Chapter 7

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Midoriya sat in the hospital room with his friend. Todoroki continuously wiped the tears from his eyes and sobbed. Midoriya didn't know Todoroki felt this strongly about Bakugou. He really thought the two despised each other, but to see Todoroki crying so hard he knew their relationship was deeper than he thought. After Todoroki's miniature breakdown, he decided to try to look for more clues than he already had. "Hey, Todoroki try to stop by Mr. Present Mic's office. They should be in there having a meeting." Midoriya whispered to Todoroki. The dual haired male nodded his head. "Thank you Midoriya. I'm sorry I dragged you into this." He apologized to the freckled teen. "To be honest, I'm glad you did. Kacchan is really important to me too" Midoriya confessed, without Bakugou he would have to say he wouldn't have motivation for a lot of things. Todoroki nodded and left the hospital room. 

He walked to Present Mic's room. He could hear his teachers talking from behind the door. He put his ear against the door and listened in on their conversation. "This isn't an L.O.V attack. Only villain Dabi kidnapped Bakugou." He heard Midnight say. "Which is only the more dangerous, he could be using Bakugou for malicious intent." Aizawa added. Todoroki felt his heart stop. Dabi touching Bakugou was the biggest fear Todoroki had at the moment. He needed to find a way to find out where Bakugou was. "Well, we can rule out some things, maybe throw some ideas out there. Whatever we do, we need to do it quickly." Present Mic stated. The teen heard his teachers hum in agreement. Todoroki listened a little closer. "

"He's not with the L.O.V, but maybe we can get one of them to tell information?" Midnight offered. "I like the idea, we'll do it but it's risky." Aizawa said. The room was quiet. Todoroki came up with some ideas of his own. Suddenly the door opened, making Todoroki flinch and almost fall forward. "Figured, if you want to join in on the meeting Todoroki, all you had to do was knock." Mr. Aizawa declared as he opened the door. Todoroki kept quiet and walked inside the classroom. "As I was saying, checking security systems within the area might not work because one of the villains has a teleportation type quirk." Aizawa explained. Todoroki bit his lip then sighed. 

"Can we at least try? I think it's the best thing we can do right now." Todoroki exclaimed. Present Mic agreed and so did Midnight. The brunette haired teacher let out a sigh and nodded. "Okay, I'll find a way to check the security systems within the area. But what else?" He asked everyone. "I'll be on watch out tonight. I'll see if I can find any information for the case." Present Mic said. Todoroki thought that was a good idea. So did the other two heroes. They had three solid plans for looking for clues. After going over what each plan was, the heroes went back to their homerooms. Todoroki walked back to the dorms with his teacher. 

"I don't want you getting hurt, Todoroki. Even though you care a lot about Bakugou. Try not to interfere too much to the point where we can't focus on the main task at hand." Mr. Aizawa explained. He had no idea what Todoroki was feeling as an alpha. He was a beta. The dual haired male felt tears run down his face again. "I'll try." He murmured as he walked back to his dorm. 

To Be Continued...

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