Chapter 13

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Katsuki's mom and dad was sleep beside him. He looked at them with guilt. The lower half of his body was aching from his waist down. He was bored too. He looked around the hospital room and saw a T.V. He scooted over a little then grabbed the remote off a nearby counter. He turned the T.V on and sighed. "Great, nothing." He put on a random channel then sighed. He had nothing to do. He couldn't trust himself with his own thoughts right now. He was even scared to go to sleep, every time he closed his eyes he could see glimpses of the villain that violated him. The quietness, the night, and his parents sleeping beside him didn't help. He wanted to go back to sleep so bad. He eventually closed his eyes. Only a couple minutes passed when he flinched awake. The nightmare of that villain didn't seem to be leaving his memory anytime soon.

After forcing himself to stay awake for 8 hours, it was morning again. Katsuki looked over at the clock and said it was 8:37 am. There was a knock on his hospital door and the doctor walked in. "Good morning, Katsuki. How are you feeling?" She asked. It was a different doctor from last time. Katsuki sighed and rubbed his sleepy eyes. "Tired.... I can't sleep."  He answered. The doctor chuckled then put her hand on his shoulder. "I would be surprised if you could sleep after what happened to you. I'm both a therapist and a doctor so don't be shy to talk to me okay?" She said in a calm tone. Katsuki didn't say anything afterwards. She looked at her clipboard then brought out her stethoscope. "May I?" She asked. Katsuki only nodded. She rubbed the stethoscope with her hand and then placed it on Katsuki's chest.

After checking his heartbeat, the doctor hummed. "Alright, now for this next one. I'll be checking your wounds, so you'll have to get undressed. Is that okay?" Katsuki didn't know what to say. He had to get naked. His breathing became erratic and the doctor shook her head. "Never mind, we'll do that check up when you're more comfortable." She said, changing her mind. Katsuki nodded his head. His parents woke up and Mitsuki cleared her throat. "Kat, were you up all night?" She asked. The omega hasn't heard his mom call him that in a while. He nodded, Masaru sighed and checked the time on his watch. "I'll go pick him up some breakfast." He said, while getting up. Katsuki felt a huge random wave of nausea hit him. He gagged then covered his mouth. Everyone rushed to his side. "Katsuki take a deep breath, don't hold it in, it's bad for you." The doctor said, she began patting his back. 

His mother grabbed a bag as Katsuki followed the directions from the doctor. He threw up a lot. Almost missing the bag. He started to sob, he already knew why he was throwing up. He wanted this baby out of him. His mother hugged him and consoled him. "I want it out! I WANT IT OUT!" He yelled and his voice cracked. The doctor could easily understand what Katsuki was talking about. "Well it seems he already knew, but Katsuki is carrying a baby." The doctor informed Mitsuki. Her jaw dropped, how could her son be going through all of this. "I WANT IT GONE!" He yelled at the top of his lungs. He didn't want to carry Dabi's child. "I DON'T WANT IT!" He sobbed. Mitsuki took a deep breath then looked at Katsuki. "Okay Kat. I want you to think about this-" His mother began to say before the doctor had to interrupt her. 

"He's 14 weeks, meaning it's too late for him to get an abortion without also harming himself. We also need to do an ultrasound and a lot of other tests. But I do want to wait until Katsuki is ready." The teen froze in shock, he tried to look for his mom to console him but she looked just as scared. His breathing became erratic as he thought about the rest of his life. He had to live knowing that he has to raise his rapist's baby. He had to live with those memories around him forever. 

To Be Continued...

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