Chapter 34

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Shigeo watched Miyu's family cry as they waited for their son to wake up. Shigeo embarrassingly stood behind his mother in shame. The guilt in his stomach was too much for him to handle. "Stay with your brother. I'm going to talk to the family." Miyu's mother said, to the tall teenage boy beside her. He nodded and Miyu's mom teleported out of the hotel room. She immediately saw Katsuki and Shigeo then she stomped up to them. "The doctor said he's going to have permanent burns!" Miyu's mother yelled throughout the hospital. "Well that's his fault. Maybe if you taught your son to not be a bully, none of us would be here right now." Shoto stepped up and said. He knew if Katsuki was going to say anything, then the whole hospital would be at risk. "My sweet Miyu is not a bully. A couple of bruises compared to my sweet boy having permanent burns?!" The mother yelled. "Oh fucking please, Shigeo's school even said that your fucking gremlin has been calling him a loser ever since his first fucking day! They even said that he actually has been pushing and kicking him all fucking day yesterday. Just because he didn't have a quirk then when he got it, the little asshole got a damn reality check." Katsuki yelled back. Shoto held him back. 

"Our son just got his quirk yesterday. He doesn't know anything about it or how to control it. Your son has had it for 3 years and decided to bully a formerly quirkless kid. You should be ashamed, get the fuck out of our faces." Shoto snarled, Miyu's mother stomped back into the room. Katsuki scoffed then picked up Shigeo. "Oi, cmon we're going home." Katsuki said to Shoto. The alpha followed behind the two out of the hospital. "So... who's going to tell him?" Shoto whispered, when they got in the car. Once they got home they planned to tell Shigeo about his actual father. "I'll tell him, you explain who he is." Katsuki told him, Shoto noticed Shigeo was fast asleep. "I don't know how he's going to react." Shoto told him. Katsuki sighed then shook his head. "I don't know, but I have a feeling he's not going to be happy." Katsuki said. Shigeo woke up when they got to their house. Once they were parked he ran into the house. Katsuki and Shoto followed behind them. 

"I'll order some food tonight." Shoto told them. "Alright, just get us some ramen. I'm going to go start it." Shoto nodded, and Katsuki went into his son's room. Shigeo was on his tablet. Katsuki sat on his bed then patted the space beside him. Shigeo looked at him confused then sat beside his mother. "Alright, we gotta talk." Katsuki told him. Shigeo got scared and started playing with the rim of his shirt. "Am I in trouble?" Shigeo asked, Katsuki shook his head then rubbed Shigeo's back. "No, no. Do you remember that talk we had about sex, your body, and your second gender?" Katsuki asked him, Shigeo nodded, still a little scared. "Remember what I told you what forced sex was called?" Katsuki asked him. "Rape." Shigeo whispered, Katsuki nodded, then took a deep breath. "I was raped before and then I got pregnant with you." Katsuki told him. Shigeo looked at him in terror. He hugged his mother then began to cry. "Daddy raped you?" He asked, Katsuki consoled him and shook his head. "No... you see even though daddy is still your real dad. He isn't your birth dad. But you're still his son." Katsuki told Shigeo. The kid hummed then stayed quiet. Katsuki didn't say anything, he didn't know what to say. 

"W-who is it?" Shigeo asked him. Shoto came into the room then smiled. Shigeo cried, then got up and hugged him. Shoto was surprised. "W-what's this for?" He asked in confusion. "For being my daddy when mommy was raped! I- I love you!" Shigeo answered him, Katsuki snickered and smiled. "Well, I love you more, Shi. I love your mother too." Shoto told him. Shigeo giggled and gave a thumbs up to Katsuki. The omega blushed then pouted. "B-but who is my birth dad?" Shigeo asked him. Shoto sat down on the bed then took a deep breath. "Villain Dabi." Shigeo looked at Shoto in horror. He saw the villain on T.V a lot. Shigeo began crying again, he was ashamed of his father. Now his quirk made sense. He hid in his mother's underarm as he cried. "Shi, we're all safe now. If it's you're quirk your worried about, yes you have half of his, but that doesn't mean anything. You have an amazing quirk that you will learn to control." Shoto told him. Shigeo hugged his father and his mother. "I like daddy more than Dabi." Shigeo told his mother. Katsuki smiled then kissed his forehead. 

"That's all we had to tell you. Are you going to be okay?" Katsuki asked son. Shigeo looked at both of them and shook his head. Katsuki laughed, instantly realizing what his son wanted. "We'll cuddle you until the ramen comes." Katsuki told his son. Shigeo sprung up. "Ramen!!" 

Finale. Hey guys I think I might end it here. Thank you to everyone that read this story. I deeply appreciate you, more than you can think. 

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