Chapter 15

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After the rest of the visitors, Mitsuki and Masaru went back to their son. Aizawa joined them, and they continued to discuss Bakugou's physical treatment and other stuff. That's when the doctor broke the news to Aizawa. The teacher looked at him and sighed in frustration. "Well Katsuki, since you're pregnant, you have two choices. You could either redo this school year next year, or do extra classes in the next school year." Aizawa asked, Katsuki didn't even have to think about it. "Extra classes next year." Katsuki immediately answered. Aizawa answered, then looked at the doctor again. "He's starting physical therapy tomorrow right?" Aizawa asked, the doctor nodded. Everyone went quiet as they saw Katsuki finally fall asleep. He flinched awake a few times but just ended up going back to sleep. They talked about Katsuki's future quietly.

"He says he wants to give his baby up for adoption." Masaru told the three. Mitsuki sighed then looked at her son. "I don't blame him, his baby is just a reminder of this horrible accident." Mitsuki said, Aizawa looked back at Katsuki then hummed. "He'll probably keep it. Knowing Katsuki he'll have some connection with his baby and keep it." Aizawa said, looking at Katsuki. He was going to keep Katsuki's pregnancy a secret from the class for Katsuki. But he would have to pack up his dorm when he gets out of the hospital. After informing Katsuki's parents how the rest of his school year would go he left. Mitsuki sat back with his son and Masaru drove back to their house to pick up more of their stuff. The doctor left to deal with other patients. 

Out of nowhere Katsuki flinched awake. His breathing raced and he started crying. His mom quickly was able to calm him down and she sighed. "You got about an hour or two of sleep in hun." Mitsuki told her son. "I- I saw him... I don't wanna see him ever fucking again Mom." Katsuki whimpered while crying in his Mom's arms. Mitsuki sighed and just rubbed his back. This time Katsuki fought his sleep. Even if he already had one eye closed, he pinched himself awake. When the doctor came back to check on him, Katsuki sat up. "I want to do all the tests now..." Katsuki said to her. The doctor looked at him with worried eyes then smiled. "Are you sure, we want you to feel hundred percent comfortable?" The doctor asked just to be sure. "Yes, I just want to get it over with." He answered. The doctor looked at his Mom for approval. Mitsuki took a deep breath in and a deep breath out. "Yeah." She answered as well. 

"Alright, the first one is a check-up. You'll have to get undressed so I can check your burns, bruises, and stitches," She explained. "You can knock on the door when you're ready." She said, as she left the room. Katsuki took off his hospital gown. He closed his eyes in pain. He hated being naked now. He hated every single inch of his body. He looked down at his stomach to see the small bulge in his stomach and began to cry. He really was pregnant. "Hey, you can stop whenever you want Katsuki." His mother reminded him. The teen shook his head and took his deep breath. "I- I'm okay. Call her in here." Katsuki mumbled. Mitsuki nodded on the door and the doctor came in. She fixed Katsuki's bed so he lay back. She looked at the burns on his legs and saw they were getting better. The bruises were healthy. "Do you think you open your legs apart, Katsuki? I need to see how your stitches are healing?" The doctor asked. 

Katsuki nodded and closed his eyes. His legs trembled as he spread them apart. His mother held his hand and gave him words of encouragement as the doctor checked his stitches. "Alright they're all healing well. It looks like next weekend we can take your stitches off." She said as she closed Katsuki's legs. Mitsuki helped Katsuki sit up and hugged him. "You're okay sweetheart. See it was just a check-up. No one is going to hurt you there ever again." Mitsuki assured her son. They waited until Katsuki finished crying. He put his hospital gown on and sniffed. "Alright, the next one is an ultrasound so we can see if your baby is healthy. Is that okay Katsuki?" The doctor asked. Katsuki rolled his eyes and nodded. He hated that this was his baby. 

"Alright, I'll be right back." She said as she left the room. "Katsuki I know you don't really want the baby, but you can't act neglectful with your pregnancy." Mitsuki told him. Katsuki took a deep breath. He was so frustrated. He wanted it out, but it was too late for that. He just crossed his arms and sat back. Once the doctor came back, she had a machine with her. She hooked it up then brought out a tube. "Alright, just relax for me. I'm going to put this gel on you real quick. But it's going to be a little cold." She warned, but Katsuki didn't care. He just wanted this to be over. She put the gel on Katsuki's stomach and then put the wand on the gel. It didn't take long at all to find the baby. Everyone's eyes were fixated on the small baby on the screen. The heartbeat was loud and strong too. 

Mitsuki couldn't help but tear up from the sight. Katsuki was in shock. He didn't know what to say. The baby was healthy. The reality hit Katsuki hard. 

To Be Continued... 

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