Chapter 19

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When Katsuki got back home from his doctor appointment and his therapy appointment. His therapy appointment actually got him thinking. Today they forced him to talk about his feelings towards Todoroki. Which also forced Katsuki to tell his father about his boyfriend. It caused a pretty awkward and helpful car ride talk on the way back home. In fact, the talk kind of encouraged Katsuki to try to talk to Todoroki again. As they walked back to the car, Katsuki stayed quiet and didn't make eye contact. As Masaru started the car he cleared his throat. "How long were you gonna go without telling us?" Masaru asked in complete and utter shock. "Don't sweat about it too much, we aren't a thing, I don't think, I mean I kissed him once but that was moments before the whole shit show happened. I- I don't know, shut up." Katsuki mumbled. 

Masaru took a glance over at Katsuki before letting out a big chuckle. Katsuki looked at him confused then began glaring at his father. "Sorry, sorry, you just sounded so much like your mother. After our first kiss she sent a voice message to me by accident. But you kissed him before you got kidnapped and you haven't been able to talk to him since?" Masaru asked. Katsuki nodded his head. "Hm, even though your therapist said you should wait until you're ready, I think you should go ahead and text him. You obviously like him, not only that but the last time you guys talked you kissed him, he's probably worried and confused." Masaru told his son. Katsuki didn't even think about how Todoroki must've felt. 

He did get better. He could imagine Todoroki without seeing Dabi but it still scared him. Katsuki looked at Todoroki's contact on his phone. It was 'Half n' half 🤍' Katsuki let out a big sigh. Masaru laughed and smiled. "Seems like I gave it to you at a good time." His father said cheerfully. "Yeah but he doesn't know that I'm pregnant. I can't just talk to him. I mean he's going to understand why, but it's just going to be too awkward." Katsuki said, expressing his worries. Masaru could understand where Katsuki was coming from. "I guess all relationships have some awkward moments. Even though this point is a little more awkward than normal, you're going to have to do it." Masaru said, Katsuki sighed in disappointment. The rest of the drive was quiet. 

Once they got home, Katsuki changed into more relaxing clothes. He laid on his bed and looked at his phone. His Mom wasn't going to be home in a while. He opened Todoroki's contact and texted him. 

Bomb Boy💣: Hey. 


Half n' half🤍: Bakugou?

Half n' half🤍: It's been awhile

Bomb Boy💣: Yeah we need to talk

Half n' half🤍: I can see where this is going I would rather talk in person

Half n' half🤍: Is that ok?

Bomb Boy💣: Yeah ig

Bomb Boy💣: Are you free tmw? 

Half n' half🤍: Yeah I can pick you up tomorrow at 12?

Bomb Boy💣: Yeah talk to you tmw then

Half n' half🤍: See you tmw

Bakugou turned off his phone and his face went red. His lips broke into a little smile. He realized this then sat up and took a deep breath. He was actually going to talk to Todoroki again. He walked back to the kitchen where he saw his Dad beginning to cook his Mom's favorite meal. "He's picking me up tomorrow at 12." Katsuki said without warning. Masaru smiled and walked over to Katsuki. He gave him a big hug. "That's good. Are you excited?" Masaru asked his son. Katsuki shrugged his shoulders then took in another deep breath. "I guess, just wake me up at 10 tomorrow..." Katsuki said, as he walked back to his room. 

To Be Continued...

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