Chapter 27

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A day later Katsuki was pumping his milk out so that the infant could feed. Since the baby was too small to actually breast or bottle feed, he was being fed in a feeding tube. Mitsuki taught Katsuki how to pump his milk and that's what he was doing. Todoroki was at home since he had to deal with all of his family drama. His father was getting ready for the baby to come home. They had to stay in the hospital for 10 days so they could make sure Katsuki's baby was healthy. Right now he is staying in the NICU. Katsuki and Shoto officially signed his birth certificate. That means he was officially the baby's mother and Todoroki was officially the baby's father. Now all he needed was to find a name for him. He was texting Shoto, the two were wondering what the name should be. Right now they decided that Kenji or Shigeo were the top names they were deciding over. 

About 10 minutes later, Todoroki entered the room. Katsuki quickly covered himself. Mistuki glared at Todoroki. The alpha looked at the two of them, embarrassed. "Sorry for not knocking. I just wanted to check up on Katsuki and the baby." Todoroki apologized. Katsuki felt embarrassed then just patted the bed, signaling for Todoroki to come sit. "You saw him? How is he? What is he doing?" Katsuki asked, knowing Todoroki probably stopped by the NICU. "Yeah, he was sleeping. They said that they started him on a pacifier so he could practice sucking. They also haven't finished documenting his final records." Todoroki answered. Katsuki broke a smile and let out a relieved sigh. He couldn't shake his nervous motherly tendencies since he gave birth. Mitsuki snickered, then sighed. "I'll leave you kids to talk, while I go check on him." Mitsuki said. She got up to leave and Katsuki rolled his eyes.

"I swear she hates you for no damn reason." Katsuki groaned, Shoto shrugged his shoulders. "I hope not. I'm really trying to impress her and also I don't care about you pumping milk or breastfeeding. Please don't be embarrassed by it." Todoroki told Katsuki. The blonde looked down at his chest then sighed. "Fine but don't stare." Katsuki said as he pulled the cover back down showing his chest to Todoroki. They were so much bigger than the last time he saw them, which was when they were training together. He stopped staring like promised but Katsuki could see the red blush on his face. "Anyways. For his name, we need to pick one soon." Katsuki said, he looked at the milk he was producing. He filled another bottle with milk and moved onto the next one. Todoroki hummed then shrugged. "I would prefer Shigeo." Todoroki stated to Katsuki. He liked that one a lot too. Then he smiled as he thought of the baby's full name.

"His last name too. I want it to be yours-" Katsuki was about to say before Todoroki interrupted him. "No. Give him yours. I would hate it if he had to grow up as a Todoroki." Shoto groaned, Katsuki didn't think about that. He nodded his head. Shoto smirked, "I'm marrying into your last name too." He said, Katsuki blushed and he weakly hit his shoulder. Katsuki knew Shoto wasn't joking. They kept talking about Shigeo as Katsuki finished pumping. He had a ton of milk, it wasn't even funny. He had 5 full bottles when he was finished. "Fucking finally. Damn baby better eat his weight up or I swear." Katsuki groaned in annoyance. Shoto suddenly gave Katsuki a hug. The blonde could tell Todoroki was nervous about being a father, most likely because of what's been happening with his own.

"I thought of an idea," Shoto said after a while of silence. "What if we told the media that Shigeo didn't survive. They already know you gave birth but they want to know if he's alive. I thought it might help with the media if we told them he died. I know it kinda makes the situation worse, with everything that was told but I don't know." Shoto explained, then gave up. He realized it sounded like a dumb idea, but Katsuki thought about it. They sat there in silence, Katsuki shook his head. "I think I can go along with it. Plus with the meeting with Shiego's adoptive parents tomorrow, it's better to come up with a plan." Katsuki informed him. He was still at risk of losing his son. He was going to fight for custody of Shigeo. 

To Be Continued...

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