Chapter 17

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After Katsuki got his stitches removed he was released from the hospital. He could walk perfectly normal and he was attending therapy classes every week. Today he had just reached 4 months pregnant, or 17 weeks. Aizawa was able to sneak Katsuki in U.A so he could pack his things.  "KACCHAN! YOU'RE BACK!" Katsuki heard a familiar voice yell. He turned around to see Midoriya running towards him. He was about to give him a big hug before Katsuki stopped him. "O-oh! Sorry I forgot... you look like you're doing better!" Midoriya said excitedly. Katsuki averted his eyes then walked back to his dorm. "Hey, are you leaving?" Midoriya asked him. The blonde nodded his head. "I'm going to be back during sophomore year, but I'm packing today." He said. 

"Can I help? I want to help you through everything. Even if that's babysitting the little one for you!" Midoriya said with a smile. Katsuki felt grateful for his friend's help. "I'm not keeping it. But you can move my shit out." Katsuki said, Midoriya bit his lip then nodded. They went to Katsuki's dorm. Katsuki kept his boxes and things so he just put his stuff back in his boxes. Midoriya helped with moving the boxes back and forth to his parents' car. Mitsuki and Masaru were talking to the principal about the rest of Katsuki's time at U.A. Midoriya and Katsuki took a short break when they got everything into boxes. The only thing that was left in the room was his bed and his dresser. They sat on the bed and Katsuki caught his breath. "Do you want me to go find some water?" Midoriya asked. Katsuki shook his head. 

"Does Todoroki know anything?" Katsuki asked Midoriya. The green haired male shook his head. "He told me y'all were dating, seeing as he hasn't taken any of this situation lightly, I've kept him away from the news. Have you talked to him since the hospital visit?" Midoriya exclaimed. Katsuki shook his head then rubbed his head. "Nope. Every time I even see an imagine of him in my head, I see Dabi. I don't know why. But I want to tell him, I just can't though. I'll freeze up. I'll see that villain again. Fuck!" Katsuki yelled. Midoriya put his hand on Katsuki's shoulder then sighed. "Just don't rush yourself Kacchan. When you think you're ready to see him, then you can tell him. I'll keep him from knowing until then." Midoriya said. Katsuki thanked him quietly then got up. "Get Kiri, he needs to help us move this bed." Katsuki said, getting too uncomfortable about the topic. 

"Alright!" Midoriya said, getting up and walking out of Katsuki's dorm. Katsuki bit his lip thinking about telling his boyfriend. Were they even together anymore? He got up and decided to join Midoriya in order to get Kirishima. 

To Be Continued...

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