Chapter 18

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After 3 weeks Katsuki officially moved back into his parents' house. He woke up in a cold sweat. He was still having bad dreams. He couldn't even take medicine for his sleep patterns. He got up from bed then got dressed. As he got ready he looked in the mirror. He was definitely getting big. He was 20 weeks pregnant or 5 months pregnant now. He could still cover up with a hoodie but it was getting hotter and he didn't want to walk around hot. He grabbed his phone then took a look at his calendar. He had a therapy session and a doctor appointment. Today they were going to try to see the baby's gender, the past two times the baby wasn't in the right position to see. In all honesty Katsuki didn't even want to know the gender. It was too much for him. He just wanted to give the baby away when it was born. 

He left his room and went downstairs. "Good afternoon Katsuki!" Mitsuki yelled. Katsuki looked at the time then sighed. Twelve pm again. He was going to be late to his therapy appointment. "I'll drive you today, just sit down and eat." Masaru said, as he drank his coffee. Katsuki didn't argue, he was starving. Recently he was always starving. The blonde started eating his recently warmed up breakfast and thanked his parents. Mitsuki looked at the time and hugged Katsuki. "Alright I'm on my way!" Mitsuki said, as she grabbed her things for work. Masaru gave her a peck on the lips goodbye then she left. Masaru sat at the table to wait for Katsuki. The blonde was already done though. "Katsuki, you know you don't have to keep eating fast. I've been noticing it ever since you got back. Take some time to enjoy your food." Masaru told him as he took up his plate. Katsuki rolled his eyes, "Easier said than done, now can we go?"

Masaru sighed then grabbed his keys. Katsuki waited in the car. Once Masaru got in the car he looked at Katsuki with a smile. "What?" The blonde looked at his father confused. Masaru hands his son a phone. Katsuki's eyes widened and he smiled. "Thank you!" Katsuki said, taking the phone. His mother wouldn't let him have another phone after the incident. "I know you've wanted a new one. I think your mother is still paranoid. I was able to put everything on your last phone on this one." Masaru said, with a bright smile on his face. Katsuki looked at the phone then looked at his dad. "Isn't that old hag gonna yell at you?" Katsuki asked, Masaru started the car. "Well yeah, but she'll swing around. Now let's get you to that doctor's appointment." Masaru said, as he began to drive out of the driveway. 

Once they got to the doctor's office. Katsuki let out a big sigh. "Is anyone looking to adopt it yet?" Katsuki asked as they walked inside. "No, but don't worry it's pretty early on and we're on the lookout." Masaru said to reassure his son. They waited for Katsuki to be called, which didn't take long. They followed the doctor to the room and Katsuki laid on the bed. "Hey Katsuki, how are you feeling?" The doctor asked as she put on her gloves. The blonde took a deep breath, "Good I guess, the symptoms are still the same." Katsuki said. The doctor hummed, then began to feel around Katsuki's stomach. The omega hated his check-ups. The doctor continued to feel his stomach and chuckled. "They sure are moving a lot. So you're still having shortness of breath and more energy." The doctor asked the omega. 

"Yeah." Katsuki answered, the doctor nodded and began to put the gel on his stomach. She puts the wand on the gel and the baby's heartbeat fills up the room. "Hahaha, loud and clear heart beat. Oh, and they aren't being shy today, would you like to know the gender?" The doctor asked, Masaru's eyes widened and he looked at Katsuki. The omega really didn't want to know, but he knew his parents and friends probably wanted to. "I can get it in an envelope right?" Katsuki asked, his doctor nodded and the omega looked at his dad, then back at the doctor. "Yeah, I'll get that." Katsuki stated, the doctor nodded and printed the ultrasound. She wiped off the gel on Katsuki's stomach. 

To Be Continued...

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