Chapter 28

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Shoto smiled then blushed, "I really want to kiss you right now, you've been so strong and I'm just attracted to it." Shoto told him. Katsuki began blushing as well, he leaned forward and kissed Shoto. The kiss was sloppy but it felt perfect. Shoto didn't have a clue on how much Katsuki's been wanting to kiss him like this. Shoto's smooth lips, finally pressed onto his own. The couple paused to take a breath. They went in for another kiss, this time Katsuki was brave and decided to add tongue. Shoto's ears flushed red. Reality hit him that they were in a hospital and not actually somewhere private. He didn't notice how close his body was to Katsuki until now. "One more..." Katsuki said as he panted heavily. Shoto leaned in for another kiss before the door opened. Shoto scooted away from Katsuki and held his head down knowing they got caught. Katsuki covered his face and averted his attention to his milk. 

"I see you're done pumping. What were you y'all in here doing?" Mitsuki asked, staring at the two. Shoto didn't dare to answer, Katsuki looked at his mother and glared at her. "Don't act like that old hag. I walk in on you and dad doing nasty shit all the time." Katsuki argued and totally dodged the question. Todoroki saved himself the embarrassment then got up. "I'm going to leave, t-text me Katsuki." He proclaimed as he walked away quickly. Katsuki wasn't allowed to get out of his bed without a doctor. He watched Shoto leave then let out an annoyed sigh. "We made out for the first time! You happy?!" Katsuki yelled at his mother in a sarcastic manner. Mitsuki was shocked by the events that happened. "Katsuki, you just gave birth. I think you should make sure you have custody of your son before you start thinking about making out with your boyfriend." Mitsuki sternly told her son. 

"Well my boyfriend is my son's father! We both signed his birth certificate so no matter what anyone can say it's already official and you act like I haven't walked in on you and Dad! You're getting on my goddamn nerves!" Katsuki yelled back. Mitsuki was surprised by the argument Katsuki and her were having. She massaged her temple then took a deep breath. "Listen Katsuki, all I'm saying is you have more things to do other than make out with a boy okay?" Mitsuki said, calmly. Katsuki couldn't take it anymore, so he grabbed his phone. He called Shoto and sighed. Mitsuki shook her head in disappointment then grabbed the bottles of milk to take them to the NICU. As the phone rang she heard Katsuki mutter something, "This is why I like dad better." Katsuki muttered. Mitsuki's heart broke and she left the room. When Shoto answered, he sounded like he was crying right from the hello. 

"God you're crying. Shoto come back and preferably with a doctor so I can try to walk." He said, Shoto cleared his throat. "Y-yeah. I was in the NICU anyways, I'll be there in a while." Todoroki said before hanging up. Shoto was really stuck on making sure both Katsuki's parents liked him, Katsuki could definitely tell. Shoto knocked on the door then opened it. He walked in with a physical therapy nurse. "Hi Katsuki! How are you feeling?" The nurse asked Katsuki. Shoto went and sat next to him. Katsuki hugged him then sighed. "I feel much better. I had some pain when sitting up straight but that's it." Katsuki told the doctor. "She wasn't acting right, please don't take anything you heard to heart." Katsuki whispered in his ear, before letting go of him. Shoto nodded then watched as the nurse walked over to Katsuki. He held out his hands. "Alright, let's see you try to stand up on your own. This should be real quick and easy." The nurse told him.

Katsuki got on the edge of the bed then tried to stand up. He wobbled and caught the doctor's hands to fully stand up. "Good now, let's do it more smoothly." The nurse told him. They kept practicing standing up until he could do it on his own. "Alright, that looks good. Let's keep standing, dad, can you help Katsuki walk over here." The nurse told Shoto. Both teens blushed, Shoto walked over to Katsuki and helped him walk across the room to the nurse. "Good. Now let's help him walk back." The nurse instructed them. They walked back and forth in the room. With each lap Shoto let Katsuki walk on his own more and more. Katsuki continued to practice walking with Shoto, until he completely got it on his own. 

To Be Continued...

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