Chapter 26

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By the time Katsuki was good and situated, the doctor let him know he was already 6 centimeters dilated. They gave him the choice to push or get a c-section. Since he didn't want to live with the scar of childbirth, he decided to push and have them standby if anything goes wrong. He was currently playing with Todoroki's hair as he laid his head on Katsuki's lap. His parents were out of the room calling the baby's adopter and telling them that their child would be born soon. Katsuki was trying not to cry as he heard the conversation. He changed his mind, but it would be way too late to his parents. "I can try to tell them you want to keep it, so you don't have to." Todoroki offered, Katsuki shook his head and took a deep breath. "I'm sorry Sho. I think it's too late." Katsuki whispered and dried any tears that threatened to come out. Todoroki hummed and put his head back down. His parents came back into the hospital room afterwards and smiled. 

"How you feeling Katsuki?" Mitsuki asked her son. Katsuki shrugged his shoulders then looked down at Shoto. "I think I'll try to take a nap." Katsuki said, laying back and closing his eyes. Mitsuki chuckled then nodded. "Alright, we'll all be right here when you wake up. The doctors are going to be coming to check on you so we might have to wake you up." Masaru added on. Katsuki shook his head in acknowledgement and eventually fell asleep. Shoto fell asleep in his lap. 

Shoto woke Katsuki up from his nap one final time and there were a bunch more nurses and doctors in the room. "You're 10 centimeters dilated. They said you have to start pushing soon." Katsuki was quickly awoken after that. He looked at Shoto scared, then looked around his parents. "We're right here beside you." His parents told him. He lifted his legs in the positions for birth. "Hi Katsuki. You're going to go ahead and start pushing during your next contraction." The doctor told him with a deathly smile on his face. They finished getting Katsuki prepped for birth, and he began to have another contraction. He couldn't feel it of course, so the doctor cleared his throat. Todoroki held Katsuki's hand and nodded. "Alright, Katsuki, it's time to push." The doctor said, Katsuki just started pushing, he didn't really know how, he just followed his instincts. 

Suddenly he felt pressure on his lower stomach. It made him want to push harder. "Alright, that was good for the first push." The doctor told him. Katsuki caught his breath then he smelled a comforting smell. It was Shoto's, and Katsuki looked over at him. The dual-haired male blushed, "Sorry. I was trying to hold back. You're letting pheromones and they're affecting me." Todoroki murmured, Katsuki could tell his smell was really affecting Todoroki. He rubbed Todoroki's hand but the alpha pulled his hand away. "I-I'm sorry. I just don't want to let any smell in front of your parents." Todoroki said, Katsuki pulled his hand back and scoffed. "Do it. I don't care and they can't do anything since I'm literally in the middle of giving birth." Katsuki whispered back to him. Todoroki sighed then let out his smell. Katsuki smelled it and snickered. 

"What, are you fucking horny?" Katsuki laughed then rubbed Shoto's hand. Todoroki blushed as Katsuki called him out. "You've been moaning ever since we were at your house." Todoroki embarrassingly told him. Katsuki snickered then began getting another contraction. He felt the intense pressure again and pushed. "Keep pushing Katsuki!" The doctor said as Katsuki began pushing. Katsuki remembered that he could make as much noise as he wanted and let out a loud grunt. He had such a tight grip on Todoroki's hand but neither of the boys could care. Once the contraction was over, Katsuki laid back and caught his breath. He started rubbing Todoroki's hand again and he looked over at his parents. Masaru was actively wiping the sweat off Katsuki's head, while Mitsuki was making sure everything looked right down there. Katsuki looked back at Todoroki who was letting out more of his pheromones. "You okay?" Todoroki asked Katsuki, who seemed to be having a hard time catching his breath. "Yeah, I'm good." Katsuki answered. 

Katsuki had to push 3 more times before the baby was close to coming out. He caught his breath then closed his eyes. He was in so much pain. He wanted the baby out already. He had another contraction and started pushing. "Push, push, push, keep pushing, we see the head!" The doctor said, Katsuki let out a loud scream and kept pushing. "There we go. Here he is." The doctor said, catching Katsuki's baby and putting him on Katsuki's chest. The tiny baby screamed its lungs out. Katsuki rubbed its back and looked at it in shock. He scoffed in disbelief, he looked down at his new baby and started to get the goo off of him. He had blonde hair and bright blue eyes. Mitsuki awed and Katsuki couldn't help but smile. "Would you like to cut the umbilical cord?" The doctor asked Todoroki. He nodded his head and let the doctor guide him on cutting the umbilical. 

Katsuki began tearing up. Of course his baby was smaller than normal but that was maybe the only thing wrong. "He looks a lot like you." Shoto said, looking the at baby. He smiled and Katsuki snickered. He kissed the baby on the forehead. Mitsuki snickered and sighed. "I'm glad we still made that nursery. He's definitely bringing the baby home." Masaru said. Katsuki looked at his parents and nodded. "Please, I want to raise him." Katsuki begged. Masaru nodded his head. He decided to call the adopter as everyone kept looking at the new baby. Katsuki realized how under prepared he was about to be with the little guy but he didn't care. 

To Be Continued...

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