Chapter 2

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It started off as a wonderful night. How did it end up so badly? 

"I can't believe I left my stupid wallet." Bakugou grumbled as he walked with Todoroki. This was their first date. And sadly Bakugou couldn't pay for anything because he left his wallet. "It's okay, I didn't mind paying for everything. I still enjoyed our date." Todoroki said. Bakugou blushed and rolled his eyes. He sipped on his slushy, and they also went to the light carnival. Todoroki had mustered the courage to ask Bakugou to the light carnival and to be his boyfriend. The duo haired male was in absolute shock when Bakugou said yes. It seemed like a good dream. "Would you go out with me again?" Todoroki asked, breaking the silence between them. "Yeah, this was ok I guess." Bakugou murmured. Todoroki nodded, he had a warm smile on his face. 

They kept walking towards Bakugou's house until Todoroki realized where he was going. "Oh right, I'm going back to the dorm. Do you want me to keep walking you home?" Todoroki asked. Bakugou scoffed then glared at Todoroki. "Oi! I'm not a kid, I can walk myself home half n' half!" Bakugou yelled. Todoroki nodded then stood awkwardly in front of Bakugou. "Well, have a good ni-" Todoroki began to say before Bakugou interrupted him. The blonde had placed his lips against Todoroki's. This was Todoroki's first kiss! When Bakugou pulled away, his face blew up in blush and ran home. Todoroki stood there in shock for a while before turning around and walking to the dorms. 

Once Bakugou didn't see Todoroki anymore he stopped running. He couldn't believe he actually did that. He began walking normally and sipped at his slushy. Now Bakugou wasn't scared of the dark, but something about the night was eerie. He picked up his pace, now he knew something was off. He took a peak to see if anyone was behind him. Nothing. He kept walking but faster. The area around him began to fill with a dark fog. He dropped his slushy and started his quirk up. "Fuck off you stupid villain!" Bakugou yelled as he was sure this was another villain. A portal appeared in front of Bakugou and he blew himself back. Dabi and another villain stepped out of the portal. 

Bakugou grunted as he began to use his explosions to propel himself in the air. He was about to get away until a herd of blue flames scurried his way. He barely managed to dodge it, the flames distracted Bakugou as something yanked his leg and pulled him towards the villains. He tried to break the metal that connected him with the other villain but it was too late. Bakugou couldn't do anything but yell for help. He struggled to get away, nothing worked. He was being kidnapped by the L.O.V once again. Once he was with the villains they put a cloth over his mouth and nose. Bakugou couldn't use his quirk and became very drowsy. That was it for him. Once again in the arms of danger. 

To Be Continued...

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