Chapter 10

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Bakugou slowly breathed. He knew time had passed. Just not how much. He couldn't count the amount of times he's been used for his heat. The ripping hole got bigger and bigger. He's pretty sure he has an infection. But yet he can't do anything about it. He felt like he was on the edge of death. He was being induced into heat everyday, he was drugged so much it felt like he was high. Not to mention how he started puking. He was ready to die. It's been too long since anyone has come to save him. He really regretted being mean to everyone. He laid on the cold floor out of breath, sweating, crying, and trembling. Bakugou had been slowly befriending the other boy he met. He learned that his name was Ryu and a basic description of what his quirk  was.

As Bakugou began to close his eyes, he heard loud yelling. He paid close attention and listened carefully. "YOU'RE STARTING TO GET OUT OF HAND DABI! YOU CAN'T PULL OUT A KNOT DUMBASS?! YOU'LL KILL HIM AND I'M NOT GONNA HAVE U.A ON MY ASS!" He heard his friend yell. Bakugou gave a small smile as his friend stuck up for him. "I SAID IT BEFORE AND I'LL SAY IT AGAIN. I DO WHAT I WANT!" Dabi yelled before he heard Ryu screaming. The door opened and Dabi threw his friend inside. He locked the door behind him. Ryu saw the condition of Bakugou. "I- I'm sorry." He said as he crawled over to the teen. Bakugou stayed quiet, not knowing what to say in response. "I think Nagata can still hear this far away." He mumbled as he pulled out a whistle. He blew it repeatedly. After a while nobody came.

"I'll take these off for you." Ryu said, he began undoing his chains. Bakugou didn't do anything but lay there. He got into the fetus position. Ryu took off his jacket and put it around Bakugou. The blonde felt tired. "Thanks for helping me." Bakugou said, he lost his voice from  screaming. Ryu scoffed and shook his head. "You wouldn't be in this mess if it weren't for me fucking up. I got caught by a hero and Dabi saved me. Now we're here." Ryu said. Bakugou didn't say anything. Hours passed. Every couple of minutes Ryu would pull out the whistle and blow it. He was hoping his friend would come but it didn't work. 

The two boys were sleeping. Suddenly, the door opened and a girl was thrown in. "Nagata?!" Ryu yelled in surprise. He ran over to his friend and helped her up. "Ugh, I was on my way to save you. He found me and just threw me in here. But I knew about the situation so I sent a message to U.A." Nagata said, Bakugou saw she had dark purple hair. She had glasses that were now cracked. "I always still got my things so I can patch-" She took a look at Bakugou then gasped. She ran over to him and put her hand on his forehead. "A fever. Really Ryu? One of U.A's top students?" She yelled, Ryu laughed embarrassingly. "I owed him, but I definitely regret it." Ryu explained. Nagata sighed and looked at Bakugou. 

"Your school is coming to save you soon. The rip is too big for the things I have so I can't really medically help, but I got an ice pack, water, and a heating pad." 

To Be Continued... 

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