Chapter 227: Start the Car

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And just like always they played a flawless show.
Getting to see them do what they loved never got old, no matter how many times I was lucky enough to witness it. Every night was different. The crowd, the energy..

Even on my worst days, getting to experience this was nothing short of inspiring.
Maybe letting the babies get to experience this would be worth it.
And after all.. the bus wasn't so bad.

The rest of the tour seemed to fly by and I couldn't be more thankful because every show down meant we were one day closer to the twins being born.

By now, there was no hiding my stomach so I was kept as hidden as possible, mainly watching from further back in the wings, but still close enough to see Jake and have him flash me a smile or two, and every time I would get just as excited as the first.

So would the twins.

The cramping had started to get worse and more frequent as time went on, but the doctor said it wasn't unusual with twins considering how much faster everything seemed to be happening. There were two after all, but I still worried every time. At our most recent visit, the doctor had told us that twins were much more likely to be born early, but considering everything I had been through, I always wondered if the next cramp wasn't actually a cramp.

"I can't believe we get to go home tonight." Jake sighed, rolling over, placing his hand on my belly. His smile grew as he leaned in, gently kissing it. "And I can't believe how big you've gotten." I couldn't help but smile, feeling my face get hot.
"Yeah, me either." I laughed. "The sooner they're ready to come out, the better. I want to be able to do things with you again without risking anyone seeing us." He smirked back up at me.
"Yeah, I'm sure you want to be able to do things again." I shook my head, playfully shoving him away.

With me getting closer and closer to my due date, the doctor had mentioned the risk of, in her words "having a little too much fun would lead to them showing up earlier than expected," and I had a feeling it was much worse for me than it was for him.

"If you wanted to go back to your house tonight, you know, to see everyone, I wouldn't mind. Your mom also said she har a surprise for us so.. I think one night in your old room won't be so bad." I laughed.
"I would like that." He sighed, sitting back up to face me, pulling me into a long kiss. I stared back up at him, gently caressing his face, kissing him again.

"How are you feeling today? Are they okay in there?" He asked. I nodded, gently rubbing my hands over my stomach.
"Yeah, as good as I can be at this point." I muttered. "I just want to hold them already." His smile grew as he leaned in, kissing my forehead.
"Me too. I'm never gonna wanna put them down."
"We can trade on and off." I laughed. He nodded, kissing me again.

"You feel up to coming out tonight or-"
"Of course, it's your last show. We have watch you." He flashed me a wide grin, nodding as he took my hands, helping me up from the bed.
"I don't understand how I just don't topple over." I laughed, intertwining our fingers as I followed him out into the main area of the bus as fast as I could manage.
"Me too, honestly." He said, smirking back at me.

He peeked out the window, making sure the coast was clear of fans outside the bus. I don't know how we were able to keep everything a secret this long. I knew it was only a matter of time before something came out, but I wanted it to be on our terms. I knew it was going to be impossible once they were born, but for now, and hopefully a little while after.. they could remain ours.

I knew what being with Jake meant, but the closer and closer we got to them being born, the more scared I was about them being in the public eye too. He had chosen this life and I had made the decision to live it with him, but they were being born into a situation they had no say in whatsoever, and I never wanted to take that away from them.

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