Chapter 24

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Katsuki walked downstairs with an attitude. He saw Shoto standing at the door with his father. He couldn't stand looking at him. He covered his face as tears ran down his cheeks. Masaru wasn't there to understand why his son was crying, but he could tell it was because of Todoroki. "Excuse us real quick." He said to Shoto. He nodded and stood there patiently as Masaru closed the door in his face. He rushed to Katsuki's side and hugged him. "What's going on?" He asked his son. Katsuki looked up at him then let out a deep breath. "Th-this morning, U.A caught Dabi and he said that Shoto was his brother. That means his fucking brother got me pregnant." Masaru winced at the news. He hugged him and rubbed his back. "Shoto knew this?" He asked, Katsuki shook his head, then he looked at the door. He got out of his Dad's hug then opened the door. "Bakugou... I- I'm so sorry." Todoroki stuttered, not knowing what to say. 

"Don't apologize. You didn't know, nobody did." Bakugou said, then he stepped outside and closed the door behind him. He gave him a hug then continued to cry. "I know it's hard knowing that my alleged brother is the one who did this to you and you probably don't want anything to do with me now. I just, I can't think." Shoto exclaimed, then broke down in tears. After about 2 minutes Katsuki blushed then backed out of hug. He wiped his tears then brought Shoto inside. "We're gonna be in my room. Don't bother us!" Katsuki informed his father. Masaru was about to say something before just letting them run past. He let out a deep breath knowing they wouldn't do anything they shouldn't, also because they just learned some terrible news. Katsuki locked the door behind him then sighed. "Sorry. It's just that I grew up thinking Touya was dead. I didn't think my dad went that far or that he turned out to be Dabi, or that he just raped you to mess with me, I'm just kind of wondering why this is happening to us." Todoroki murmured as he cried, Katsuki continued to hug him. 

"I know you don't like me talking about your family, but this is all your dumbass father's fault." Katsuki grumbled, the dual haired male cracked a smile then looked at Katsuki. "Yeah. I know. I think they're interrogating him, finally." Todoroki added on, he let out a little chuckle then took a deep breath. Katsuki realized something, "You're the baby's uncle." He stated, in shock. Todoroki hated being called the baby's uncle. He cringed and shook his head. "No. Don't say that." Todoroki whined, Katsuki snickered, then looked down at his stomach. Todoroki noticed the weird look on Katsuki's face. "You became attached, didn't you?" Todoroki asked the blonde, then placed his hand on Katsuki's stomach. The omega let out a frustrated breath, he let Todoroki rub his belly as he voiced his frustrations. "Yeah I did. Which sucks because my parents just found a good family to adopt to. I can't tell them at the last minute that I want to keep the baby." Todoroki hummed at what Katsuki said. 

"If you kept it I would help you take care of it. Plus you get to use all the presents you got at your baby shower." Todoroki informed him. Katsuki's eyes widened, Todoroki would help him take care of it? That seemed like the complete opposite reaction than he thought he would have. "Really? Why would you help take care of it?" Katsuki asked him, a bit confused. "I guess I got attached too and I know we're blood now. Plus, I wouldn't let you burden yourself like that." Todoroki said. Katsuki felt like he was in heaven with the way Todoroki was talking. He probably wasn't going to keep it but the thoughts of him, the baby, and Todoroki being a family was amazing. Katsuki leaned back on Todoroki then sighed. "How many weeks are you?" Todoroki asked, and he couldn't help himself from rubbing Katsuki's stomach more. He felt the baby kick his hand and blushed. 

Katsuki felt the kicks then snickered. "28 weeks. Getting closer to my due date." Katsuki said, all of sudden Todoroki slowly lifted his stomach. All the weight Katsuki felt lifted too. The omega nearly moaned, he felt so much better. "T-thanks." He managed to get out without making too much noise. Katsuki took a deep breath then let Todoroki know he could put his belly down. Slowly the alpha did just that and Katsuki sighed. "Thank you. On that note, are you staying the night? I'm getting tired." Katsuki asked him, and he got up to turn off the light. Todoroki nodded his head then Katsuki unlocked the door. He gave Todoroki some clothes and showed him where the bathroom was. Once Todoroki was finished changing, he went back to Bakugou's room to see the omega was already in bed. He scooted beside him and cuddled Bakugou. This was their first time cuddling. 

"I love you Katsuki." Todoroki exclaimed as he drifted off to sleep. "Love ya too Shoto." 

To Be Continued...

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