Chapter 14

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After explaining the situation and taking more tests, Katsuki was able to have visitors. His mom and dad already said they were going to help him through this pregnancy but Katsuki couldn't believe it. He was so weak. He let himself get impregnated by a villain, he thought. He would never be the same. He didn't even want anyone to visit him. He didn't want anyone seeing him like this. "Are you sure you're going to be okay with us gone?" Mitsuki asked her son. Katsuki didn't want his parents to be there while he was going to be talking to his friends. The teen shook his head and Mitsuki hugged him. "We won't be too far. We'll go get you some clothes and other stuff okay?" Masaru said, kissing his forehead. Katsuki nodded, then they left the room. The doctor began letting in two people at a time.

Nagata and Ryu walked in first. Nagata took a deep breath then held out her fist. Katsuki gave her a fist bump and looked at them confused. "W-why are y'all here?" He asked in confusion. "I'm here to check up on you. He's here to apologize. Hurry up Ryu!" She said, Ryu looked down. The guilt he was feeling was too big for him to handle. "It's my fault you're in this hospital bed now. I ain't say I was a hero or nothing, but I ain't no villain either so hit me up when you need help. I'm sorry I got you in shit in the first place." Ryu said. Katsuki cracked a smile then smirked. "Good. You better remember that shit too." Katsuki said. Ryu could already feel the devious tasks Katsuki was going to ask him to do. "Oh yeah, we made a whistle for you. Blow it when you need help or something. If we're in distance ours will make noise too. Listen." Nagata said as she handed Katsuki a small wooden whistle that was attached to a string.

She blew into her own, then Ryu and Katsuki's whistle made the whistle noise. "It's sound coordinated so we know who is who." Nagata explained. Katsuki looked at it then hummed. He put it around his neck then thanked the both of them. When they left, the doctor brought in Kirishima and Mina. "Bakugou? How you doing buddy?" Kirishima asked as he walked in. Mina gave him flowers then smiled. "Better." He answered, Mina couldn't help but hug the teen. She cried on his shoulder and sniffed. "I was so worried~" She cried. Kirishima held her back then pouted. "You're supposed to ask Mina! He may not like being touched right now." Kirishima warned her. Katsuki was afraid this was going to happen. "Oi! Don't baby me shitty hair, I'll still blow you into shreds." He warned the red-haired teen. Kirishima laughed then softly patted his shoulder. "Nice to have you back buddy. Get better soon!" Kirishima said on his way out. Mina gave him one last hug before following Kirishima out.

The doctor let out the next two people. Todoroki and Midoriya. They walked in and Midoriya ran to give Katsuki a hug. "Kacchan! I'm so happy you're okay! Don't worry, we're gonna catch him and give him the worst punishment he can get!" Midoriya exclaimed, Katsuki was going to respond but he was scared. Midoriya could feel him trembling. He looked up at the blonde seeing he was staring at Todoroki. The dual-haired male looked back at him confused. Katsuki didn't know what to do. As he looked at Todoroki he saw that villain, the villain that permanently ruined his life. The villain flashed in his eyes. He began to cry seeing the face again. Midoriya could feel Bakugou trembling even more. "Maybe you should leave Todoroki-kun... Bakugou doesn't seem comfortable." Midoriya said, leading Todoroki out. The dual-haired male teared up at the words. Why didn't Bakugou feel comfortable with him? Midoriya walked back in the room and looked at him confused.

"What happened?" Midoriya asked. Bakugou's breathing calmed down and he tapped out of it. "H-he, I saw him... fuck! FUCK!" Bakugou yelled, what the hell was he thinking? That was his boyfriend, so why did he scare him so damn much Midoriya hugged him and rubbed his back. "It's okay Kacchan! Whatever happened I understand. You'll get better soon!"

To Be Continued...

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