Chapter 8

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Dabi left the room. The blonde squirmed in his chains. The heat was unbearable. It was never this pain. Bakugou felt like he was going to die. He groaned in pain, he was laying in his own sweat and slick. "It hurts..." He whined. He tried to pull his chains off so he could help himself, but it didn't work of course. Dabi came back with a bag full of stuff. At this point Bakugou was in too much pain to care. "Oh look at you, you look so fucking adorable." Dabi said, walking over to the teen. He bent down and took a syringe out of his bag. He gave Bakugou the shot and the omega whined. "Shut up, I don't want you blasting me while I'm tryna fuck you." Dabi said, injecting the drug into Bakugou's body. Afterwards, he pulled a collar out of the bag and put it on the blonde. 

That creepy smile of his came back. Bakugou began trembling in fear again. Dabi then went over to the base of Bakugou's chains. "If you move your feet even a little bit, I'll burn the shit out of you, got it?" Dabi declared and Bakugou nodded slowly. He unchained both of Bakugou legs. The blonde kept them still, even though he wanted to rub his thighs together so he could make himself feel better. Dabi bent down to Bakugou's level and forced his legs apart. He squirmed to try to get out of the villain's grasp. "No! No please! I-I've never done this before! I can't!" The blonde got slapped as he pleaded. Dabi growled at him. "No one told you to speak! I don't care so shut the fuck up and don't make me tell you again." Dabi said, in a menacing tone. Bakugou squeezed his eyes closed, he waited for the worst moment of his life. 

Then it happened. Something big, huge infiltrated his hole. It was so aggressive. It hurt. He yelped in pain. The alpha male groaned. His nails dug into Bakugou skin. His innocence instantly taken away from him for no reason at all. His life changed in that second. Tears fell down his face. Dabi had a deathly grip on Bakugou's waist. He began plunging into the omega, no warning, no foreplay, no nothing. His moans were demonic. Bakugou's hands were still chained up so all he could do was try to pull them off. Bakugou screamed in agony. His cries for help were loud, but still no one came. He kept his eyes closed not wanting to know what the scene looked like. After a few minutes of this, Bakugou heard Dabi groan. He also felt a warm substance inside of him. His eyes opened in horror as he realized. 

"Nonono! Y-you're gonna get me fucking pregnant!" Bakugou said, trying to kick the villain away from him. Dabi growled at him then slapped his thigh. The slap burned and left a big bruise on Bakugou's skin. The villain didn't stop. He just began thrusting his dick in harder. Bakugou continued to cry out for help. It felt like hours before Dabi actually stopped. But when he did, Bakugou felt him growing immensely inside of him. The pain was unbearable, the blonde was on the verge of passing out.  "Goddammit, I knotted you." Dabi said, as he was out of breath. Bakugou's eyes widened again and he cried, he was basically guaranteed to be pregnant. Out of nowhere the villain just pulled out, ripping Bakugou open. But he didn't care. Bakugou yelled in pain. He rubbed his thighs together. His thighs were covered in blood.

To Be Continued...

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