Chapter 20

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Katsuki got out of the shower. He opened his closet and looked at every single piece of clothing in his closet. He didn't want to show his stomach. He only had one hoodie that made him look a little bit normal. But it was hot. Way too hot for the big hoodie. Katsuki sighed then his dad knocked on the door. "Hey, don't you want to eat before you have to go?" Masaru asked on the other side of the door. "Come in..." Katsuki asked, not answering the question. Masaru opened the door slowly and saw his son sitting on the floor with clothes all around him. "Katsuki get up." Masaru said, while he laughed a little. "I fucking can't. You got any clothes that won't show?" Katsuki exclaimed. Masaru hummed, then helped Katsuki up from the floor. "I'm sure your mother still has some clothes." Masaru said as Katsuki followed his father to their closet. 

"Most of this shit is way too fucking girly." Katsuki exclaimed. Masaru picked out a large, short sleeve, white shirt out of the closet. "Here, try this on." Masaru said, handing the shirt to him. Katsuki put on the shirt then looked in the mirror. It was big enough to hide his bump. He could easily wear his black ripped jeans. "Thanks." Katsuki said, as he walked back to his room. He put on the outfit. He checked the time seeing it was 11: 45 already. He rushed into the kitchen to eat his now cold breakfast. "Ah you're up early! And you're dressed? Where are you going?" Mitsuki asked, Katsuki blushed and didn't answer. "Katsuki, you're going to have to tell her." Masaru said as he came down stairs. The teen let out an annoyed sigh and he covered his face. "My boyfriend is coming to pick me up so we can talk." Katsuki mumbled loud enough for his Mom to hear. 

"Why is this the first time I'm hearing of him?" Mitsuki asked, looking at her son and husband a bit confused. "Dad found out yesterday so shut up old hag." Katsuki said, as he finished his food. Mitsuki scoffed then pouted. Katsuki looked at the time again and saw it was 11:56. Only 4 minutes until Todoroki was going to pick him up. He didn't know why he was so nervous or maybe he was excited. As soon as it hit noon, the doorbell rang. Katsuki rushed to open it, taking in a deep breath before he did. His parents stood in the background to see the reaction. "Hi.." Todoroki said, looking at Katsuki. The omega froze, he didn't know how to react. He wasn't scared, he was shocked. The first time he really saw Todoroki before the incident. He closed the door behind him. 

"Hey." Bakugou said back. Todoroki looked at Bakugou in whole and smiled a little. "You look nice, are you holding up well?" Todoroki asked, Katsuki blushed and began to walk to a secluded area. The two stayed quiet until Todoroki broke the silence. "I think I already know what you're gonna say. And understand you've been through a lot and I'm just glad you're okay now. I couldn't sleep properly when you were gone. So even if you want to break up just now I'll still be here for you." Todoroki exclaimed, he suspected that Bakugou wouldn't want to be in a relationship after the whole incident. It didn't surprise him and he knew he couldn't change it. "Break up? Hell no, we're not fucking breaking up." Bakugou said, glaring at the dual-haired male intensely.  

"So... what did you want to say?" Todoroki asked. Bakugou stopped walking and looked around. They were at a quiet park that no one goes to. "Dabi... h-he got me pregnant." He stuttered, Katsuki slowly lifted his shirt, showing the growing bump he had. Todoroki's eyes widened and stared at his boyfriend's bump. "May I?" Todoroki asked, he held his hand out hoping to touch Bakugou's stomach. Bakugou looked at him confused then nodded. "Sure." He answered, Todoroki gently touched Bakugou's stomach. He flinched at the touch, scaring Todoroki and Bakugou blushed. "Did I hurt you?!" Todoroki asked, scared. Bakugou shook his head. "No just not used to it." Bakugou said, Todoroki began touching his stomach again. "Are you keeping it?" Todoroki asked, Bakugou shook his head then sighed. "No, I'm giving it up for adoption." Bakugou said. Todoroki nodded then stopped touching the blonde's stomach. 

"So now that we talked. Do you want to go get something to eat or whatever." Bakugou suggested as he put his hands in his pockets. Todoroki smiled then got up. "Yeah. I know restaurant nearby." Todoroki looked at Bakugou with a warm smile. The blonde blush and looked away from Todoroki. "I missed you." Todoroki said, giving Bakugou a hug.

To Be Continued...

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