Chapter 23

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Class 1-A was in class. It was mostly a regular day. The most irregular thing that happened was a pop quiz from Mr. Aizawa. As they were about to go to lunch, power in the entire building goes off. Leaving everyone in the dark, because of the power shortage the class was locked into the cafeteria. Word quickly got out that U.A was being breached, class 1.a was quickly brought out of the cafeteria. They were most likely the target of the invasion. With all the commotion going on the villains had to act fast. But the villains weren't the normal L.O.V villains, they were small, humanoid blobs that were breaking into the building. It wasn't hard to round them up, but there were thousands. It was hard trying to keep the students safe while limiting the amount of blobs running around, messing up the school. 

All of a sudden a window broke in class 1-a. More blobs entered the room, they destroyed the classroom entirely. Momo quickly recreated a trap to keep them from hurting someone. Afterwards, the class went ham on the blobs, destroying each and every one of them. The door was broken. "We should stay in here like Mr. Aizawa told us." Iida told the class as some people looked out the door. They could look outside to see the rest of the city was dealing with the infestation of the humanoid blobs taking over everything. They decided to stay inside. Everyone stayed away from the window and huddled into a small corner. 

Mr. Aizawa on the other hand was battling these little blobs everywhere. Snipe, Midnight, and other heroes helped with the blob infestation as well. As Eraserhead was cleaning the blobs, blue flames suddenly ambushed him. Barely able to dodge them, Aizawa looked up to see the villain. "Back again?" He asked the villain, getting ready for a much more dangerous fight. Dabi smirked, he loved fighting with Aizawa. "Had to pick up something of mine." He answered then sent a vicious wave of blue flames. All of a sudden, Dabi passed out. Midnight walked out from the nearest classroom then pouted. "I thought he was gonna put up a fight. Go check on your class Aizawa, I'll handle this one." Midnight stated, Aizawa was amazed. He didn't hesitate to go back to his class. He saw the door was open and the busted window. He moved them to another class who was being monitored by Vlad King. 

It didn't take long for the infestation to settle. Along with the person at fault to go to jail. But the news didn't blow with that, it instead focused on the other person that was caught and thrown in jail. They had principal Nezu questioning Dabi himself. The biggest threat to U.A right now since Bakugou's incident. The interrogation was streamed worldwide, meaning Katsuki was watching it. 

"Alright. How do you feel now that you've been caught?" Nezu asked, as he walked inside the room. He sat in the chair across from Dabi. The villain was tied down, handcuffed, and even had his quirk removed momentarily. "Just get on with the questions." The brunette said, with a cold tone. Nezu gave a little chuckle then pulled out a small stack of index cards. He cleared his throat then began reading."Okay then. From today's incident, do you have any knowledge on the humanoid miniature creations seen today?" Nezu asked the villain. Dabi scoffed then rolled his eyes, "Yeah, it was a to distract the public from realizing I was breaking into U.A." Dabi confessed. Nezu was surprised about how open Dabi was. He flipped to the next index card. Nezu began asking him about his plans for the U.A breach. 

"I have to ask what is your motive behind all of your wrongdoing." Nezu asked. Suddenly Dabi broke into a pit of laughter. "Revenge." He said, after his laughter died down. He looked directly into the camera. "Revenge on my old man. Enji Todoroki, mostly known as Endeavor. He thought he could just move on with his life. Well I'm not dead! And your son misses you." He yelled with a psychotic smile on his face. He turned back to Nezu then smiled again. "I was trying to kidnap my brother today. Looks like I got captured, and if you're wondering I raped the blonde kid just to fuck with Shoto no other reason." 

That part is when both Shoto and Katsuki stopped listening. Shoto got up and left the classroom. Dabi was Touya? His brother? His brother raped his omega just to mess with him? His omega was pregnant with his brother's baby? He needed to talk to Katsuki. Aizawa raced after his student in order to comfort him. "That was a lot of information you just took in." Mr. Aizawa pulled him into a hug. Todoroki broke down into his teacher's arms. His brother was a villain. "Sorry." Shoto said, as he wiped his tears. "I'll let you out of the school this one time. Be back by tomorrow." Aizawa told him, knowing he was going to Katsuki. 

Katsuki on the other hand, hasn't said a word since he found out the horrible news. He stayed in his room, enduring the painful Braxton Hicks contractions, and crying to the news he just heard. He hasn't eaten since breakfast and didn't move from his bed. "Katsuki! Someone's here to see you!" His father yelled out for him. 

To Be Continued...

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