Chapter 6

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Bakugou stayed up. He kept coming up with different plans. He was able to keep his muzzle off so he was able to keep himself sane. Not only that but he just seemed to realize how much bruises and cuts he had. He didn't know what to do. He didn't know where he was? He could be in a whole different country. The thought sickened Bakugou. He wanted to go home. He hates to say it but he missed his Mom, Dad, friends, teacher, and his boyfriend. He couldn't help but wonder what his boyfriend was thinking. He can't give up. If not for him, then for his boyfriend, for Shoto. He makes a lot of noise and screams for help. Dabi walked into the room, he turned the little light on and gave his infamous creepy smile. "Bad morning. Today's the day." Dabi said, as he walked over to Bakugou then grabbed his hair. 

"Ugh, I guess I got to get you cleaned up. I don't like my prey rotten." Dabi said, smelling the stench of the teen's piss. "Try that shit after today and your dead bitch." He growled. He left the room to grab some things. Bakugou had a miniature celebration in his head. Dabi also left the door open. Bakugou could see where he was. He was in some type of house. He could also hear another voice. "Come on dammit! Remember you owe me your fucking life! If I say you have to clean his piss, you'll fucking clean it or do you not love your life anymore?!" Dabi yelled from the other room. The other voice growled and then there was a loud banging sound. "JUST BECAUSE I SAID I'D OWE YOU MY LIFE DOESN'T MEAN YOU CAN GO FUCK ME OVER LIKE ONE OF YOUR SLUTS!" The voice yelled. Bakugou flinched as the person walked in the room with a mop bucket and a mop. 

The guy was the same the villain with the grapple hook quirk. He had dirty blonde hair and was dark skinned. He bent down and pouted. "Look bro, I'm no villain and I definitely ain't no hero. So let's make both of our lives easier and don't do shit like this again. I can even give you info on how to leave if you just keep Dabi out my fucking hair." He said. Bakugou shook his head and let out a relieved breath. "Deal." Bakugou whispered. "Good, now I'm not tryna die. So you're gonna have to breathe in some sleepy bye bye real quick until you're all clean up." He said, covering Bakugou's nose and mouth with a rag. Bakugou didn't squirm as he didn't want to break the guy's trust. 

But then the worst happened. Bakugou woke up hot. The room seemed to be melting him. Not only that but every muscle hurt. Sorta like... his heat. He let out a loud whine. It was the worst pain in his life. He screamed in pain. Dabi walked into the room and bit his lip. "Just what I like." He growled, in a deviant manner. Even in heat, Bakugou didn't want Dabi. Bakugou wanted his alpha. Where was his alpha?

To Be Continued...

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