Chapter 22

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After parent's fight, the whole family joined the therapy. Everything seemed to be going well. Katsuki was now 25 weeks or 7 months pregnant. He looked at his stomach then sighed. Todoroki had a surprise for Katsuki. His stomach was unable to be hidden now. He sighed and got his stuff ready to leave. "Katsuki, come here." Mitsuki yelled out for her son. Katsuki groaned in annoyance and went to the kitchen where his mother was. "What?" Katsuki asked as he entered the kitchen. "Make sure you check in alright?" His mother asked. Katsuki nodded while grabbing a cookie from the open cookie jar. He said quick bye before leaving. Todoroki was outside waiting for him. 

"Hey." Todoroki greeted Katsuki. The blonde waved. He felt exposed having his stomach out like this, but there was no hiding it. He closed the door behind him and locked it. "Alright, now are you going to tell me where we're going?" Katsuki asked with a confused look. Todoroki didn't answer, he looked at the omega in all. Showing out his baby bump. Katsuki knew Todoroki was staring at his bump and snapped his fingers. "Yes, yes, I know it's out and shit but try to focus okay?" Katsuki growled as he started walking in front of the male. Todoroki apologized and caught up with him. "To answer your question, Mina and Denki threw you a baby shower." Todoroki informed him. Katsuki grumbled under his breath and turned around. "No. Katsuki you have to go. They've been planning this since they found out." Todoroki pleaded as he held Katsuki's arm. 

"Fucking fine. But just know I'm not doing any extra shit." Katsuki said, now he was pissed off. He definitely told everyone that he was giving the baby up for adoption so why were they even doing it? "You told them about the adoption right?" Katsuki asked. Todoroki nodded his head then gave a small smile. "Yes they said the gifts were for the adopter. They still wanted to throw one for you." Todoroki said, by the way he was enthusiastic about this baby shower Katsuki can tell that Todoroki had a big part of it. He sucks it up and keeps walking towards the party with Todoroki. He instead talks about what's been happening on the news with U.A and the L.O.V. "Oh, that. Present Mic found evidence that the L.O.V is going to try to break into U.A again." Todoroki said. He sounds stressed talking about it. 

"Plus with the stuff that happened to you. They've just been guarding us heavily and making us train 5 times harder." Todoroki explained, Katsuki can tell how stressed Todoroki had been just from his tone. He decided to not bring it up again to not make the alpha aggravated. They walked to the place. It was just an old park. Everyone was there, Katsuki took in a deep breath as he walked closer to the park. "BAKUBRO YOU'RE HERE!!" Denki exclaimed, the outburst caused everyone to look at Bakugou and walk to him. "We're glad you decided to come." Iida said, greeting the blonde. Bakugou rolled his eyes then pouted. "Yeah, yeah can we get this over with my feet hurt." Katsuki said, he looked at the decorations. He could tell they put work into it. "Perfect because we brought a chair!" Mina said, showing the very comfortable looking chair to Katsuki. 

The omega didn't hesitate to sit down. "Well, we know you don't want to know the gender so all the presents are in white boxes. You can just give them to the adopter." Midoriya said, showing the blonde all his presents." Bakugou was shocked. There was an entire pile of presents. He looked at Kirishima, Shoji, and Todoroki. "Y'all the ones helping me bring those presents back to my house." The three boys chuckled and nodded. They played little baby games and riddles. Most of it was boring but he pretended to be at least a little interested for their sake. Once it was finally over Kirishima, Shoji, and Todoroki were bringing the presents to Katsuki's house. They had to make a couple more rounds to get all of them. 

"Thanks." Bakugou said, as he got each present in the house. "Yeah of course! It's the least we can do." Kirishima said with his big signature grin on his face. Shoji waved goodbye and started to walk home. Kirishima did the same, Todoroki waited until they were out of distance then hugged Bakugou. "I'll see you this weekend right?" He asked as he held Bakugou. "Yeah, yeah. My parents can see us by the way, dumbass." Katsuki said, snickering. Todoroki froze, then slowly stopped hugging him. "Sorry, haha. I'll get going then see you Saturday." Todoroki said, beginning to walk off. Bakugou snickered then walked inside. 

To Be Continued...

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