Chapter 21

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After they finished eating, Todoroki started walking Bakugou home. Bakugou was nice and full after the lunch he just had. "Thanks for lunch. Even though I was going to pay." Bakugou said, glaring at Todoroki with disgust. Todoroki snickered but still kept quiet. The tension between the two of them was a little awkward. Todoroki could feel it. He took a deep breath and turned towards Bakugou. "I don't care that you're pregnant, so stop worrying." Todoroki said. Bakugou broke, he wasn't getting the answer he wanted. "You can't not care that your omega is pregnant by someone else?! Like- t-tell me you care about me more than that asshole." Bakugou said as he began to start crying. Bakugou was having trouble with his mood swings. Todoroki immediately hugged Bakugou. 

"I'm sorry, I care about you a lot. I wasn't worried about it because you said you were giving it up for adoption. If you want me to be honest, I'm pissed off that Dabi got you pregnant. But I don't want you to worry Bakugou." Todoroki said to comfort the crying blonde. Bakugou felt so embarrassed now.  "You don't have to be embarrassed, I understand. You're stressed out and hormones." Todoroki said, out of nowhere Bakugou started walking home with a bright red embarrassed face. "I need a nap." The blonde grumbled as he walked. Todoroki continued to walk with him. He had an unusual happiness to him. "What?" Bakugou asked him while looking at him confused. "You called yourself my omega." Todoroki exclaimed. Bakugou continued to look at him confused. "I did? I did." He said, as he realized what Todoroki was talking about. 

"I- I was, ugh shut up you suck." Bakugou said, they kept walking. Bakugou could tell that something was still on Todoroki's head. He couldn't tell what it was about. "What now?" Bakugou asked his boyfriend now. "Our kiss. I didn't like it that much, well I did, I just don't know how to feel about it." Todoroki said, obviously hinting to the fact he wanted another kiss. Bakugou rolled his eyes then grabbed Todoroki's collar. He kissed the alpha again, but this time Todoroki took over. He pulled Bakugou's waist closer and used his other hand to hold Bakugou's chin. Bakugou legs were going weak. Bakugou pulled away slowly and blushed wildly. "Also I want to know the gender, can I ask your Mother?" Todoroki said, after the kiss. 

"Tch. No, ask my Dad. Don't ignore the fact you just kissed me like that!" Bakugou yelled. Todoroki smiled then kept walking to Bakugou's house. The blonde caught up with him. When they finally got to Bakugou's house. "Wait here." Bakugou said, then he walked into his house. Mitsuki was in the living room. Her eyes widened at Bakugou's smell. "Oi, did Dad give you the envelope to the gender?" Bakugou asked in a hurry. Mitsuki nodded and gave him the envelope. "Show him and come right back in." Mitsuki said in an angry tone. Bakugou could tell she was actually upset so he didn't say anything. He went back outside and gave the envelope to Todoroki. He watched as Todoroki opened it. "Hm. Okay." Todoroki said, trying not to let Bakugo know the gender. "Alright I got to go, my mom is mad. Um, I need it back." Bakugou said. Todoroki closed the envelope then handed it back to the blonde. 

"Alright, I'll see you later right?" Todoroki asked with a worried tone. "Obviously, text me tonight, bye asshole." Bakugou said, as he walked in the house. Todoroki nodded with a small smile on his face. He began to walk back home. Bakugou walked back inside, now his mother and father were fighting. He stayed by the door looking and listening to them. "HE'S MY SON TOO! ARE YOU TELLING ME I SHOULDN'T CARE THAT HE HAS A BOYFRIEND? YOU GAVE HIM A PHONE WITHOUT TALKING TO ME FIRST? NOT ONLY THAT BUT HE CAME HOME WITH THE SWEETEST SMELL HE'S EVER PRODUCED?! AND NO ONE IS TALKING TO ME!" Mitsuki yelled to Masaru. The two didn't realize their son was right there watching the whole thing. 

"MITSUKI HE'S A TEEN WHO WENT THROUGH A LOT. NOT ONLY THAT BUT HE'S HAVING TROUBLE COMMUNICATING HIS FEELINGS AND IF HE IS BARELY ABLE TO TALK TO ME, THEN HE'S NEVER GOING TO BE ABLE TALK TO YOU. YOU YELL AT HIM, EVEN AFTER HE WAS RAPED MITSUKI! GIVE THE BOY A BREAK HE IS STILL PREGNANT MEANING HIS HORMONES ARE GOING CRAZY. AND HE'S JUST TRYING TO LIVE HIS LIFE!" Masaru yelled at her. The parents stopped when they saw their kid crying at the door. He was sobbing. He felt so bad for making his parents fight. Masaru sighed and walked over to him. Masaru gave Katsuki a hug. He rubbed his back, Mitsuki joined the hug and sighed. "I'm so sorry. We probably scared you, we won't fight anymore." Mitsuki said as she hugged her son as well. 

Katsuki looked at his parents then pushed past them. He went straight to his room and slammed his door. He wiped his tears and got on his phone. He saw Todoroki texted him. 

To Be Continued...

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