies, and.. I didn't need anyone who couldn't understand just how happy I finally was.

"Come here.." I said softly, reaching out for him. He smiled back at me, pulling his shirt over his head and tossed it onto the floor. He pulled me closer, taking off my shirt too.
"What are you doing?" I giggled, wrapping my arms around him. He smirked back at me, pulling me underneath the blankets.

"This is how we cuddle." He said softly, nuzzling his face in my neck. I sighed, holding him close, running my fingers up and down his back. He peeked up at me, giving me a subtle smile. I leaned in, gently kissing him on the lips when I felt his hand now caressing my face, kissing me back. My heart started beating faster, my body getting hot. I maneuvered myself over him, tangling my fingers in his hair, kissing him harder.

"You are out of control." He giggled to himself, pulling me back down next to him. "Now take a nap." I sighed, shaking my head, lying my head on his chest. I felt his hands venture into my hair, gently combing their way through, and in a matter of minutes everything went dark.

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