Chapter 5

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The heroes wasted no time to go get the omega. They knew where the L.O.V hideout was. They had a pretty successful plan. Even without the help of All Might. Some students were there. Midoriya, Todoroki, and Kirishima. These were the people that were closest with Bakugou. On the way there was silence. Everyone was worried about Bakugou. Seeing how this kidnapping seemed more mysterious and out of the blue nobody knew what to expect. "Something seems off. This seems too easy." Todoroki mumbled. Midoriya nodded in agreement. Kirishima didn't know how to react. "But it doesn't hurt to try, right?" Kirishima said, trying to cheer up everyone. Todoroki bit his lip in frustration and shook his head. "No it does hurt. It's time wasted. This could be ten thousands times worse than last time." Todoroki yelled, he looked down in pain. Midoriya tapped Todoroki's shoulder. 

"Let's try to stay hopeful. We still don't know anything, Todoroki." He said. The dual haired male took a deep breath and stayed quiet. It seems awkward now. "Alright everyone, let's go!" Aizawa yelled. The students went with Aizawa to sneak inside the building. Midoriya used 5 percent of his quirk to blow a hole into the wall. Kirishima, Midnight, Snipe and Present Mic fight off villains. Todoroki looked around for Bakugou. He checked in each room, each crevice, up, down, left, right, he couldn't find him. Todoroki also couldn't find Dabi. Aizawa also couldn't find his student anywhere. They must've walked into a trap. 

"We meet up again Izukuuuuu. Come on to me sweetheart, things might get a little bloody though~!" Toga said, running towards the freckled boy. As he's dodging all her attacks, she suddenly stops and pouts. "Guess we got to do this the hard way." She starts to drink someone's blood that was in a small tube in her pocket. "KACCHAN?!" Midoriya yells in horror. As the villain turns into his childhood friend. "Come to me now Izuku. Weren't you looking for me?" Toga asked, but it was Bakugou. Midoriya began to dodge the millions of explosions that were coming for him. He ran to find Kirishima or Mr. Aizawa for help. "COME BACK IZUKU~!" Toga yelled, she created an explosion to propel herself off the ground and tackled Midoriya onto the floor. 

Kirishima fortunately comes and quickly punches Toga in the face with a hardened  fist. He quickly helped Midoriya up and ran to the blown up wall. Because of Midnight a lot of villains were fast asleep. They were all able to leave quickly, Mr. Aizawa had to drag Todoroki out of the building. The dual haired male couldn't believe it. They were leaving without Bakugou. Farther than they started. "Is everyone okay?" Present Mic asked. Midoriya shook his head as he was obviously the most damaged. "With my quirk everyone was mostly easy to handle. I didn't see Dabi though." Midnight added. Mr. Aizawa tended to Midoriya and sighed in annoyance. "I-it was a trap. They knew we were coming to search for Kacchan. He's hurt. Toga had his blood." Midoriya explained. Todoroki couldn't even think properly. His poor mate. 

"Figured. Lord, this might be worse than we thought." Mr. Aizawa whispered to himself. 

To Be Continued...

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