Chapter 31

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The boys were finally out of high school. 4 years have passed. Katsuki worked incredibly hard to get higher on the chart than he ever was. He was able to keep Shigeo a secret as well. Shoto bought them a small house. It really made them feel like a family. Shoto was out of the country for a mission. So that means Katsuki had to take off work to take care of Shigeo. The toddler was quite the handful. He was the most energetic kid you could think of. When Katsuki met Rei, Shoto's mother, she told him that Dabi was an energetic child as well. It did bring some pain back to Katsuki watching Shigeo grow up. The thing that hurt the most was his diamond, bright, blue eyes, but that didn't mean he didn't love his kid from the sun and back. 

"Come on! We have to pick your father up from the airport!" Katsuki yelled to Shigeo. The 4 year old ran to the door and giggled. "I got Daddy's surprise! He love it!" Shigeo told his mother as he showed him a decorated card. Katsuki broke a smile then grabbed his hand. They walked to the car and Katsuki put him in his car seat. After Katsuki started the car, he put on Shigeo's favorite playlist. He drove to the airport then called Shoto. "Hello? Kat?" Shoto answered, Katsuki could hear pain in his voice. "I'm at exit 21. Come on, Shigeo finally fell asleep." Katsuki told him. "Ok." Shoto said before hanging up. Katsuki was a little shocked by the immediate hang up, but he remembered that Shoto was probably stressed out or in physical pain. He waited until he saw Shoto. His eyes widened, seeing Shoto limp to the car with his arm in a sling. He got out of the car and walked up to Shoto. "I see the reason you stayed back was because you were injured." Katsuki said as he walked up to him. Shoto put down his suitcase and gave him a one arm hug. "Hey. We need to talk." Shoto told him. Katsuki felt a shiver go down his spine. 

"Alright." Katsuki told him in fear. Katsuki helped him walk to the car. Shoto looked at Shigeo then smiled. He put his seat belt on, Katsuki started the car and started to drive. Shigeo's slight snoring filled out the car. "The reason they didn't let you on this mission was because Dabi made an appearance. He found out that Shigeo didn't die and he thought you were going to be there. Then we had a sibling fight I guess, afterward he tried to talk to me in the hospital. He told me he wanted to see Shigeo, and he apologized." Todoroki told him. Katsuki looked over at him, he was tearing up. Katsuki didn't say anything in response. Todoroki looked over at Katsuki then sighed. "What did you say to him?" Katsuki asked after thinking about everything Katsuki said. "Nothing, I couldn't bring myself to say anything." Shoto told him. Katsuki nodded then pulled over. He felt as if he was about to explode. 

"Are you okay?" Shoto asked him. Katsuki shook his head then wiped his eyes. "Mommy? Are we home yet?" Shigeo said, as he woke up. Shigeo noticed his father then cheered. "Daddy! I got you a surprise!" Shigeo said, as he grabbed the card that fell in his car seat and threw it up the front of the car. Shoto smiled then thanked him. Katsuki started the car then drove home. "I love it, Shi, thank you." Shoto told him. Shigeo whined then pouted. "Mommy I need peepee!" Shigeo cried, Katsuki looked at him in the mirror. "Give me a number." Katsuki told Shigeo. "8." The toddler told him. Katsuki pulled over to a random restaurant so Shigeo could use the bathroom.  After Katsuki helped his son use the bathroom, they went home. Katsuki started a bath for Shoto. If Katsuki made a bath for him, Shoto knew that was Katsuki telling him to relieve himself. He was lucky his left arm was hurt and not his right. 

Their sex life was a little bit nonexistent. They only really grind on each other until they both orgasm. It wasn't a lot but it was a big step for the couple. Katsuki was in the kitchen as Shoto in the bath. "Come here, dinner is ready. I made your father's favorite." Katsuki told him as he had put out the cold soba. He had cooked some fish to have with the soba. "Yay! Soba!" Shigeo exclaimed, he grabbed the bowl Katsuki made for him and went to the table. Katsuki put the fish in the middle of the table, he grabbed his bowl of soba and sighed. "Mommy? Are you sad, daddy got hurt in mission?" Shigeo asked him after eating his soba. Katsuki smiled then nodded his head. "Me too. But daddy and you are heroes! You fight bad guys! It ok to get hurt!" Shigeo told his mother. Katsuki didn't know how he raised this kid, he chuckled then ruffled his hair. "Go ahead and eat." Katsuki told him. Shigeo didn't hold back and ate. 

Shoto came into the dinning room, Katsuki got up and grabbed his bowl. He placed it on the table. "Thank you." He told him as he sat down. Katsuki sat back in his chair and continued to eat silently. "Daddy~ You get better, mommy was worried about you!" Shigeo told his father. Katsuki blushed and shushed his son. "Ehhh shut up you little bastard!" Katsuki yelled, Shoto snickered and began to eat. "Anywho! Daddy, did you beat up bad guys?" Shigeo asked him, Shoto nodded then cleared his throat. "He was a hard one to fight. But I gave him a real run for his money." Shoto told his son. Shigeo got up from his chair then started to do fighting poses. "Like this and this right?" Shigeo asked as he kicked and punched the air. Katsuki snickered as he watched. Shoto chuckled and shook his head. "Yep just like that." Shoto told him. Shigeo cheered then looked at his parents with a smile. "I can't wait to get my quirk like mommy and daddy! It gonna be awesome!" He exclaimed. 

Katsuki totally forgot about his quirk. Midoriya told him it was most likely going to be blue explosive. Meaning really hot, blue fire explosions. A good mix of Katsuki's and Dabi's quirks, but it was going to be the time Shoto and Katsuki decided to tell him who his real father was. "Don't worry it's going to come." Shoto told him, he glanced at Katsuki who was playing with his soba. He was on the verge of tears. "Shigeo, are you finished with your dinner?" Shoto asked him, the toddler nodded then showed him his empty bowl. "Go put it in the sink, get a popsicle and go to your room okay?" Shoto told him in a polite manner. The toddler did as he was told and skipped to his room. Shoto put his free hand on Katsuki's thigh, the omega flinched then sighed. "Sorry. I'm getting memories of everything. I'm worried, damn, he's going to try to take my son. He's going to try to touch me again, he put your arm in a sling and now he- he oh god." Katsuki's breath quickened and Shoto realized he was about to have a panic attack. 

Shoto scooted closer to Katsuki. He placed the blonde's head on his shoulder. He let out a comforting smell then rubbed Katsuki's back. "Shigeo is okay. You're okay. I'm okay. We're all okay. Dabi is in prison in another country, breathe baby." Shoto consoled him. Bakugou's breathing regulated after a while. "Ugh, I'm sorry. You just got home. Thank you though." Bakugou said, as he sat up. "It's okay." 

To Be Continued...

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